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Everything posted by MFG

  1. No, no, no!!! I need a Mercedes Benz! (My friends all drive Porshes...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORGaACYbAk0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. I think you miss my point. I don't think the video is a good or useful message. It seems designed to raise vague doubts and fears but does nothing to point to Christ or assure us to put our faith in Him. Instead we are to look to ourselves to see if we are *ready*. The focus is all wrong.
  3. I thought the video seemed to be targeted at people who aren't "saved," as a warning. Actually, I think the target audience of the video is people within the church who are not *really* saved. They are suppose to reflect upon whatever it is that they think or do incorrectly and change it quickly! Just what those things are is a mystery that the video does not make clear.
  4. Dh is a product manager at a biomedical supply company. He has a PhD.
  5. Gaming parents? Well, I gamed my parents. I hope I'm not being gamed.
  6. I have always thought such stunts were dumb. They also have nothing to do with teaching the Christian faith.
  7. We can always count on you to cut right to the chase!
  8. Not much of an arch. They are more for fashion than comfort. Lol
  9. I got this pair on clearance last spring. http://www.sarenza.co.uk/mustang-shoes-brieu-s755084-p0000020974 I don't know how they would work with your PF.
  10. While it is true that daytime temps in Auckland are usually around 10C, it is also important to realize that the cold is often a damp cold. That can make it feel much chillier than the temp might indicate. Also, one of the biggest surprises I had coming to Auckland from the US was finding out that buildings do not have central heating. I had lived my whole life up to that point in the northern US and so was use to much colder temps, but still I found that many buildings here were colder than I had expected. I spent July and August last year in layers of clothing.
  11. :iagree: I wonder how people's opinion of DST is affected by where they live within their time zone?
  12. Boots are very popular here (Auckland area). I have seen a few people wearing them already and the season is just starting to turn. They are mostly fashion boots, not insulated winter styles.
  13. I am not exactly sure what I had. I know I have had tetanus shots and remember polio and measles. I have also had smallpox because it was required before I started school. My grandfather was a retired MD and he gave me the vaccination. I was probably 5yo at the time.
  14. 2.12/liter in Auckland, New Zealand. That would be well over $8.00/gallon in the US.
  15. Jamie Lee Curtis is my inspiration. My hair color and cut are very similar. If she can look great with short gray hair so can I!
  16. Both radishes and lettuce are easy and give quick results. Neither needs much growing space.
  17. Two weeks is the limit for both of us. We have been married 30+ years.
  18. I am surprised no one has mentioned the worst book of 2011, The Land of Painted Caves by Jean Auel.
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