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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I have the same challenge with my 10 year old ds. There are just not a lot of 10 year old boys where I live. He does have one good friend (but he does not get home from school until after 4) and another one that I can not stand (he is not a good friend in any way) so I limit contact there. He is happy and he will play with anyone-no matter there age but I do wish I could find for him that circle of friends where you go places together and just roam around town with.
  2. I love these tips. I have never successfully made sugar cookies. Even the slice and bake thwart my efforts.
  3. Prepared foods are taxable. Chocolate can be eaten right away and therefore can be taxed.
  4. I believe he crosses over into what I would call penny wise and pound foolish.
  5. Is your endocronologist checking both your T4 and T3 levels? There is a lot of information here http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/ that may help.
  6. I love my pc stoneware. I stopped to think about how much I have. 10pc. To think, it all started when my neighbor gave me her pizza stone. I do what the pp does. Oil it up and heat in the oven the first time. It can go into a cold oven but I usually need to prehat the oven for whatever I am cooking.
  7. Bon Ami. Wet the stove, sprinkle it on, elbow grease and a wet sponge.
  8. I have found dooing a 2nd conditioner rinse while dd is in the shower seems to do the trick.
  9. Color me hokey. I like it when everyone matches. Coordinating colors are acceptable in my world. This year we will be coordinating becasue I did not have an opportunity to get something hokey for everyone.
  10. I send my husband off to social events without me frequently. If I know I will not have a good time I tell him to tell the host we could not get a sitter and I stay home. If he really wants me ther he will usually tell me he will make sure I will have fun. Our 16th anniversary is this weekend so I guess this has been working for us.
  11. The video is designed to go with the lesson you are using. I am not sure how it would work as a supplement to another curriculum.
  12. Me to a tee. The amount of mental prep for me is exhausting. My 100% extrovert husband does not get it.
  13. I think having them close in age can increase the odds of them being friends but it would not be my sole reason for having children. My sister and I are 3.5 years apart and we are not friends. Growing up we had as little to do with one another as possible. Same for my dh and his sister-they are 4 years apart. We had our kids 2 years apart in the hopes that they would grow up and be friends and also because at one point we thought we wanted more than 2 kids and I was already in my 30's when we started our family. I think personality and life experiences are big factors in forming friendships with siblings. Along with a whole host of other things.
  14. My dd is not really a doll girl but has had the same request because friends have them. I told her she was welcome to save her money and buy one herself because I did not see the sense in spending that kind of money on something she would rarely play with. So far, it has not been important enough to her.
  15. Turner toys? http://www.turnertoys.com/Folk_Toys/wooden_folk_toys.htm
  16. Our afternoons look something like this: Mon: 1:30-2:15 -Swimming 2:30-3:15 -Gym Class Go home and play with friends who are now home from school Tues: Sometimes a scheduled activity (today we are going to a local wildlife center) or errands i.e. I need to go grocery shopping 3:45 - 5:45-Hebrew School Wed: Sometimes a scheduled activity (such as the library)/errands and independent play/reading until friends get home from school. Thurs: Sometimes a scheduled activity or errands. 3:45 - 5:45-Hebrew School Fri: Field Trip/and independent play/reading until friends get home from school. Afternoons are usually left up to them once household chores are done. Sometimes they play together, sometimes they do there own thing. My two are 8 and 10 if that makes a difference.
  17. I have not bought from craigslist but I have sold, given away, and found babysitter's using it.
  18. The 5 things I cook most often for dinner: pasta chicken & rice chicken parm eggs-any style tomato soup & grilled cheese
  19. My plan is to break on the 19th and return to formal lessons on Jan. 5th. But you know what they say: Man plans, G-d laughs.
  20. This one is a hit in our house: The family loves when I make chicken soup because they know this chicken salad will follow. 3 cups chicken, diced 1 rib celery chopped. Sometimes I replace the celery with a carrot. 2-3 teaspoons chopped dill salt & pepper to taste 2 Tbl. fresh lemon juice 1 cup of mayo. Mix chicken, celery, salt, pepper, and dill together . Mix lemon juice and mayo together. Add to chicken. Sometimes I add slivered almonds.
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