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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I would get a set of McGuffey readers. You can cover spelling, vocabulary, reading, dictation, and some grammar with those. If you had that and a grammar handbook, you could do a lot with that. A couple lit anthology. I have The World Treasury of Children's Literature 1 and 2. They are great! Poetry, stories, fables. You probably want a couple more with somerhibg for an older student. CHOW and either Kingfisher or Usborne history Encyclopedia. I don't know what I would pick for Math and Science....
  2. There is this cute little blonde. She calls my son her sweet baboo. All the boys think she's a little odd.
  3. So, if you do all the way through with SM 6, do they need prealgebra? Or just jump into Algebra? I was going to have him run through the Key to books for decimals, percents, and fractions for a quick review. Definitely a mathy kid, he has watched every Khan academy video for fun....twice. now he is flying through SM 3b. He has finished It in a month, if he keeps the pace on 4 when we start next week, we will be in 5 by summer and he wants to do math all summer to start algebra in the fall. O was originally planning for DM, but he wants algebra....very specific ;)
  4. My dog was at my side all through pregnancy, 3 times. I did not notice changes before labor, bit I wasn't looking for it. He did know I was pregnant early on, his behavior definitely changed!
  5. R&S 3 is much lighter on the bad grammar-sin stuff. I honestly don't think I have seen any this year. The sentences and exercises have Bible stories and references, but a much smaller percentage are God or Jesus. I though level 2 was over the top, but 3 is fine. We do everything we can orally. He has to write the diagrams. I bought the worksheets. Usually if there is something that really needs to be written, there is a worksheet that takes some of the writing away. For example: capitalization Instead of writing the whole sentence for a page, you underline what needs capitalized and then write a couple of full sentences/titles. This is working well for my writing averse 7 year old :)
  6. We have been making a black bean and avacado salad, we double the avacado and don't really measure anything else. It is great as a dip with some chips, bit also great with a spoon ;) 1 can black beans rinsed 2 avacados ( recipe calls for one, less ripe makes a better consistency, more ripe, it is like guacamole with beans) 1/4 ish of a purple onion dived, really just how ever much you want to eat Cilantro, lime juice, garlic salt to taste Quick, easy, yummy!
  7. It depends on how far we get with preK work and whether we work over the summer. I know we will do the following: SM early bird and Mortensen Math manipulative work. I have a School Zone math game that helped DS really understand addition and subtraction up through regrouping. We are playing that some. What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know - I use this to base our science, history, poetry memorization, and literature stidies off of. We read the topic in the book and then find books at the library, some for her to read to me, some for me to read to her. Handwriting is a variety of workbooks and eventually Bible copywork. Reading and phonics is up in the air. We are learning to read now, it just depends on how well we do with our new method....
  8. We are using Prima Latina this year. It is quick and easy. I also play the classical conversations memory cds some for skip counting and the Latin.
  9. My mom and aunt are 9 years apart and best friends. My sister and I are 27 months apart, we have always been close, but the teen years were rough. We fought A LOT! But I love her, we get along great now.
  10. I make meatloaf in my stone bread pan all the time. Rinse it with a little water, let it dry thoroughly and heat it in the oven.
  11. You basically do two coats at once. You have to use a.cross hatching technique, then go back over with a smooth roll top to bottom. I cross hatch over about 5feet, then go back with a smooth roll. There are generally a few little spots that need a touch more paint, bit never a full second coat. Cross hatching: paint at diagonals, crossing over your own strokes. Diagonal to the right a few strokes and then.back to the left. While the paint is wet you get a basket weave look. Do a good size section, then a quick smoothing stroke over the top.
  12. We are using the McGuffey readers. DS reads a lesson to me 3-4 times a week. We discuss, he answers the questions, we go over mispronounced words and words he did not understand, we move on. As we have progressed his answers have improved.
  13. I did this at first too. "Well, he would be in K, but he is first grade and doing, 2nd grade math....." Then I felt like it was "showing off" when it wasn't, just stating the facts. So I just assigned him the grade I wanted him in for church, dance, theatre, etc. He is in second grade because that is where his friends are. History and science are leveled, bit not by grade, just by difficulty. Math has numbers, they generally correspond to grade, we just call it level 3, level 4; not 3rd grade. Grammar is the same. We finish a level and move to the next.
  14. I would assign similar assignments in other subjects. That way, the writing skills start to transfer to other subjects.
  15. We do SM, Prima Latina, SOTW, Spelling/dictation, R&S 3 grammar, McGuffy Eclectic Readers for reading, and a variety of science unit studies. History and science are on alternate days. We usually accomplish it all in less than 2 hours. We listen to SOTW on did while the kids color. Math is the only thing we spend more than 15-20 minutes on.
  16. My son has a September birthday and he was doing second grade work when public schools would have put him in K (we have Sept 1st cutoff). I compromised and called him first grade. It puts him with all of his friends at church and theater class. DD has a late Feb birthday. She just turned 5 on Friday. She will be labeled Kindy next year, but I will do the curriculum at her level. What you report or label her for extracurricular activities should not determine the level of curriculum. Her abilities should dictate what you teach.
  17. It is 33 with I high in the 40s. We did not get the blizzard they have been forecasting for week. They kept saying it was coming yesterday, then.....off rained. We had an hour of snow that melted because it never got below freezing last night. We are grateful for the rain. We needed it. It is, however, too wet to send the kids out. Our yard is soggy and the garner is all mud.
  18. Abraham and Moses were in SOTW. We are using the R&S ABC series with my prek dd. Book B is Bible. The set came with a story book and a coloring book. It goes through about 60 major stories. With my DS we use Studying God's Word Book A in kindergarten. It is a series of stories from.creation on, they are in order. It has review questions at the end, or the are short enough to narrate. Both were very cheap.
  19. Oklahoma has a huge hs community. Homeschooling is accepted as somewhat normal and is easy, no reporting or regulations. There is a large Christian homeschoolers presence, but there are a couple of large secular groups as well. I am a Christian, but my reasons for homeschooling are academic and family schedule. I have found a large group of the Christian homeschoolers who are seeking a more rigorous education for their kids. I feel there is a good balance.
  20. I have not used the RS4K Astronomy book, but we have used prelevel 1 Chemistry, Biology, and are using Physics. I think it is great for 5-7 year olds. My son loved them. He is 7, and his co-op class is doing Apologia Astronomy. We do not have our own book, but he is retaining what is taught. The mom is having to condense the info and just pull the main ideas because she has an hour a week for 15 weeks and can't do it all.
  21. Abused Brightly Beaming Letter of the Week. If you air and print it all in a day, it becomes open and go. It was free, just had to print. It gives you a theme, letter, number, color or shape of the week. And an animal, I think. She had links to coloring pages for them all. There are letter recognition exercises to print as well. It gives you activities and lit lists. Poetry is printed with the curriculum. It has no math beyond number recognition, so you will need another math book. That was 3 year old prek. For 4 year old prek we are using R&S ABC series. If you skip book B (Bible) I think it is pretty secular. There are some verses in the front matter, but the pages are just good letter, number, matching skill practice.
  22. I am only in 3 with my 2nd grader, but I use my teacher's manual for the oral review and the answers. I know grammar and have spent years writing; but it has been so long since I did grammar studies, I need the answers! I use tye worksheets, but I have a child who hates to write. We do everything in the text orally, except diagraming, and he uses the workbook as written practice. It has been good for him.
  23. Pick on thing at a time and try to change his habits. Read some Charlotte Mason, I would get her first book and not someone's interpretation of it. It is easy to read. I would start with meal time. If he eats one bite and gets up, put the food away, nothing else until lunch time. Of you do that consistently, he will not starve, he will start to eat at meals. Limit snacks. DS was not eating, but she was grabbing snacks all day. She is now allowed one fruit snack and one candy/cookie a day. She can rat fruit or veggies whenever she wants, but the junk snacks are limited. She now eats well at meals. Take him outside before you do school, play or go for a walk. If he gets nutty during the day, send him to run laps in the yard. My 7 year old boy needs this sometimes. If it is too cold, make him do jumping jacks and push UPS between lessons. My son needs to move while he listens to something. Dancing, rolling, walking, jumping....if he does something he has better retention. Let him move when possible. Do math and spelling at a white board. You can sit on the floor or hang it and he can stand. This worked wonders when DS did not want to sit still. He could do his math and wiggle at the same time.
  24. Once a day unless I do a lot of baking or big cooking. Then we might run it twice. Usually I just wash the baking stuff by hand though. There are 4 of us who use dishes. I imagine we will be running it more often as the kids get older.
  25. Math: SM somewhere in level 4 or 5. Right now he says he wants to do math all summer for fun. Key to Decimals, Percents, and Fractions books. This is all based on how much momentum he keeps. That is our path though. Grammar: R&S 3 Latin: Latina Christiana Spelling: Spelling Plus with Dictation and Homophones Reading: McGuffey's Eclectic Readers finish 3, move on to 4. Science: RS4K level 1 chemistry and biology History: SOTW3 Bible: Studying God's Word book D Co-op: PE, map skills, and ???? (3 other classes TBD) Music: musical theatre and piano Other activities undecided Anything else will be determined at convention in May.
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