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Everything posted by justLisa

  1. I think I could eat an entire pecan pie by myself. I can't wait until tomorrow. I am going to starve until then so I can eat extra :laugh:
  2. Ugh my son changes his boxers and socks about a hundred times a day I swear
  3. I LOVE those talent shows. The kids and I watch them.
  4. I feel too busy but that is because I am providing the right level of busy for 4 different people.
  5. OUCH. I've done that. I'm glad I finished my coffee. I'm answering no. No I don't want to discuss it, and no I don't lend my children one. They each have an Ipad. Neener neener
  6. LOL. That's the same with mine. He gets very emotional. He is intense all around. I guess I'm sort of lilke that though.
  7. I LOVE cranberry sauce. Mine is fancy. I use lots of spice and orange zest.
  8. I LOVE Playmobil. IT's so cute. And fun. I could sit there posing the stuff for hours.
  9. If this ever happens again scream REALLY loud. Then you'll be that "lady in that house who screams if you walk in uninvited."
  10. I like warm cozy colors in large spaces. BM Jicama or SW crescent cream are my favorites.
  11. reading outloud, finger painting, puzzles, that kind of thing. I don't know what else you'd do with a 2 year old. Mine kind of just followed me around and dinkered with whatever I was doing.
  12. This is what I am hoping for LOL...kidding. But yeah he's never leaving me. I think he will be a fine catch. As will DD. They are both perfectly quirky
  13. Well at least you have a plan? I was looking at the cupcakes.
  14. This is hilarious. I know you're joking. My son is the opposite of most boys. He complains to shower, but only because he is busy. He is OBSESSED with being clean and germs. He keeps alcohol wipes in his nightstand. I had to make him stop asking people when visiting if they washed their hands after using the washroom. It was pretty bad. He agreed, but asked me to please get strongly scented hand soap so he could smell people's hands instead. I said ok but don't make it obvious. Once he had a friend over and the kid obviously wasn't in their long enough. He asked to smell his hands. I was pretty embarassed. It's like having a germ watch dog in the house. At my mother's house he tells the nieghbor kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds before playing the Playstation. It's kind of hilarious. Somehow he doesn't sound obnoxious though. He says it's a house rule LOL
  15. Well personally I don't want DD dwelling and praying about the future boy she will meet and marry. That is kinda creepy to me. And I am NOT raising ds to be someone's perfect husband. That's just not on my check list right now. I am raising them to be strong individuals. Not someone for someone else. But being not religious may have something to do with that. I actually didn't know religous people have their girls pray about future husbands so young.
  16. I don't think I want my dd thinking that much about a future husband. DS uses a fork and knife better than most adults I know. We are weird and eat everything wtih a fork and knife. We just always have. Though he asks me every single day if he needs to take a shower. I wonder why he does this. Maybe hoping the answer will change? I dunno. He's the sweetest kid ever though. And he is so strong. He can pick me up. He's only 8.5. THere's a 10 year old girl with a crush on him. She is HORRIBLE. And loud, and obnoxious.....
  17. My mother makes two things that are very int eresting with jello. I laugh hysterically every Thanksgiving. She and my sister eat it. One is called glorified rice. I think this has something to do with my grandmother's obsession with everything being righteous and of the Lord, so she gave everything a Christian name. glorified rice is cold rice, lemon jello, and some other things I am not sure. Oh and Cool Whip and pinenapple chunks. And then there is pineapple delight. This is again, lemon Jello, crumbled angel food cake (or something like that), cool whip, pineapple chunks and I'm sure some other things. I am pretty sure she just keeps making these because it was the one positive thing she had during child hood. Lemon Jello I guess.
  18. Wow I voted for all except 3 things. Peanut butter jelly, corn and chocolate cake BECAUSE THOSE ARE NOT TURKEY DAY FOODS YOU IDIOTS!!!!! So joking. I am tolerant of anyone's crazy turkey day fair. As long as you have turkey or something in place of for the main dish, and pie. And potatoes. And stuffing. Or something to replace those things. I LOVE turkey and Thanksgiving!!
  19. Garlic infused olive oil and salt. Sometimes a bit of pecorino
  20. Just FYI, the TWWS is basically instruction for teaching the program. You could teach them together. It teaches you how to gather your own source material, and provides materials for each topic of writing in the program. It could be all you buy for more than one year. However long you use it. I plan to use it for a few years.
  21. I always suggest IEW. I just love it. My kids never complain anymore
  22. That was the best investment I've made for cooing anything.
  23. It's a joke every single year. I called her to say I found a 22 pound, and she said we have to keep lookin cause she already passed up one slightly bigger. It is getting ridiculous
  24. I don't know, because mine always woke up to nurse. I just don't think most babies can sleep all night without the tap. That said, I slept with mine, and just rolled over for a few minutes and dozed back off. I probably slept more of the night with a baby latched on.
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