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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Yoga pants seem to be in among the mommy set. I see lots of moms with kids out and about in those.
  2. She's the one being unreasonable. I might would pick her up or something, but I wouldn't be doing all of the driving. The bride or the boyfriend should be helping out. Can't your daughter pay for a cab or something?
  3. Wallet with all the normal items Wipes 2 diapers Hand sanitizer Epipen Post it notes for stopping auto flush toilets Few snacks Pen and small notepad My iPhone Foundation and lip gloss Comb Small spray bottle of water (to wet kids hair to comb it) Female items Motrin Kids itouches 3 year olds glasses case Usually a few of the kids toys Gum Pocket knife
  4. When I hear those things, I just have to laugh at how completely clueless those people are.
  5. My 6 year old DD would have a heart attack if I tossed all of her papers that day. I keep everything that we do for the whole year. I have small file box that I label a seperate folder for each subject. When DD finishes something, I file it in there. I keep everything for a few reasons. One is just in case the county ever asks for a portfolio. Two is so that DD doesn't freak out LOL. And three is so that I can go back over her progress if I want to. At the end of the year I choose what I want to put into a manilla envelope and that's what I save.
  6. My 6 year old thought about being an owl but has since changed her mind. We were thinking of using one of these: click here . But I was going to see if they had it in brown. Then I was going to get brown pants and a brown shirt. I was unsure about the wings though.
  7. I am SO glad to hear that your family is okay! I hope the situation is controlled before they can harm anyone.
  8. Oh no! That is terrible! Please keep us updated....I hope that she recovers quickly. Is it viral or bacterial? Do you know if she was vaccinated against it? That's a fear of mine since we do not vaccinate. If my kids decide to attend college, I may have them vaccinated against it in spite of our aversion to vaccines.
  9. I'd definitely do a small SUV. A CRV is a good idea. A family member just purchased a Hyundai Santa Fe that they really like.
  10. My sister, who just turned 17, had a Minute to Win It party. It was SO much fun!!! Have you ever watched the show on TV? You use ordinary household items to complete challenges. We did prizes and everything. You could invite both friends and family since it can appeal to all ages. If you click my blog link and scroll down, you will see photos from the party.....it's the ones where we are doing crazy things LOL. If you go to the Minute to Win It website, they even give instructions for all the games, as well as the materials you need to do the challenge.
  11. I am the opposite of a pack rat, even though I do balk once I put things in a box to give away or sell. But once it is gone and out of the house, I never regret it.
  12. The one that I have is a printer/copier/scanner.....but I just have it set up in the computer room with no computer attached. I use it for copies only. It's only $32 at walmart.com!! When I saw the price I couldn't believe it would actually work well. But I read all the awesome reviews that it got and decided to try it out.....I could always return it. I love my copier!!! I use it several times daily. I love that I don't even have to buy color ink for it in order for it to work. I just use the black and it is only $20 to replace it. And it lasts!! It is this one: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Canon-Pixma-MP250-Photo-All-In-One-Inkjet-Printer-Copier-Scanner/12534987
  13. I know that most software can be purchased at a significant discount for teachers and students. Can homeschoolers get this discount? If so, what would I use to show for i?
  14. We did this for my grandparents about two years ago. They loved it!! I'm glad that your parents enjoyed themselves!
  15. I hope that you get some answers for your son! I just wanted to add that a bad gallbladder doesn't necessarily have to show up on a scan or MRI. Last summer my dad was in severe stomach pain, throwing up, etc. We took him to the ER, where they ran all sorts of tests. They did an ultrasound of his gallbladder, did an MRI, etc. Nothing showed up with regards to his gallbladder. They were ready to send him home just after he ate, but his stomach began hurting again....severely. It was always after he ate. They went in for the gallbladder anyways and turns out, it was bad. That was over a year ago and he hasn't had stomach pains since.
  16. Honestly, I think being sheltered is a huge compliment. I guess that it can mean different things but I see it as someone who hasn't had their innocence snatched away by the world yet. My kids are sheltered, but they are only 6 and 3. They don't know that cuss words exist, are not exposed to much television, the people they spend time with is monitored......basically, anything that could negatively influence them is carefully evaluated. They don't know of a lot of "worldly" things.
  17. Ugh, I can't even think of those things crawling at night. I am terrified of bugs being on me as I sleep. What if they go in my ear? Up my nose? In my mouth? I have the heebie jeebies now! We are going to Disney next month but we will be staying in our own camper....thank goodness!
  18. I think it is probably just the age. My DD is six too. She's a nervous/anxious child as well. DH is flying to out of state to visit family soon and was going to take DD with him. She was excited at first.....her first chance on an airplane, going to see cousins, etc. Now she's changed her mind. She wants to stay at home with me. She's never been away from me except for one night overnights at my mom's house (who, just like you, lives right around the corner....she goes over there frequently, and I even have a 17 year old sister and my mom homeschools her). DD has a speech disorder as well. I think we have the same kid and same family LOL. But I really think it is just the age. Six is still very young.
  19. I waited all day the first time I found out LOL. I tested that morning and it was positive. I ventured out to the store and purchased several pregnancy books. When DH got home I said "Look at the books I bought!" He did a half glance and said something like "Yeah, cool." I paused and said "Did you ACTUALLY READ the titles?" He looked over again and then the light bulb went off in his head LOL.
  20. I didn't read all the responses, but it bugs when when families share an email address. I never send along bad things, but there are some things....if I am talking about an issue or needing advice....that I really don't want kids to be reading, or the woman's DH. If she wants to share the issue with her DH, that's fine, but I just don't want him randomly opening my email to her.
  21. Yeah, 40 pounds in the minimum weight for a booster seat. We have the Britax Regent which goes up to like 80 pounds in a 5 point harness. Both DD's will stay in that until they outgrow it. 5 points are safer than a booster.
  22. I'd rather be Miss (or Mrs) FirstName. I don't like being called by my last name and I don't like people saying "yes ma'am" to me either.
  23. We buy all sorts of stuff online. For one, I don't have to stop with two young kids. For two, I can find more variety....as well as cheaper prices....than buying around town. I'd see if Amazon has the "look inside" feature on this particular book. I'd read reviews, etc. And if you want to buy it, I'd just buy it.
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