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Everything posted by PollyOR

  1. Family - my sister and my mom. Not family? None...and I'm okay with that. Really. :)
  2. I LOVE listening to the audio by E.B. White! That's the way to do it in my opinion. :001_smile:
  3. :grouphug: We helped oldest dd move out when she was 19. She claims we kicked her out but we didn't. A "too good to pass up" opportunity presented itself and we took it. At the same time, it was a relief for us. Her relationship with her siblings improved dramatically. Some problems did pop up because I don't think she was quite ready to be on her own, BUT overall our relationship was much better as soon as she moved out.
  4. Never heard of it...from FL. My grandmother (and my mom) always kept a small pan/container of dishwater in the sink. I don't worry too much about germs around the house. After taking a microbiology course in college, I realized that germs are everywhere. It's impossible to rid my environment of them. We do basic hygiene and housekeeping but we don't fret over germs unless someone is vomiting :D.
  5. Just wanted to give this a bump. Desmond will be in my thoughts in the morning. Sarah, I hope the surgery goes as planned and those who will be caring for him will be inspired. :grouphug:
  6. My first mother's day my daughter spit up down my back and then her diaper leaked poo. I was sorely disappointed. :D It wasn't at all what I had imagined. I've learned to lower my expectations...a lot. Tomorrow my son-in-law is graduating from a local university. I volunteered to babysit my grandchildren so my daughter/his wife can enjoy the ceremony without wrestling small kids. They are going to feed me after the graduation so all is good.
  7. Glad you all could take a day off to relax and recharge. :)
  8. :glare: boo hiss...mean girls! Would anxiety medication help with the hair pulling? I'm sorry about the dog too. We've been through a cat with a broken leg. I can't imagine how hard it is to keep a dog off its leg. :grouphug: Hugs for you all.
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