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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Have you looked at you version? I like it, it tracks what you read and it will catch you up if you get behind, it just redoes your schedule. I dont know if it has the reading plan you were following, but there are hundreds of translations and plans to choose from. You can also just use it for bookmarks.
  2. As much as it would pain me to do it, I would call....or text and uninvited them. Use the last minute rsvp if you want...."I only prepared for x number of people..." Or just explain the misunderstanding.
  3. We always had a separate vocabulary book, most of my dance and theatre students do as well. Many times it is an SAT prep series.
  4. A typical credit at most schools around me includes grammar, vocabulary/spelling, writing, and lit studies. The lit includes poetry, short story, and historical lit units as well as 4-6 novels outside of class. My junior year included an art study. For writing, there are typically large research papers junior and senior year and literary analysis paper(s) in at least the senior year.
  5. I used RS4K Biology. It matched up very well with the first half of cycle 1. (We are not in a group, we do it at home alone and started with cycle 1.) I stopped pushing the memory work in the second half because it did not match up, we did not have a geology text and the history went beyond SOTW 1. We only did the timeline through the ancients. Next year we will do what matchea our history study. I like it as a supplement to do on our own, but I don't want to be in a group and need to keep up with It. We really used it for carschooling ;)
  6. My 4 year old can count to 10. I have heard her do it, but most of the time we get 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11....I think we have stopped for too many icees at the 7eleven around tue corner ;) She does the same with letters. Occasionally my 6.5 year one will be writting and momentarily forget how to make a letter. I just point one out and we move on. I even forget how to make some cursive capital letters. If it starts happening more often, I would be concerned, but if it is just once in a while, it is probably fine. Everyone forgets things from time to time.
  7. To me, busy work is worksheets or pages of identical math problems, grammar questions, rewriting words all for the sake of having a child do SOMETHING. When a child has matered basic math facts, but they are made to continually practice them so they can be doing math, that is bust work. It was what those of Is who picked thinga up fast had to do while the teacher helped the kids who struggled. We did not get to advance, just keep writing those spelling words!
  8. At most, I put on foundation for everyday. Most days I pull my hair back wet and put mousturizer on. I am generally headed to dance class, make up when I sweat makes me break out and my hair goes back more smoothly when wet.
  9. Canvass ballet shoes can be handwashed in woolite or in cold on the gentle cycle. Let the air dry. Hand washing is best. Do not put them in the dryer. You can try anything on leather, but scuffs won't clean off.
  10. When DD was about 20 months, we wanted to get her put of our bed and night wean. We lived in a one bedroom loft apartment. We were about to move into a house where she would be In a separate room and we wanted to train her before that. We tried letting her cry one night, but she was in a pack n play at the foot of my bed, she could see that we were not asleep. We gave in. We moved her pack n play across the room by her brother, included her in the bedtime story and songs. We put them in their beds and she slept theough the night, just needed a change in routine and scenery. Pick a night that the whole family can loose sleep. Nothing to do early in the morning. And try putting her with the other kids. Talk to her about being in the big kid room. Make it a big deal and talk about how big kids stay inbed.....whatever you can think of. Let her pick a book and sing a new bedtime song. If you really don't want to risk all the kids waking up, put her in the kitchen. Not ideal, but she wont remember when she is older. A few nights for training, then to the kids room!
  11. Stuart Little and A Dog Called kitty. I finished all three Hunger Games books in a week and then had to get through recital. This week I will pick back up with Total Truth, I plan to start Pilgrim's Progress. I am looking for a fun book for me....but nothing has caught my interest yet.
  12. I painted mine sky blue. I love it. I have a cherry desk for myself and the school shelves are black. I have black and white pics of the kids to hang. It is also our front room....so it temds.to collect stuff, but being painted makes me feel like It Is not so cluttered;)
  13. I purchased a rolling cart at Walmart in September. It has already fallen to pieces! I really have not abused it! I want to get a new one, but I wanted to know if there was a better place to get a more sturdy rolling box. I have found several online, but the look just like what I found at WalMart. I would rather go get another cheap one from walmart rather than pay twice as much, if the quality is no better. I have seen some people with boxes that have canvass covers that allow places to put pencils, etc. Where do you find those? Anybody have any ideas? :)
  14. I am 29 weeks pregnant, so meds are limited. I did get into the chiropractor. I had a rib out of place. I had a nice massage, a little heat, and he put it back in place! He also did a light adjustment on my back and legs. Last night I had the best night's sleep since being pregnant! 8.5 hours, a trip to the bathroom and another 1.5 hours!!! I made DH go as well, he has not been to a chiropractor in 15 years! His back and neck feel better too.
  15. The first part of the problem defines what the function of the diamond is. Now you solve using that function: (3-(-2))cubed. (I am on my phone and cannot do an exponent ;)
  16. Two hours max this past year. If we hit two hours, I cut the day off. We only went that ling on a bad day, I knew we needed to stop or we would drive each other insane! DS was first grade.
  17. I woke up at 3 am with the moat horrible back pain. I have a knot on my upper back, left side. It hurt so bad I had trouble breathing. DH tried massaging it. The pain radiated through my body and made by belly hurt. I could not lay down. I took a tylenol, got an ice pack and sat in the recliner. It took an hour for the pain to go down enough to let me sleep. I iced my back 15 minutes on 15 off and woke up with tye melted ice pack still on my back. It is better this morning, but still there. I am icing it again, it helps immensely! I am debating going to the chiropractor this afternoon. I don't know if it will help, but it feels like something is out of place. Ouch!!! Just needed to share so I won't cry :(
  18. Dance recital is over, we are on our third week of summer break...everyone is still asleep...I will not be screaming ;) I am going back to bed.
  19. My high school did not offer AP because they did not teach to any test. We had a much more rigorous course load in our honors class than friends had in AP classes. We did a weekly journal entry that was a practice AP essay question. We could choose to take the exam at the end of our senior year. I scored high enough to get out of freshman comp. You dont nee an AP course, just a strong course of study, then use the prep book for some practice.
  20. I think ours is a cuisinart iceless machine. It came in bright colors so my mom gave them to us as Easter presents :) she thought they looked like Easter eggs. It is quick and easy, but you cannot make two batches in a row. The bowl has to be refrozen after use. Once you rinse it out, it is completely thawed. It does make just enough for our family for dinner. We use heavy cream and eggs, so ours is not cheaper, just better. :)
  21. I have 2 SILs that I could talk about anything with. One has been a close friend since we were in jr high. I know my other SILs would be there in a minute if we needed anything. We have a lot of fun when we get together. I have my sister. When fought horribly growing up, but she is my best friend now. I have our babysitter growing up, we call her our big sister. (She is coming to see me after my baby is born and nothing excites me more!!!) I have my roommate and two other friends from college. If I needed them, they would be here and I would be there for them. I have two cousins that are more like sisters. We have been clise our whole lives. I can tell my mom anything. And finally, I have my friends from childhood. There were 9 of us by high school graduation. We have been down the road of what happens when we need each other and the baring of souls. We live all over the country (several of us have moved home), but when one of us was diagnosed with cancer, we had a girls night with friends flying in from around the country. It was as if jo time had passed. We ate, we talked, we acted like teenage girls ;) Then we got together a few months later for a baby shower. Our high school reunion is in October and I look forward to seeing them again soon!
  22. Math just clicks for some kids, just like reading. For some kids, it takes time. My son started doing addition and subtraction without formal instruction. We did not push, he just figured it out at 3 or 4. By 5 he had figured out multiplication. We are still memorizing facts, but he grasps concepts easily. He sees math in his head. We skipped k math and did 1st-2nd grade stuff in k and we did SM 2 a&b this year. We moved at a defent pace, but only completed one year's worth of math in the school year. Once you find what works for your child, and the concepts are understood, math will go better. Don't worry about what other people's kids are doing, work at your childs pace. That is the greatest benefit of homeschooling....giving your child what he or she needs not what other kids need. Don't rush, you said she Is not getting subtraction, once she gets it down you may fibd tgat she starts flying through math for a while, then slows down again. That is okay. "Kids learn in spurts and plateaus." This was one of my favorite quotes from convention this year!
  23. Maybe the pp worded her post poorly by saying he was jot pro-choice, but she was trying to make the point that he would probably jot choose an abortoon. I agree. From what the OP has said, I think he would he against an abortion of his child in thosbcase. Not discussing it with him could ruin their marriage. Yes, it is possible she can keep this secret her whole life, but it would eat het up inside. Urge her to discuss this with her husband. She may see that he feels differently, he may be fine with school and a baby. His parents may be completely supportive. They may be excited even. Do they have any other grandchildren? She is risking a lot by not telling her husband. At the very least, try to convince her to wait a few weeks before doing anything. If she truly values her marriage, she will not do this without her husband. I could imagine having a baby without my husband's help and support. It would even bbe worse to deal with looking a child and not having him to lean on. Whether it is a choice or not, she will still grieve for the baby. She needs someone, and it should be her husband. For the record, I am pro-life; but I am more concerned about her marriage at this point, and her mental health. Secrets can destroy a person from the inside.
  24. 4, I think. My personal gmail account, this is actually tye only one I check and respond from. I have a yahoo account for my groups, but all emails go to my gmail account. I have two for work that are both forwarded to gmail.
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