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Everything posted by MFG

  1. Another's consumption of alcohol may not effect her or her children physically, but OP appears to believe that it will negatively effect them spiritually. Are only physical ill effects "real" and spiritual ones are not?
  2. Damsels in distress, waiting to be rescued by ... Tom Cruise???
  3. Did anyone else have a Tammy doll? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DUzv-nlclsQ/SBjfowUYYjI/AAAAAAAAAik/i3E4YMeK1ac/s1600-h/toys+tammy+doll.jpg I realize I am dating myself horribly but Tammy did have much more realistic proportions.
  4. I blame Sister Wives. At least for me, the show was a pop culture introduction into a whole area of history that I had previously not known. Who has 'legitimate' claim to a title can get tricky. And the zeitgeist today is to affirm that everyone can define himself because we prioritize the individual over the group. I am reminded of a quote I heard by a contemporary historian, "History is nobody's friend". The unvarnished history of any group (even my own) is not as clear, noble and pristine as we like to believe it is. I try to remember that when reading historical claims.
  5. You're welcome. I know I saw that movie at one time but I don't remember any details about it. Just the two tiger cubs rang a bell.
  6. Two Brothers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Brothers
  7. The first dress is the same style dd wore at her wedding last month.
  8. I feel the same way about some of the things posted on Facebook.
  9. We have a friend from Australia who did not like New Zealand olive oil. He said it tasted 'green' because, with the cooler climate, the olives never ripened as completely. The oil did have a sharper taste. Maybe something similar is the case with your oil?
  10. I just saw this on Pintrest and it seems relevant. http://pinterest.com/pin/424253227367359357/
  11. I don't remember exactly but Hey Jude by the Beatles was an early one.
  12. Reading the speech is interesting. It is like being beaten about the head and shoulders with Rand's philosophy.
  13. That could take months just to get through John Galt's speech!
  14. My only daughter was married a little over two weeks ago. I love color also and wore this http://shop.nordstrom.com/S/adrianna-papell-tiered-chiffon-dress/3101760?origin=category&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=DARK+TEAL&resultback=2419. Eta: I agree that many Mother of the Bride dresses look dreadful.
  15. Can we play "spot the Marmite"?
  16. An interesting YA book about the treatment of Jews in Russia during WWII is The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig.
  17. My inspiration is Jamie Lee Curtis. http://people.zap2it.com/p/jamie-lee-curtis/photo-gallery-detail/29426/246320?aid=zap2it My hair is a similar color and style. Mine is more silver at the temples.
  18. Retail or food service on late afternoon/ evening/ weekend shifts?
  19. MFG


    Since I never have occasion to use these I thought they would fit here €. £. ¥
  20. Have you heard of the horrors of MARMAGEDDON??? http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/03/20/marmageddon-new-zealand-faces-shortage-of-marmite-spread/
  21. Great! Youngest dd was married on Friday, we had time to visit with family on Saturday, relaxing Sunday with beautiful weather and today started cleaning, organizing and putting away wedding decorations.
  22. Until she starts showing her work, I would not even correct it, so she would not know which ones were wrong. Teaching math is teaching a thinking process. Getting the correct answer is incidental to that. If the process and the computations are correct the answer will be right. But it is possible to have a fluke problem where the thinking is all messed up but somehow the answer comes out right. In that case, the answer is 'right' but the problem is still 'wrong'.
  23. Many college have social events, dances, movies, coffee shops, that are open to all students. If she wants, she can attend events of this type. Was the specific dance you mentioned of this type? If that is the case, she would not need an invitation, as a student of the college, she is already invited. Did her friends go as a group or with dates? Maybe that would not be the most comfortable time to start putting oneself forward, but more casual, mixed group events might work. If she she sees or hears something advertised she could suggest to her friends that they go together. Living off campus means she may need to plan more. I guess the questions is, is it important enough to her to put in the effort? I hope she is able to find the level of involvement with which she is comfortable.
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