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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Ours leans against the wall and we sot on the floor to use it. I want to hang it next year afyer we rearrange the front room next year. Part of our house looka like school. I Love books, so I got over it.
  2. We love Singapore Math!! With the text, workbook, IP, amd CWP he is getting solid practice In his basic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, measurement, and geometry) but being challenged to think more mathematically. He begs to do the CWP book! We also enjoy rod and staff English. It is not particularly challenging in the early levels, but he is learning his grammar really well. It can he done quickly and orally. Next year we will have more writing, but he is excited about diagramimg sentences! Don't assume you know where he is in math and spelling. Give him.placent tests. I did them slowly over the summer last year. I tested math with tests from Singapore's site. For spelling we use spelling plus. I tested him at the start of the year by just spelling a list every few days until we hit a weak point. Just because he is gifted and accelerated does not mean you have to push hard through the harder material. Other factors may slow progress, and that is fine, let him go at his own pace. My son has no stamina for writing yet. We stop when he starts to get tired. Some days that is 6 math pages, 4 dictation sentences, and then a lapbook or coloring page for history. Other days, we get one page of math, one sentence, and only listening to history, science, or a few poems. When their brain works ahead of their fine motor skills, you have to slow down at times. If he starts saying he hates school, you need to see why. Are you pushing to hard or not hard enough. Is the work too hard or too easy? Is it time for a long weekend or a Wednesday off. We have had all art days, all lego days, and all educational games days (this includes a few wii and computer games, and some strategy games on my ipod, math bingo, yahtzee, and monopoly. They learn a lot from games. Yahtzee has been better for multiplication drill than workbook pages. Same for money and monopoly!
  3. In second grade we went to a different room for math, the Spanish teacher cam to us. In fourth we switched for math and science, the teachers switched for history and English. In 5th we switched for 3 classes. 6th grade was the start of lockers and full schedules moving from room to room.
  4. We aim for 11 for both kids, midnight for ourselves. DS gets up around 8 and DD around 10. Most days this means we are done with breakfast and sometimes all of school before she is up. To keep peace and joy we do short lessons. I don't Luke to spend more than 20 minutes on anything. History goes longer sometimes because we color and do a lapbook. But that is fun. We have lots of free play time. Yesterday, we were at the theatre all day, there was no joy when we got home because we were tired and no one had had their alone time....rough night! Today, we are all doing our own thing, then run errands, then to the theayre again. We should have a better day because we all got some peace!
  5. Oklahoma says 1080 hours. They just changed from 180 days a few years ago so they can make up show days by adding 15 minutes to the stary of the day and 15 to the end for a few weeks, rather than make up full days. (How that adds useable instruction time has me puzzled. Each class is 5 minutes longer.) We don't have any reporting requirements, so I his keep our workbooks and track days. We do some school year round, history this summer, so of I had to report hours for an investigation, I would end up with enough.
  6. 10-15 minutes a day. Just phonics inst. No workbook or writing of any kind.
  7. I will be 33 when this baby is born. My OB asked if we planned on any more, I said we might have another. We want them a couple years apart. That puts me at 35-36. She said, "great." I can tell a difference in my body from 28 with my last to 32 with this one. I am more tired and I have more general muscle aches. But I also have a 4&6 years old running around....that can case some exhaustion!
  8. Do you have One Note and Word? You might be able to print to one note and then print from one note to word to Word. I don't know if that would work, but it would be a quick thing to try.
  9. I have only seen it in the day care I worked in. It was a requirement of the state - rinse sink of plain water, soap sink to wash, second plain rinse and a final bleach sink for all dishes, bottles, pacifires, and toys that needed cleaning.
  10. Wonderful....when he takes his time and is motivated by less writing the neater he is....horrible if he rushes! He has always had amazing penmanship, but he HATES to write at thos stahe in his life. He loved it from 18 months- 4 or 5....at 6, I struggle to get him to wrote a single sentence, bit of I promise just one dictation sentence, he gives me his best.
  11. Jazz, lyrical, and hip hop don't have to be inappropriate. You could ask the studio owner about the costumes and moves. We are pretty strict about what we do. No bare midriffs, always wear tights, no inappropriate moves or music. I would chexk out the other studios annd ask your dds teacher.
  12. Everything is purchased, I want to look at well planned day online before I start planning. I have edutrack....and I can download all my lesson plans for that, but I may switch if I like the new one. I will spend July planning.
  13. My soon to be 7 year old will be doing rod and staff 3 next year for second grade. We will do the book orally with some written work, but I also bought the worksheets and some extra practice books.
  14. I think it is fine to skip class every now and then. I skipped a whole day of school to do laundry and go clothing shopping with my mom. We had a crazy weekend and I really had nothing that fit dress code to wear to school, except this one hideous outfit. The pants were a little too short and the shirt was from Walmart. No bigggie now, but at my private high school with label conscious classmates....I had a breakdown. Tell her this is her one mommy bailout. My sister and I each got one a year. If we left homework at home she would bring it to us once, or stay up late and type a paper while I dictated once, call in sick for one day to get caught up on a project or sleep. One a year. It was nice to know we had some help in a pinch....but the aecond time....we were on our own.
  15. I always evaluate kids in an actual ballets class. Very low pressure, not alone, I just see how they do at that level. Then I can move them up a level or two based on what I see in class. I think this may be the most common method, unless you go to a school that does examinations, like RAD schools. Otherwise, it may be her and the teacher. I would assume they will run her through a basic class to check her terminology knowledge, her placement and technique level, and her skill level (speed of petite allegro, number of pirouettes, stamina for grande allegro, etc.)
  16. I woke up to beautiful lilies on the table. They were so unexpected! Funny thinbis, they have been in the house for two days!! My kids kept a secret!! They usially cant do that ;)
  17. I enjoy it. My family spoils me :) All I wanted was help getting the house clean. The kids picked up toys while I was at rehearsal today and my wonderful husband scrubbed the bathroom. Some thing I cannot physically do right now. Then they took me out to Olive Garden and we had a lovely dinner. Tomorrow is church and then steaks at my parent's house. Dad, dh, and sister will do moat of the cooking while mom and I hang out. I do love to cook though and my mom has an awesome kitchen....so I will help. I don't buy cards for any holiday, but I will grab some fresh flowers in the.morning, my mom loves flowers :) I would go see my grandma if I could, but she lives 3+ hours away, and I am not up for a day trip. We use any holiday as an excuse to eat good food and hang out by the pool.
  18. I did not think you could use the Wii for anything but Netflix. I would live to know how to use it for something else.
  19. :iagree:I only measure when I bake. Just cooking a meal...I just taste it, if I don't like it, I add more.
  20. To get the house in order for this baby! To stay cool. Finish SOTW1
  21. I think they only have astronomy and earth science or geology for level 1 or 2. I have seen the books at convention, but have not used them.
  22. I spent my entire high school career preparing for college exams where there would be no m/c or multiple guess as my teachers called it. I got to college and was unprepared for the different method needed to prepare for m/c tests. Is your experience with smaller private universities? That is what my school prepared us for, but do to finances, most of us ended up in the two public universities. But I had many classes of 200-400 people. Two stat classes of 1000 each. Yes, exams are on scantrons. My honors classes were smaller and more writing intensive. But university level classes do have m/c tests and quizzes.
  23. Our state constitution requires parents to provide an education for their children. It does not list it as a right of the child.
  24. For 104*, I would medicate immediately. If the fever did not respond, I would be at the doctor. How old is your baby? Under a year, I would be at the doctor now. 1-2....it would depend on other symptoms. Over 2, I would medicate and wait a few days unless there was a sore throat or other symptoms that make me think strep, ear infections,etc.
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