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Amateur Actress

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Everything posted by Amateur Actress

  1. Have you seen "Versaiiles" by Tony Spawforth? Or "Palace of Versailles: France's Royal Jewel" by Linda Tagliaferro? This one is more geared towards kids. It's part of the "Castles, Palaces, and Tombs" series.
  2. Try the Christian Kids Explore series by Bright Ideas Press. https://www.brightideaspress.com/product-category/science/
  3. I am doing that this year. My 10th grader is almost done with HOMW and will start HORW at the end of January. So far it seems to be going well. I have not had a chance to go through HORW yet to cut out chapters. There are 94 chapters in that. 85 in HOMW. I do recommend getting the Study Guides. They have map work, an Identify section (who/what/where), comprehension questions, and critical thinking questions. We started out doing 4 chapters a week and then cut down to 3.
  4. Dragon Slayers Academy by Kate McMullan Nate the Great by Marjorie W. Sharmat Encyclopedia Brown by Donald Sobol Secrets of Droon by Tony Abbott Cam Jansen by David Adler A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy Hank the Cowdog by John Ericksen Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown Horrible Harry by Suzy Kline Also curious as to why you don't like Geronimo Stilton...
  5. Matilda Bone Catherine, Called Birdy The Door in the Wall The Castle Corona The Castle in the Atric
  6. We also read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" every Christmas. Going on about 15 years now. I only have teens and 20s now and they all still love the book. I am always the reader and I always cry at the end. Funny, moving, book.
  7. https://rivetedlit.com/2018/01/03/10-ya-books-featuring-strong-female-characters/ Also check out Goodreads...they have book lists for everything.
  8. "Black Ships Before Troy" and "The Wanderings of Odysseus" by Rosemary Sutcliffe.
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Idiots-Guide-20th-Century-History/dp/0028633857/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1541629706&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=the+complete+idiot's+guide+to+20th+century+history&dpPl=1&dpID=51sRWHb%2Bw3L&ref=plSrch
  10. What she said ^^^ But also, the book my 3 oldest loved most was "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" by Jean Lee Latham.
  11. This article has been helpful to me... https://medium.com/@lisa_davis_21488/how-to-navigate-the-common-app-as-a-homeschool-parent-6bcb809da016
  12. Not sure exactly what she has, but you can try melissa@life101pro.com. She has lots of life skills info for teens.
  13. As a Protestant Christian, if your Situation #3 were reversed (that it was a Catholic school but otherwise excellent education) I would choose the Catholic school. In my opinion, the differences between Protestant & Catholic aren't salvation issues, so I'd be comfortable enough with my kids going there. You will be reinforcing their Catholic faith at home.
  14. Mavis Beacon is an online typing program but I don't know if she has books.
  15. I suggest you follow Melissa at Life 101 Pro. She has a website with lots of articles and classes pertaining to life skills for teens. life101pro.com
  16. We are using Breaking the Barrier French 1 and if your school year has 36 weeks (like ours) that means each lesson can take 3 weeks. I use that as a rough estimate, but then assign what I think is a reasonable amount each day. So far that means 2.5-3 weeks per lesson.
  17. How old is your daughter? I don't know if you're set on doing a program at a college/university, but Interlochen in Michigan has arts camps every summer. They also have an arts boarding school (which my daughter attended for acting). They have a theatre design/tech program, for both camp and the academy. interlochen.org
  18. I recommend "A Child's Garden of Verses" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Tasha Tudor.
  19. Dave Ramsey has a book entitled "EntreLeadership" that might work. He does live events, too. https://www.daveramsey.com/resources/business
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