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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My status update last night was that I learned that 13 year old boys can be pickier about the clothes you are generously purchasing for them than an 11 year old girl. How many of you find that annoying?
  2. My dh would do it. I would not want him too. That is an image I do not need or want.
  3. I think it depends on the kid. My son was fully trained at 2. My daughter-not so much. She just didn't care if she peed on the floor. She thought it was a great puddle for jumping.
  4. Trader Joe's carries their private label sunflower seed butter.
  5. When mine were younger I subscrbed. I found it to be worth the $20.
  6. I tried. I tried from a couple of different farms. The kids didn't like it. Dh liked the cream on top. Now I stick to raw milk cheese.
  7. Things that annoy me on facebook: 1. Vaguebooking is my new favorite word. It really gets my knickers in a twist. Either say what it is or don't post it. I hate when people are begging for comments. 2. All slactivism 80% of you won't repost this nonsense. 3. Whining Sometimes, I want to remind my friends that it is a status update, not a diary. Other then those few things, I love keeping up with friends and family and getting a little glimpse into their lives.
  8. What is next? Sixteen Candles? The horror! The horror of it all! That said, we sound just like my parents did every time a remake was made of one their classic movies.
  9. If you don't want to go raw I would suggest Holistic Select, Blue Buffalo, or Wellness. For my dog, I rotate between these 3 brands of dry dog food (whichever I have a coupon for) and mix it with raw. I would love to do all raw for my dog but at 75lbs that is too much for our budget.
  10. To a degree I suppose I agree with this. It really depends on what you as a couple think are important for your relationship. For certain neither dh or I are the same as when we married. But, I do feel there is a certain obligation to be the best you can be during lifes different phases. I try to change out of my lazy pants before dh comes home. When I make an effort to be somewhat presentable (and the house looking a little picked up) when he gets home his transtion from work to home is more peaceful.
  11. First day of school starts with the First Day of School Mug Shot. Fondly called that because each child holds a sign stating the date and grade. Then they cook their own breakfast and then we crack open the books.
  12. My son has various tics that come and go. They are a byproduct of his trichotillomania. He takes a dose of 5HTP and Inositol powder daily. When I stay on top of him to take it the tics are dramatically reduced. When the symptoms are at their worst he keeps a journal of when he is doing it and for how long. It helps him to be aware of the situation. Here is the most important (and most difficult) thing to do. Do not be the tic police. You want to be but you can't. He has to want to stop. No amount of reminding, prodding, threatening, etc. will get him to stop and will probably make it worse.
  13. I have ordered their coconut oil. I have never had any problems and the oil is great.
  14. I make dinner. The kids are responsible for their own breakfast and lunch. I
  15. I was raised the same as you. What I have or don't have is my business not anyone else's. I am very uncomfortable when people ask me what we paid for something or openly discuss what a shambles their personal finances are with me. I would never in a million years ask someone about their finances or what they paid for their home. However, if I got a really good deal on something I will share.
  16. When I say it there is no money coming in, no savings left, no credit cards, we will lose the house very soon, I have been through the sofa and all the winter coats looking for change. If I have money but am questioning a purchase then I say xyz is not in the budget right now.
  17. Definitely coffee table books. Unfortunately, they are old books and have collapsed a bit under their own weight. I am always in search of an excellent book case.
  18. My dog sleeps on the love seat and/or the chair he is not allowed on when he thinks he is alone. Mind you, the couch that has his blanket on it and the view out the window he likes is right across from the love seat. He will also investigate the garbage if the lid is not on right.
  19. Well, we had chocolate chip waffles for dinner. I am in full support of breakfast for dinner.
  20. Please copy and paste this as your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone that may know someone who knows anyone. If you don't know anyone, or even if you've heard of anyone who doesn't know anyone that doesn't know someone, then still copy this. It's important to spread the message. Oh, and the hearts. ♥♥ For Pete's sake, don't forget the hearts. ♥♥ I have seen this one and it makes me laugh every time. The others, I just ignore. They are chain letters and not something I need to get my knickers in a twist about.
  21. We used magic jack for a year or so. For what we use our land line for it was fine. There was an echo, though and that could be annoying.
  22. No, you are not the only one. So far my children have managed to keep the chocolatey popcorn in the bowl and not the carpet. They seem to be extra careful because they know it will never be allowed again if I find chocolate on the carpet. Although, they do manage to get it on their clothes.
  23. Much to dh's horror I have left the house with the dryer running. I know that is a big no no and I am taking a chance so I don't do it often.
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