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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Facebook.com/chepyl I tend to mainly post about my kids, usually pictures of their craziness ;)
  2. I personally love the name Aidan! It is DS's first name and DD's middle name is Grace. I generally dont agree with people on name opinions. I have only met one other Aidan. I guess it is not popular arpund here. My dislike of names comes from bad experience with a kid. I had two Logans in daycare....disliked both. Had a real problem with th name until my best friend named her son Logan, he is a sweetie and has redeemed the name for me :)
  3. Really? That is incredibly rude. Worse than if the woman was bragging in my opinion. There are kids who are that advanced, and more. That response just makes a person sound jealous of a kids abilities. Pride and jealousy are equally bad attributes if you ask me.
  4. http://followfletcher.tumblr.com/ This is my friend's blog about hee little boy, Fletcher. He was born at 31 weeks and is now 18 days old. Please keep him in your prayers. He is doing pretty well and making good progress, bit of you read the blog he is having some heartrate issues. Yesterday was a though day. Thanks.
  5. I just made my final purchases at the convention this weekend! Now we just habe to finish SOTW 1 this summer and then waot for this baby to make his grand entrance, then we will start a few weeks later. For my six year old second grader. Math: SM 3a&b with IP and CWP 3, LoF when we want something funny to read Grammar/writing: Rod and Staff 3 Spelling: spelling plus 3rd-4th grade words with dictation and homophones books. Lit: we will useWhat Your 2nd Grader Needs to Know as a jumping off point and go from there. He will also read on his own daily. He picks what ever he wants. History: SOTW 2 Science: RS4K physics and chemistry Latin: Prima Latina Bible: reading, plus we will redo Studying Gods word book A and do book B. Memory work: we will do Tue portion of the CC timeline we did this year (ancients only) and add events that line up with SOTW 2. We will use the foundations manual and Cds, but bot stress over it. We just listen in the car and learn what we can. DS likes the history songs.
  6. The bottom of the page said 7 mistakes was the frustration level. I guess you go up one to get the instructional level. I would say the highest level of no mistakes is the independent reading level. That is just my beat guess.
  7. I just plug some of the books they are reading into the acholastoc book wizard. It gives the level by year or lexile. There were several threads a while back with some reading tests online. I gave my six year old several of them over the course of a couple weeks. It was interesting. I think the scholastic book wizard works because you can read and discuss the book and know the child's comprehension level better than you can with a list of words or a short excerpt from a random book. You can also find books at higher levels to try.
  8. Thanks!! This is very helpful!
  9. I have felt the same way. I replied to a question about what first graders were reading and was basically told to stay pit of it because my son was advanced. I habe had one first grader, I can only answer what my experience is. I was not bragging, just answering a question and I offeneded someone. Or many someones. I do have to justify my homeschooling to some family hecause they are against it. I get ised to answering that way and so sometimes I do of with everyone, I am not bragging, just stating abfct.
  10. I finally found a Latin program that looks like it will work for my son and I. I picked up Prima Latina at convention this weekend. I have the student book, teacher book, and a cd. Is there anything else I might need or wamt with it? Also, what Is your experience with how long the program takes? It only has 25 lessons, did ypu spend a few days going through the lesson each week, or less time? I jist want to see how to put it in our schedule. Right now the plan is math, grammar, spelling daily; history MWF and science TTh.
  11. We will be doing history two days a week and playing educational games. We also have a large garden and some caterpillars to attend to. Nothing firmly, just enough to keep DS's brain working. I am teaching DD to read before tue baby is born.
  12. We have an attic fan. It is great until it gets over 85-90, then of just moves the hot air amd does not cool at all. We save a lot of money in the fall and spring, but just a couple of months. It is already topping 90 degrees here.
  13. I would not feed them at all. I would say, "go see if tour mommy brought something for you." I would also say no to a stranger giving my child food. Friends at the park, no problem; complete strangers, not at all.
  14. We don't do handwriting. We do dictation sentences with spelling words. I expect his neatest writing on that and math. That is all. Best motivation....we will do two sentences a day of his writing is clean and neat, more if it is sloppy. He HATES to write! He does his best writong when I require less. It is most important to build good habits. Less writing that is neat with out a fight is better for habit building than more writing that you have to hover over to keep neat. If ue makes a letter backwards I just say oops....he erased and does it again. DS has great handwriting and can write on any paper I give him. Lined, unlined, wide or narrow rule.
  15. We finished all but the last 5 lessons of level 2. We had already done synonyms, antonyms, and the other few things at the end in a different workbook. We skip some reviews as well. I can see that we should finish 3&4 in one year, but I do plan to take two years for level 5.
  16. I used 100 ez lessons with my young 4 year old. We skipped all the writing and most of the scripted stuff. We did the letter sounds and words. I am trying phonics pathways with dd and I do prefer 100 ez lessons.
  17. We started August first, did some Saturdays amd days with double work early on. We slowed down in Jan and Feb, then pushed through the last two months. We finished math, grammar, spelling, and science for the year, he took his CAT yesterday and today, so I say we are done and he is officially promoted to second grade!!! We have to finish SOTW 1, bit he wants to do that all summer. He also loves lapbooks and I have some for animals and math stuff. We will also be playing math bingo daily because.it is his favorite game. Yeah!! Now, two weeks to recital, 6 until the musical, and 13 until baby arrives (I hope). Lots to do!
  18. That Is what my line looked like with this baby! I retesyed the nexy day and it was darker. I can't wait to hear about tomorrow's test!
  19. DD did not talk regularly until almost 3. She had a few words, but not more than 5 at 2. Every now amd then she would get fruatrated and let put a new word clear as day, get a shocked/oops kind of look and close her mouth. She did not want us to onow she could talk. She also did thos with colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. She is stubborn! I would not worry. Give him time.
  20. I started leaving the bathroom when the kids were 2.5-3. We have a one story, small home. Sitting In the living room, I am in view of the bathroom. At my parent's house, O stay in tue bedroom, but let them play. DD is a fish! She likes to take baths for fun. If I stayed with her, I would be in the bathroom for hours! I would not leave them in a different floor. At least not DD. My almost 7 year old....maybe.
  21. I try to keep my son's workload under two hours a day. Some days we finish in an hour. My son needs little repetition. It really depends on the kid. Today we did three sections of my the CAT/e test and then a science chapter on frogs. We did half of a lapbook on frogs. Tomorrow we will do the last half of the test, read about frogs in another book and finish the lapbook. A normal day includes 2-4 math pages depending on the subject, 1-2 grammar lessons, either history or science, and spelling or dictation. He does art or legos daily. We have made amazing progress with this schedule. You really just have to know your kid and what he or she is capable of.
  22. Yes!! It is the only show that our theatre students beg to do again, and the only one I could handle producing and watching again!
  23. http://bookitprogram.com/Enrollment/intro.asp I signed my son up! We signed up this year but did not use it all. Next year we will do it tue full six months.
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