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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I only take mine off to clean it and when my hands swell while pg. So right now I am sans ring because I am scared of swelling and having to have the ring cut off. :)
  2. I taught dance class for two hours while in labor with #1. With #2 I finished teaching and went into labor 30 minutes later. And yes.....I really did dance!
  3. My kids have been using Reading Eggs for a couple of months. O.e is a proficient reader using the Eggspress side, the other had no prior reading instruction. We are now doing Phonics Pathways. She did not retain anything from the 20+ lessons she did. She just clicked around until she got tje right thing. My reader found It boring. I would not pay for it. Just my opinion.
  4. I did preschool for about $50 this year. I bought Phonics PathwAys and some basic skills workbooks from Walmart an the dollar store. I printed the brightly beaming letter of the week curriculum. I did the same for K. I bought all of the CC materials for all three cycles for this year. That ran about $250. After that, everything else was less than $300. I have also picked up everything for next year used for pretty cheap. Most of it is non-consumable so I can reuse it and it will be much cheaper the second time around.
  5. I used the History and Geography selections in What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know and lots of library books on the topics listed for K. We did a semester on world geography, continents and a few select countries followed by a very general American History. It has provided a good base for this year. He can undrstand where we are on the globe when we study the maps for Ancients. The Am History really covered enough to understand government holidays and a few big presidents. Save Ancients for next year.
  6. We have two part time jobs. DH owns a window cleaning business and we own a dance studio. On average we each work less than 20 hours per week. He has a BM in music technology and learned the wi.Dow business from his dad. I have a MA in theatre. His busoness grows each year and he will be the primary bread winner, I am cutting back on my hours at the studio.
  7. I took the ACT in 7th and 8th grade. I took the SAT every year in high school. I took the ACT one more time junior year. That was pretty standard for every one in honors at my school.
  8. We did CC cycle one on our own this year. RS4K biology meshes very well with the biology part of the cycle. We love the books and we have managed to make biology last a whole year. We don't do science daily and we dont read a chapter In a sitting. We do a section or two, then we make flash cards and review. Between cc and our study, DS has pretty much memorized what we have studied. We did not do any labs until the microscope labs. We made pond water and have looked at lots of fun stuff. We dont use the lab books. I really like the curriculum, but I also don't want an intense science for elementary. I do feel that the content is appropriate for young elementary. We will go through prelevel one and level one buy the end of fourth or fifth grade, then we will move on to something different.
  9. If you have Netflix, find Word World and find the b d episode. They sing a song. It helped my son. It says some thing about line then circle is the letter b circle then a line is the letter d. The animals break a bed and half to sing the song to put it back together. It has lots of b and d words in and is very visual. The show is.on PBS if you don't have Netflix. You may have to watch for a couple of weeks to find it, but the show is great for early readers andspellers.
  10. Let him eat what you eat. Just make sure you eat a variety of healthy foods and he will develop good eating habits.
  11. He had been helping load, he might have climbed up and opened it to watch or pit in something he found. If he lost his balance and fell in head first, he would have had a hard time getting out. This is terrible.:crying:
  12. :lol: I had a dance teacher friend news up a recital packet one year....she sent hime "Rectal Packets." You have to watch auto correct and spell check. I get messed up all the time!!
  13. Mine came and went for at least a month. I had a day or two of relief and then they popped back up :( They can be quicker, I hope they are for you. If the doctor said you were allergic to something, I would assume it is hives.
  14. We are using Real Science 4 Kids biology, and I have an anatomy coloring book to add to it. It is meant to ne a semester course, bit we have gone slowly and filled a year. You could get level 1 and do that if you wanted more content. We are doing prelevel 1. It is easy to teach and has a few good labs with it.
  15. I had a rash like that, it car and went and inched like crazy. I have bad knees and they were really bothering me so I had taken Naproxen for a few days, stopped that when my knees felt better, then had a killer head ache and took Advil for a few days. Then the rash happened. It came and went on different areas and we finally figured out it was an allergic reaction to NSAIDS. I have taken them since Jr high for headache and since college for my knees, bit only on occasion and never more than a few days. I had talent something daily for a week. My body reacted. There was no way to het rid of it. I packed it with an oatmeal mask. That relieved the Itching while it was on and for a little while after. I did it a few times a day. In my head, it made them shrink :) If it is hives, they can take six weeks to run their course. I hope that you get an answer or get them cleared up soon.
  16. My kids both ran 104* + fevers for several days when they had H1N1 flu last winter. They were lethargic and glassy eyed. I knew what it was, I knee there was nothing to do but alternate tylenol and motion and push fluids....bit to appease my mother I dressed two miserable kids, and drove to the doctor in freezing icy weather. The doctor walked in and took one look at them and said flu before examining them. Exam confirmed, flu. Do nothing or take Tamiflu to maybe shorten it....plus do what I had been doing. We skipped the tamiflu and continued what we had been doing. They were not back to normal for 10 days. One thing that helped my kids was Pediasure. They drank 2-3 chocolate shakes a day for that week they were sick. I could barely get them to eat anything. The shakes had a lot of protein and vitamins. I also gave them a good kids vitamin. Will she drink pedialyte? My kids hate it, but the doctor always recommends it. It didd help dd when she had a tummy bug. I hope your daughter starts feeling better soon. I hate having sick kids :(
  17. FIAR Beast Academy- my son does not enjoy comic books at all. He does laugh himself silly over LOF and remembers a lot of things from It. Sonlight WRTR as a readin curriculum. I totally get it for spelling, just not for reading.
  18. My first grader loves it! We have the audio books and listen to each story a few times. He begs to do it.
  19. Get a hair net. Do a ponytail with wet hair and lots of gel. Wrap the pony tails around itself and then wrap the hair net over and over, 4 bobby pins and it is good all day.
  20. I have never put my kids in a carpet on a plane.we had enough to lug around without a carseat. We rented on at one location and in NYC you don't need them. I have been on one seas flights and experienced plenty of turbulence, but never anything that would have thrown a child from my arms or a seat belt.
  21. I have made up for the last few months with three posts in one day! There was just too much to share. i hope I can get back into regular blogging. Our computer crashed over Christmas break, I lost some pictures, but the best ones are on my blog! I can at least pull them off of that, even if they are lower resolution. Just click the link in my signature to see Lilly's birthday picture, some pics of spring break, what we did this week, and a little bit about they large break in posts!
  22. My son became bored with addition and subtraction after months of doing just that. He was not perfect with his facts, but we moved on to multiplication and division. we still practice addition and subtraction in length and weight word problems but he is also learning multiplication and division. It is working fine. As long as he is keeping the functions straight, it should not be a big deal.
  23. We did 30-45 minutes a day for Kindergarten. My son was already reading well when we started, so we had no formal reading instruction. We did 10-15 minutes of math. I assigned 4-6 problems from his book or did 8-10 on the board...funny how he could do more on the whiteboard in the same amount of time :glare: I just used a workbook from Walmart that had basic addition and subtraction and time problems in it. It went up to two digit addition and subtraction. Sometimes I made up my own problems and sometimes we played with manipulatives. I used What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know to cover the bases in Science, Geography/History, Lit, Art, and Music. We did subjects on rotating schedule. We did Lit daily (read a story, poetry memorization, one a week), History twice a week, and science twice a week. For each topic I picked up early readers at the library on the topic we were covering. He read the books aloud to me and we discussed them. Many things I have read and people that I have talked to have said that you should have about 1 hour of seat work for each year of school, maxing out at 6 hours a day. So first grade would do one hour and second grade two, etc. I used that estimate to judge that we should be under an hour for K. We did read alouds at bedtime and outside theatre, dance, piano, and gymnastics. You will likely burn yourself out doing half a day each day for K. Take it easy, it is most important that he can read and understand numbers and some basic addition/subtraction by the end of the year. Content subjects are just gravy. You can spend the first part of the year focusing on reading and math, when he is reading well, add the other things in.
  24. A class of 5-12 year olds at different levels is not a perfectly good classroom. She was not teaching to the young boys, she was teaching to the visiting students, not the less advanced. She has an assistant who does not know what to do. It is inefficient at best. OP: Either work with you son on class behavior and stick it out or drop the class amd look for a new class.
  25. Multiplication is taught in 2b and 3a. Did you did a placement tes before starting SM? I tested my son before ordering and we skipped 1 completely. 2 had some concepts that were too easy, but others that he needed to work on. We had not learned any multiplication tables yet. We sped through the easy sections and took our time on tue new material. We have now finished all of 2a&b and we are working on the IP and CWP only. It is giving ss good challenge, again, we are skipping or skimming the concepts that are too easy. You sound like you may be jumping curricula a bunch. I would recommend you not do that. You are more likely to have holes. You should keep one spine consistently. If that means just dong SM text, while adding in BA or other things, do that. I dont know how far Miquon goes, but you don't want to do BA, then go back to something else when you can't get the next level of BA. Whatever decide, just be sure you can continue with a consistent program.
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