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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Where is the all of the above option? I like them all. They each bring something different to the role that makes me enjoy their portrayal of Bond. I can't pick just one.
  2. That is my son. He gets things very quickly because he can "see" the whole thing at once. My dd is like me. Words in her head. It takes us longer to get there.
  3. My rule is you have to be dressed and ready for school. Shoes are optional. Pajama day is a special treat. I find that clothing choice affects the learning attitude of my kids.
  4. I hear the words in my head. If I try I can visualize. It was quite mind blowing for me when I discovered my ds sees a movie in his head when he reads.
  5. I pulled mine out because of a bullying issue that I spent 2 years trying to resolve with the school. Academically my kids were doing great.
  6. I, of course, cook everything perfectly. Although there was that time I set the lamb chops on fire. Dh, on the other hand, tried to make beef burgundy for me on one of our first dates. I don't know what he did but the sauce was purple.
  7. I struggle with this as well. My oldest loves people and wants more people in his life. He does not want to go to high school because he knows academic wise he is better off at home. Swim team does take up a lot of our time so that helps. He participates in the library teen group. He volunteers at an animal shelter. I have tried expanding his social circle in the past. I started a boys group in and it was a bust. The first month there was a large group. By month 3 it was the same 3 boys he was already best buds with. I have also tried signing him up for classes that are a series not just a one off class. That increases the chances of a bonding moment.
  8. :iagree:I recently took the leap from dry to liquid and it is lasting a lot longer than then when I just did the powder. I also used the whole bar and adjusted the recipe accordingly. I have found that I need to use a cup of the detergent due to our incredibly hard water.
  9. I had scoliosis as a teen. I wore a brace for 4 years. The first couple of years I had to wear it 23 hours a day. It was a bit uncomfortable in the summer. Overall, it was not really a big deal. The worst part about it was my 9th grade English teacher who noticed it and asked me all kinds of questions about it shortly after I had to start wearing it. That was a bit traumatic. I know he wasn't trying to be mean or a jerk, he was genuinely curious but I was totally mortified. On the up side, I have fantastic posture.
  10. Dh would like it at 68. I keep it at 76. Sometimes, I will lower it to 74. I find anything higher than 76 is uncomfortable, even with the fans going.
  11. We are huge fans of the show. I do love the writing for Sheldon's mother.
  12. I only wear make-up when going to an occasion. Otherwise I am makeup free and have been since college. We are talking a handful of decades;
  13. In most instances they are benign, however, a second opinion is also wise.
  14. I am definitely in the $300 range. Swim team is the largest expense when broken down monthly. Both of mine take a philosophy class and music theory class. Plus assorted-"Hey that looks really cool" events. Some months are less and some are more.
  15. Marry: Rhett Butler Date. Sir Lancelot Be: The Princess Knight (Does a children's book count as literature?)
  16. :iagree: I didn't know my parenting had a name until my my 2nd was born. I just followed my instincts. When I would try out someones advice and it didn't feel right I figured it must be wrong so I would stop. I did read her book recently and it definitely resonated with me. It doesn't hurt that I adore her character on The Big Bang Theory.
  17. To respond to the original post. People who abuse the system like that person are a blight. No matter what system is in place there are people who will figure out how to abuse it. I knew someone who was milking the system and it ticked me off. The entitlement mentality really gets to me. In response to everyone else with something negative to say: For every story of someone who is abusing the system there are hundreds of people using it like it was intended. To help them over a rough patch. They want to get off assistance and all the stigma that goes with it.
  18. One of our neighbors is a great guy. When our breaker box fell he came over and checked it out to make sure it wasn't a fire hazard (He is a fire chief) and helped dh put it back up. This same neighbor will also snow blow our walk when there is a lot of snow and he will dig out the fire hydrant with it. I bake him cookies in return.
  19. I have one. It definitely makes a difference in my freezer meat. I am quite famous/infamous for buying something that is a good deal and then saving it for a later date that is usually so later that it is now ruined with freezer burn. I get the most out of mine purchasing meat/poultry in bulk. I have used it for freezing meals but I usually use those pretty quickly that I have yet to see a benefit.
  20. I go back and forth between debating and just do it. Usually my "just do it" is coupled with "One day you will have a boss who will expect you to take care of his/her mind numbing grunt work. This will prepare you for that."
  21. Everything I needed to know about growing up I learned from Judy Blume. My mother certainly wasn't talking to me about my period, blubber, the back brace I had to wear. Is it great literature? No. Did the books help me through those tumultuous years? Yes. My soon to be 12 year old has read them all starting when she was 10 and enjoyed them.
  22. I use raw honey to wash my face. I still get the occasional blemish but I have not had an outbreak in years.
  23. To terminate or not is not the issue. The secret from her dh is the issue. That is a whopper of a secret. It is one that can ultimately destroy her and her marriage. As her friend I would encourage her to tell her dh so they can make a decision together. Including you in on such a secret can and probably will be detrimental to your friendship.
  24. If it is a loan I would not give it at the baby shower. I would give a gift and at another time ask her if she would like to borrow the cradle. Making sure it is clear it is a loan and you want it back.
  25. The assistant usually has me read the chart with my glasses on. Dilates. Then Doc exam. I have never had an issue with the dilation affecting my prescription. If you were having an issue with the dilation it sounds like the drops were too strong. Did you say something to the doc while you were there?
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