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Everything posted by fraidycat

  1. Upset, no. Maybe (internally) disappointed that I missed out on the experience, but in reality, I'm drowning in gratitude that someone would watch my kid for WEEKS and that my kid had a good time.
  2. I'm glad that the day went well and was a good reminder to you that he touched many lives and you are loved and supported. Floating is the only thing you need to do right now. Your whole existence has been blasted apart and it will take a long while before your parts and pieces come back together into some semblance of a new "normal". Big, big hugs.
  3. Nature's Miracle or other enzyme based cleaner. Spray on, cover in plastic to keep it wet and let it sit. Hopefully the Turtle Wax cleaner didn't have any "sealers" in it that sealed the odor in more, or you may need something stronger to break down that to get back to the chicken sludge.
  4. That is great! Wishing them a safe journey. I hope your DS feels better soon.
  5. fraidycat


    Yes, I'd love to see a picture as well. Congratulations! What kind of gift are you or your family giving you for your retirement?
  6. Ask other people to report it as impersonation. Instagram is usually pretty good about shutting them down quickly.
  7. Sweet, lovable family pets... up to that point. It needs to be said again. I personally know two people that their "wouldn't hurt a flea" pits killed another pet in the home. Not that I know OF these people, but actually speak to the people. One of them was a very pro-pitty breeder. It was his favorite dog. But back to the point of the post. I'm sure the dog would be fine with joint custody as long as training and house-rules are consistent. Especially if they are a dog that loves human attention - having access to humans all day and evening would be a dream come true for it.
  8. I'd most likely just get queen bedding and some sheet straps. Queen bedding will be re-useable in other places more often than full XL will be. https://www.amazon.com/Criss-Cross-Bed-Sheet-Holder-Straps/dp/B072ZV7JSM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=XJ9QTACI9ZJ5&keywords=bed+sheet+straps&qid=1690492516&sprefix=bed+sheet+stra%2Caps%2C196&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1
  9. I would "re-donate" the money and let it go, but I wouldn't assume ill intention by the boss. It's possible the money was put in the box with a note/envelope that said "tip for guide Saraha", too.
  10. This. I love reading and hated English class. Also find history interesting now and am so pissed that school ruined history for me.
  11. Thinking of you, Melissa and hoping the doctors can figure it out and get you on the mend soon. Also thinking of your family as they must all be so worried. Sending you and yours all the good vibes I've got. Hugs.
  12. Mowing, powerwashing, car detailing and other "transformational" videos can suck me in for way too long. I usually speed them up, but still... it's easier to watch othet people work than do my work. 😂
  13. To answer this question yourself, just take a stroll through a furniture store and look at new dressers. Drawers are made to hold about 3 pairs of underwear before collapsing under the weight. Exteriors are mostly veneered and plasticky looking, the offgassing smell is nauseating, and they are asking $$$ for this crap. If you want good, real wood furniture, it's going to cost.
  14. If I'm not mistakem, these ladies WERE in a VIP booth - paid big money to be there and their standing up did not block anybody else's view because of the VIP set up. That is what I've seen and heard on social media, so I could be wrong. In any case, it seems that ML forgot WHO pays her paychecks. Without fans there isn't a paycheck. Her ego may be getting a large reality check soon.
  15. No kids, no DH, nobody else to worry about or take care of for only one day... I would do nothing that resembled work of any kind. Laying on the couch, staring at the wall and enjoying the silence would be a good start. If I mustered any gumption to do anything else, I might read a book or watch a show or movie. But the priority would be rest and relaxation.
  16. (((HUGS))) Every one of those things is a responsibility/burden. Add them all up and it is A LOT for one person to carry. I'm so sorry that the weight of your whole world is all on your shoulders right now. That really sucks so much. I think we have all BTDT to varying degrees. I wish I was close enough to just give you a hug and my shoulder to cry on. In the absence of arms, I find a nice hot shower a good place to cleanse the soul with tears... and snot.
  17. I was an eloper. In a very large city, we had just arrived to visit relatives at their house, my mom walked into the house to pee and left me in the driveway with Dad, my brother, and the relatives. Everyone was talking and distracted by unloading luggage out of the trunk. I was 16ish months old. Mom came out of bathroom and asked where I was. They fanned out searching for me and my older cousin found me 4 blocks away, about to venture out onto the highway with 8 lanes of traffic. I think I gave my parents a little bit of PTSD with that experience. My mom still sounds a little scared when she tells the story to this day and I'm 47 years old.
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