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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. I predict we are going to see quite a few juicers hit Craigslist and yard sales over the next year ;). Maybe you'll be able to find an affordable one that way.
  2. The kitchen and I are NOT friends! :lol: My girls cooked every night during spring break (I was juicing) and it was heavenly. Breakfast and lunch is a fend for yourself affair around here. I cook supper(5-6) because my husband expects it. When I was single I lived off of cold cereal and top ramen.
  3. I did a "juice only" fast during spring break. I'm not a fruits and veggies type of person, so it was a big change for me. I drank only green juice and found that if I substituted one sweeter apple for a granny smith I was more likely to drink all my juice :tongue_smilie:. I've found that the green juice tastes much better fresh than refrigerated. I use: 1 bunch of kale 1/2 pound baby spinach 1 cucumber 3 stalks of celery 1 granny smith apple 1 fuji apple 1/2 lemon
  4. Sounds like she is in the throes of pre-puberty. It was a tough time for oldest two. I'm surprised we survived.
  5. :lol: I'm sorry but this made me giggle. We are LDS and the pictures are very different from what we are used to. My kids and I enjoy discussing them. I do use CS I with a 14yo. My basic goal is to familiarize her with the Old Testament before she starts a study of the New Testament in the fall. Together we read The Golden Bible and the information in CS I. Over the next day or two we read the corresponding chapters in the KJV. I also share with her any information that I might be able to find in manuals from our church. Not only is she learning OT stories but it gives us a chance to discuss why we believe what we do. It has led to some amazing discussions and a lot of "I don't know. Let's see what we can find" rabbit trails. We don't do the scripture memorization and all questions are answered orally.
  6. Several years ago my 10yo and I read The Iliad (Samuel Butler trans.). Phew! I felt so dumb, but we plowed through and were proud of ourselves in the end. We did use Cliffsnotes. With The Odyssey (Fitzgerald - much better) we used Cliffsnotes and Teaching Company lectures by Prof. Vandiver (love them!). I wish we had built up to Homer with Sutcliff, etc. I plan to use the Memoria Press study guides (The Trojan War and then The Iliad and The Odyssey) with my now 14yo though she would much rather read Pride and Prejudice. :) I hope the MP guides will help us keep the characters straight. I do think knowing the basic story line is valuable since there are references in many works of literature and art. You'll even find it taught in the Core Knowledge series (grade 6).
  7. :grouphug::grouphug: 2nd the laundry mat (or however you spell it)
  8. I came across this today. I don't know anything about it. http://savingdinnershop.com/kids-cooking-club/ edited to add: review http://homeschooling.about.com/od/homeeccooking/qt/Kids-Cooking-Club-Mini-Review.htm
  9. Congratulations! Enjoy your sweet baby. :001_wub:
  10. I had my first in my early 20's and my last when I was almost 38. It was MUCH easier in my 20's. I toyed with the idea of having "just one more" until my granddaughter was born. While trying to help my daughter/her mother I realized how tired I was. That is when I knew I was too old (43).
  11. Oh goodness! I'm so sorry to hear she had to withdraw from school. That has to be discouraging for a young adult who is ready to go out in the world. My daughter has purple feet and it can be so frustrating not to have answers or to feel like the doctors aren't as concerned as you are. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
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