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Everything posted by justLisa

  1. Dang that would be awesome if mine were younger! I just might have to pick this up for a gift
  2. Maybe something with dye fell in? A piece of red paper, or cloth. Something like that sitting in vinegar would turn red I think
  3. Awwwww what a good thing to remember. We are huggers here too
  4. I'm right there with you. I can't pick ds up anymore :crying:
  5. My kid asks me for things like a mini fridge, microwave, and coffee pot for his room. Well he did not specify for Christmas but I had to break it to him last year he would not be getting those things. This year my dd wants a gymnastics bar for home and a two thousand dollar parrot. ds wants a segway. I asked him where would you get one and does he know how much those cost. He said "I looked it up and I don't think they are more than Sarah's parrot and bar combined." Apparently they have been feeding a money tree somewhere.
  6. I was so huge. I remember that. I should have thought to tie a giant towel around myself or just wear a plastic smock all the time
  7. That is no joke. I have that $300 All clad one. The insert bubbled up and peeled away after a few uses. They would not replace it. And hundreds of online reviews said the same thing.
  8. That is a horrible tragedy and such a good point. I had never even thought of that
  9. I am getting a Nikon5100. Costco has them right now with rebates
  10. Maybe he just really likes the kitty? I don't know much about cats but I do know once you piss them off they don't really like you very much. Maybe you could focus on what he CAN do with kitty instead of just telling him to leave it alone
  11. We are not there yet, but I am saying 6th. I am using IEW until then, and we have completed WWE2 and working on 3.
  12. Everything will be just fine :grouphug:
  13. These stories are hilarious. I remember when I bought dd this Christmas collector Barbie last year and she said it would be so cool if my hair looked like that :lol: I'll bet that Russian human Barbie did that to herself because she wasn't allowed to have one :tongue_smilie:
  14. :smilielol5::smilielol5: I'm going to sleep. I cannot keep up with your fashion forward sense :crying: Maybe tomorrow after I have slept.
  15. Oh Denise. You must not be working hard enough :toetap05: Seriously . Come ON you women. I mean I have time to make everything from scratch, educate my kids, transport them to and fro 4 times a week, all while maintaining a size 2 and giving BJ's after hourse. PUUUU LEEAZE. You freaking whiners. Pfffft.
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