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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I don't know if this has been posted...... http://m.npr.org/story/151044647?url=/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/04/20/151044647/the-pineapple-and-the-hare-can-you-answer-two-bizarre-state-exam-questions&sc=tw
  2. I gave my kindergartener the cat/e last year and we are taking it again this year. I order through Seton, it is cheap and I can give it at home. We do some practice sections in a prep book and then we do the test. I don't really test him much during the year, it is done all together. I think of it as good practice. It is low pressure, a few sections a day at home. But it did show me some weak areas last year. Look at what the test covers. I actually test him appear ahead because the test for K would not have told me anything. As it was, he got a nearly perfect score on the forst grade test. Seton has a.breakdown of what is covered each year. It was very helpful. I live in a non-reporting state. I wanted something to show if I am ever questioned, highly unlikely, but this is a cheap and easy way to keep that record.
  3. :iagree: Who led the prayer? Was of a student or a teacher/administrator. If it was a student, perhaps the kids were allowed to provide introductory exercises and only one student volunteered. Also, what was said? That makes a huge difference as well.
  4. We do parts of Foundations on our own. I would not pay to attend a group because I want to do all of it and I have a support group with a coop that we really like, it is less than $100 a year for membership dues, insurance and facility rental, and class fees. It is pretty laid back for the young ones and options for more as they get older.
  5. From what I can tell, this Is the break down of classes at our convention in a few weeks: Academics -25 Christianity and Family values -19 Academics vs Religion -2 (looks like "how they are compatible" type speech) Balancing Family life and Home education -16 Other topics -6 One acafemic os specifically on achieving a classical education at home. I would say it Is fairly balanced. It would be possible to go to only academic classes if ypu wanted and still have one every session. Every homeschooler I know of from 20 years ago was doing it for religious reasons. We are Christians, bit Homeschool for academics but we include Bible in our education.
  6. Last year, we did Kindergarten, but I gave my some the first grade test. He scored stanine 8 or 9 in everything but computation. That was average for a first grade student. I used what your Kindergarten needs to Know, 100 easy lessons, a sight word spelling book I grabbed at a.garage sale, a comprehensive curriculum of basic skills workbook from Sam's, and a math workbook from Walmart. I need to order my test for this year...I will know in a month how we did this year.
  7. We only do things available at the studio or the gym next door, and I trade ballet for the gymnastics team for tumbling for my dancers and kids. It os three days a.week for my six year old and 2 for my 4 year old. We don't play sports yet. He is.not old enough for the city league. He won't be until next summer. If he.likes baseball and wants to do that, we will be dropping some dance or.gym time. If they were not going to work with me, they would also not do as much. ;)
  8. Search the old threads for how people have listed integrated math on transcripts. I replied on the other thread too. :) If she does well with the program, her test scores will reflect that and schools do like good test scores.
  9. I replied on your other post, but there are some.old threads discussing transcripts and listing integrated math. You can list by subject rather than year and list the topics covered rather than an integrated math program.
  10. I hold my hands lower for this reason, my best friend in high scho was in a wreck in high school and her airbag would have pushed her hands into her cheek bones had she had her hands at 10&2.
  11. He can still get through calculus in three heats woth out pushing. Do algebra 2 this fall, PreCalc with trig next year, and calculus the next. I don't know which program to go with, but look for something with that sequence, then his options are still open.
  12. Why do you not want integrated math? Do you plan to send her to school at some point? If it is working and she is enjoying math, I would stick with what works.
  13. My 6 year old takes an hour long tap/jazz combo, 30 minutes of hip hop, a 30 minutes advanced tech class for competitive kids 5-8 and two 30 minute rehearsal classes. He does compete. He also takes gymnastics/tumbling for an hour a week for competition dance, and 45 minutes of musical theatre. He LOVES it! He would not do so much if I did not own the studio...that makes a huge difference in the finances. But he handles the time well.
  14. Did your older two retain what they learned woth r&s? If so, I would go back to that for the younger three. It is very open and go for us. We do all of of orally right now and my son os retaining it very well. I have not seen a page with 20 written samples yet, maybe that is the older books. You can get the worksheets to cut some writing, and just have them do the odd numbered sentences, or do the first 6-9 orally, each child taking a turn, then write two, of they get them correct, done; if they miss, do the next two. That would be good motivation for my non-writer to focus. I have books 2-5 and don't see much busy work, there are portions meant to do orally and then just a few written questions in each lesson unless it OS a composition assignment. Have you taught them keyboarding skills yet? Maybe you could do that and let them.start typing their writing assignmemts. For kids who have handwriting, this might help increase theor output and writing level.
  15. I bought the hig, wkbk, text. IP, and CWP for a full year on ebay for $60. All brand new.
  16. We have done a 30 year on both houses we have purchased and pay extra principle when we can. We have less tha 5% interest for the life of the loan and no early payoff penalty. A longer mortgage term with a fixed low rate, actiqlly vibrant you the most stability financially because as PP said, you can pay it early but, if finances get tight you are locked into the lowest payment option. Good credit is important because they will give you a loan with okay credit, but your rate will be higher. Better credit gets a better rate, plus with good credit you can shop around for a bank with better closing costs and rates.
  17. It went out once in the last 2.5 years for an issue in the system and once to upgrade our box. We did not even loose power during the blizzard or either of the bog tornado producing storms in the last two years.
  18. Get a fixed rate mortgage. Here is is typical to get a 30 year fixed rate on a house. Some people do 15 years. Our mortgage rate cannot change unless we refinance. I dont know of they are different in Canada. We were able to get a very low rate with a first time home buyers program. It really was not to bad and we have done it twice now.
  19. We generally have enough warning to travel 30 minutes to my parents' house and use their storm shelter. We have a safe room across the street, bit underground is better. I lived in MO for 7 years, I was scared of tornadoes there - not enough warning or sirens! But here, I can deal with it better.
  20. It is nice to have a book to look at while my son reads his, but I could have done this level without it. Starting with three, there is review and other stuff that makes the tm more valuable.
  21. I would put brother and SIL in the kids bedroom and let the cousins camp out in the living room together. We just spent spring break in a 6 bedroom, 3 bathroom, one small kitchen house on the beach....12 adults and 17 kids! It was awesome. Was their conflict, yes; was there incredible family bonding, yes! We had kids 12 months to 16 years hanging out and having a blast. Was this an email? I have a few SILs who can be quite abrupt in writing. They dont mean to come off that way, but it does. Maybe she was just having a hard time expressing herself, and maybe she does not like to talk money.
  22. When I was working with DS on fluency and speed, I picked up some begining readers at the library. We read every other word. I read word one, he read two, I read three and so on. He really had to pay attention and know where we were on the page. It worked so well!
  23. Personally, I do not want to have a baby after 40. I want four kids. I am pg now, of we have another when this one is two, I will be 36. I am fine with that. I would not tell someone else they are two old. It is partially a question of health, partially personal preference, and. a lot of God's timing. I have two cousins who were conceived after my aunts' tubes were tied. My mom was on fertility drugs to have me and bc when my sister was conceived. I have a preference, but it is not all in my control.
  24. We have a few weeks left. We will finish R&S 2 grammar, SM 2a text, wbk, and IP. We skipped some practice in SM 2b text, did all of the wkbk and parts of IP. We have also done over half od CWP2. We may do more over the summer. We have a couple of chapters to finish Biology and we will finish SOTW over the summer. We only did half of CC cycle one because I decided it was not worth dedicated time. We listen to it in the car. I also EKR it best to stop with the timeline where we will be at the end of sotw ancients. It makes more sense for us.
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