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Everything posted by justLisa

  1. Ugh that just sucks. I remember our last insurance for medial SUCKED. They didn't cover anything and it was so expensive. WE had a high deductable. I had to pay $500 for my IUD. DH switched jobs 2 months later and of course they 100% cover that :glare: Orthodontics are just so expensive
  2. That is great. Man pneumonia just stinks. I'm so glad for you it wasn't that!
  3. For pasta 1tblsp of butter and flour per one cup of milk is right. So you'd want 2 of each butter/flour and 2 cups milk. You will toss it together and the pasts will soak up a bit anyways so you don't want it too thick. Melt the butter, and sprinkle the flour, and stir on low hear for about 30 seconds-1 minute. Just until it turns a golden color and you can smell it. Then pour in the milk and whisk for a few minutes until thick. A pinch of salt and pepper.
  4. I am using a MAC, but I have adobe. This is just so strange
  5. So many factors in that. You should call a few contractors to come bid the job. Sometimes it is worth it to demo yourselves, sometimes not.
  6. I hope one of those pan out. :grouphug:
  7. I'm looking at page 85 , MM5A on decimals. It says write the number illustrated by the picture in two ways, as a decimal and in two ways as a fraction...... Then it says picture a. picture b. Well there is no picture. Am I missing something or just brain dead today? It's the same deal with page 83. Are you just supposed to make some up?
  8. There is a local place with fried chicken. They have THE best fried chicken livers and these red mashed herb potatoes. I could drink their gravy. We splurge once every couple of months and get food there. And instead of biscuits they have these brioche rolls. MMmmmm
  9. My 8 year old loves his camera. He takes videos wtih it, too.
  10. I'm pretty sure there is no way to just eat one slice of bacon
  11. Well on the other hand you could have new pup for holiday pictures :001_smile: I don't know about the travel part. Does a new dog get really stressed wtih traveling?
  12. Aw you must really love your kitty. I don't see how it could hurt to at least try it
  13. $3.49 per bird. 9-11 birds. I mean for the sake of sanity that is not bad!!!
  14. OMG you are one of those :glare: :lol: Well when I go to Nordstrom that is basically almost every single pair!
  15. This is adorable, sad, and funny all at the same time. :grouphug: I'm sure you will figure it out
  16. I just saw fully roasted and packaged turkeys at Trader Joe's. I have to admit I was tempted
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