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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. My dd got MRSA constantly from 6-24 months. Hers was always in her diaper area, it started as little red simple spots. When we finally learned what they looked like before they got bad, we were able to stop them with hibicleanse soap and a layer of neosporin after every diaper change. Make sure you bleach the shower after she uses it until the infection Is gone. We all had it the first time dd got an infection because we did not know what it was and we did not take the proper precautions. Make sure the Dr gave a long enough run of antibiotics. Dd's doc always gave a shot of roceferin and 10 days of meds, plus dh went in for a second shot with his. We went to the er and they refused to give her a shot and gave a short run of meds. That was the worst infection she had, it kept getting worse over a holiday weekend and we were in the er again and it had to be packed! Went to the doctor on Monday, got a shot and it finally started clearing up.
  2. We have a boy who does our summer theatre camps. We have given him string, yarn, or ribbon to tie in knots. He also loved the rubberband ball. If the craziness of kids playing a game got to him, one of us took him on a walk outside, he looked for leaves amd rocks he liked. In a three hour camp, we walked him once an hour.
  3. Another thought, my kids are good sleepers. But since we coslept and nursed, they rarely axtually woke up fully at night. In their sleep they would wiggle and fuss a bit, I would immediately feed them and they stayed asleep unless they had a really bad diaper. I don't know for sure, bit I think this helped to sleep train them. As they needed less to eat, they woke less at night. I eventually moved them to their own beds. For DS it was easy, for DD it was a little harder because she had to sleep in our room, but a few adjustments to Ned location and we were good.
  4. There are many things that a six year old should not be doing. There are positions in ballet thay should not be used extensively by kids until they are 8 or older. They can cause injury to their hips. My 6 year olds take one hour of class a week. A few choose to take a second class. It is only required if they want to compete. Their second class is a strength and flexibility class, plus rehearsal. I don't require two classes a week until they are older and if they have decided to pursue dance more seriously. A six year old does not know what they want to do. If someone is pressuring you to put a six year old in more classes, I would look for a new studio. As far as the idea of pointed coming up earlier if she progresses faster at a younger age, run fast from anyone who want to put her in pointed shoes.before the age of 12. I don't care if a child takes ballet 6 days a week and is super strong. Muscle strength has nothing to do bone development. Bones in the foot must be 75% occified before pointwork begins. That does not typically happen until around 12 and can only be seen in an x-ray.
  5. I do the same thing. I want to know why he misses so we can work on it.
  6. Just one per ear, I only wear earrings on very special occasions. I have not worn earrings more than twice a year for at least 15 years. My holes will not close up! I actually with they would have a long time ago. An earring weighing even a tiny bot irritated my ear. They gift of they get pulled down at all.
  7. I never nursed a tantrum. If they got hurt or were sick, I nursed to soothe. I have two of the most independent kids I know! DD still sleeps with us some, but she has no issues self soothing unless shr is REALLY hurt.
  8. I put other. Many that I have seen are ugly and TACKY....that is different than trashy. I jave also seen a few that were tasteful and pretty. I think you need to be able to hide them with clothing for work and weddings, etc. I would never get one. I hate needles.
  9. I only find of weird when there are no exceptions for special occasions and activities. Family members who only hang put at a holiday meal for an hour because the kids have to be in bed and kids who can't go to am activoty that will last past bedtime every now and then.
  10. This thread has never been about something HSLDA said. I think some people have brought up valid concerns.You blow off their concerns by blaming "HSLDA scare tactics" instead of looking at what has been said and offering a reason why their concerns are not valid. A helpful comment would be one that would show where the concerns about extra regulations are wrong. It has been said that those with concerns would happily be proven wrong on this point, but you have not attempted to do that.
  11. I combine a lot. My son reads his grammar lesson aloud to me. Then we work through the exercises orally. This way we cover reading and grammar in one lesson. (He started reading early, so we don't do a phonics program anymore. I just have him read aloud daily and silently as well.) For spelling, we do dictation every other week. This is how I do handwriting. The neater he writes, the fewer sentences he has to do. I picked science and history programs that could be done in short periods. I wanted school in early elementary to be short to allow more playtime and energy for extracurriculars. Each year, our school time increases a little bit. We started K with 30 minutes a day and increased to 1 hour, 1st started at an hour and slowly increased to 1.5 hours. We will start second at 1.5-2 hours and it will slowly increase as the year progresses.
  12. Both hospitals I delivered at were this way, I only went the emergency room in false labor with DS because I had no idea how to get to the maternity area....should have paid more attention on that tour! Call the hospital and see what the policy is.
  13. My contractions with DS never hurt until the broke my water, they were simply exhausting. I think the same was true with DD. I managed a 30 minute car ride, dinner, and a small nap before I decided I was really in labor. I went into labor at 9 pm and DD was born just before 6 am. They got more painful the more exhausted I became. If you are feeling a lot of downward pressure, I would go in. If you are not trying for a VBAC, I would not risk it. I would rather be sent home than have anything go wrong.
  14. I tried to keep it to 15 minutes per subject at most. We did everything in 1-1.5 hours a day last year. We did math, grammar, and spelling daily; science twice a week and history 3 times a week. Math generally took a little longer, 20-30 minutes at most. Spelling took 5-10 minutes. Grammar took 10-15, depending on if we did one lesson or two. Science never took more than 15 minutes unless we did a lab. History took longer on Fridays when we did our lapbook pieces. I generally just did a lesson or two a day, I would cut it short if something was taking too long and we would come back to it the next day (ie: if there was a math concept that was not grasped quickly, we would practice a few problems, and then do more the next day rather than fight through a difficult problem set.
  15. Just to clarify, I received no alert from HSLDA, I don't live in California. I was responding to what I read in the thread and what seemed to be a complete misunderstanding of people's concerns. Whether you agree or not, I think they are valid concerns. The ripple effect of a new law can be bigger than intended.
  16. Regularly, until about two when they were completely weaned. But DD still snuggle with me at night some and if she wakes up in the middle the night we let her stay.
  17. But this is not about Federal law! What Federal laws are there about homeschooling? Education is state regulated.
  18. The issue is not with the constitutional right to homeschool. It is the fact that there are laws to govern kindergarten schools, homeschoolers in VA are private schools subject to theblaws of private schools, this law would cause undue hardship on homeschoolers with kindergarten. You are arguing a different point.
  19. My kids have been really sick once in their lives, they caught the flu ay a family birthday party. They get more than afequaye sleep because I let them sleep until they wake up most days. DS actually stayed putting himself to bed earloer this year. Our family just does not keep a "normal" schedule. The actual bedtime makes no difference, it is the amount of sleep. My kids get more sleep than any of theory ps friends who go to bed at 8. We do typixally aim for 11 pm, but we are not strict. A strict bedtime makes.sense when you have to be up everyday, but not when you can sleep in. I want my kids to sleep until 8 or 9 everyday so that I can get enough sleep too. I always felt bad for the kids who had to got to her before the sun went down in the summer. Right now, of gets dark at 9. If we play outside until dark amd then eat dinner, we cant get in bed until 11 anyway.
  20. It Is just after midnight and my four year old is singing in the hallway :D Both kids are flexible. Last night I out them in bed at 9:30, the night before we were up until 1:30 because we were painting the dance studio. DD sleeps for 12 hours no matter what time she goes to bed. I can wake her after 8-9 hours amd she will be fine, but take an afternoon nap. She slept 12 hairs last night amd then napped while we were driving for1.5 hours today, so she is wide awake. She goes to bed with me a lot. We will watch a cartoon together and dh will put her in bed when he comes to bed. She is a snuggler ;)
  21. I wanted to purchase my first year of this, it just says it will be available in June. Does anyone know when we can purchase it? What about anyone testing it? How is it going? It looks like it will do a lot, I do want to know about entering assignments - how easy is it? I used EduTrack last year and thought it was pretty easy to enter assignments. I did buy R&S and SM lessons from them for $1 each. But entering repeating events progressing by chapter was really easy...
  22. I got into every school I applied to, Including Ivy League, and I had a 3.94. I had a couple of b's, geometry being one of them. Figure her gpa if she were to earn all a's and 1-2 b's for the next two years, see what it will be if she works hard for the rest of high school. Would retailing ot show both on an official transcript? Or will you male her transcript amd.leabe the first round off? If both will show up and you can't co tell it, I would not retake.
  23. I understand the reference, although I have never seen the movie. I don't think it os hugely important, it was only in my family and small group of friends that I heard it. I am in the United States 33 Never seen a movie or tv show, just learned it from those who had.
  24. I am in the same boat! I started with one room. DH had the kitchen in decent shape, we simply worked to maintain that for a.few days! Then I started on the mountain of laundry....dirty to he washed amd already clean thay needed.folding. Next I did thebfamily room. Now I am tackling cluttered areas one at a time....trying for one a day. I made a list of areas that could be tackled in an hour or less. I don't try to do more than an hour a day. When I hard core clean and do it all at once, I wear myself put and can't maintain it. I am trying to build habits for me and the kids. Right now we are working on: Where to put dirty clothes And Putting toys away as we go. We jabe had vast improvements this week!
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