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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Did I say I believe in a fully literal interpretation. I said it was interesting. I have agreed with most, yes. But not all. It is a very interesting series, all I said. You can agree with part of something and still learn from it and find it interesting.
  2. Our small group is working through The TruthProject. We just watched and discussed the two part science segment today. I think it is an excellent video series. I would take a look at it. It is very thought provoking.
  3. It is such a quick reference that I don't even remember it until I read it again or until it is mentioned. I have read that book at least 10 times. I would not worry about it. If your child asks, just mention the folklore aspect of the book.
  4. We have a late night schedule, I am not usually up before 9am; I do however set my alarm for 8am if I need a dr appointment. Make the call, go back to sleep. It is no big deal.
  5. We almost always have juice boxes around for a quick grab and go drink....and every birthday party we have been to included capri suns. My kids could handle a juice box by three with out making a mess....unless they are purposely making a mess.:confused:
  6. I should not open food threads....they only lead to pregnancy cravings. I think I have a brownish mix and some chocolate chips....
  7. Fudgey! If I wanted cake like, I would make a cake. And, they have to have Ghiredelli chocolate chips in them....dark chocolate!
  8. Depending on what kind of theatre, I can see benefits. We have done two lit based shows with our younger students this year - Willy Wonka and Flat Stanley - a lot of the kids read the books to het ready for the show. Our high schoolera did the same when we did Jane Eyre. A lot of plays and musicals use higher language and many lit and historical references. The discipline and memorization helps as well. It helps build confidence. I can see many benefits. Dancers and musicians tend to do better in mathematics. I think most extracurricular activities help with academics in some way.
  9. My son did not know his math facts when we started two digit addition and subtraction, at least not quickly. He was ready for the new concept though. We went very slowly. We did four problems a day. We could do that in15-20 minutes at first. We did that for a few weeks amd then he could do problems in about a minute each. It was good drill without feeling like drill. I put the problems on the board a lot. That helped keep his focus better than a colorful cartoon page.
  10. Dance class. Especially ballet. They will work on his posture and head placement. Gymnastics is good as well. More so for boys than girls. Girls tend to pick up bad lower back posture, but it is great strength training for boys.
  11. I would be concerned. If her lack of reading is holding her back in the activity he is doing with the group, he should ask the parents for strategies to help her in class. Don't assume they are doing nothing, just say he needs help to help her in the activity.
  12. No, not appropriate! It is nothing like the musical. It is much darker. There is a scene in a Burlesque type show. It includes descriptions of humans and animals. There is quite a bot of s*xual content.
  13. We closed an account, moved all the money, and changed our address to our new address to receive the final closing statement. I then left town andbdrove six hours with a nearly two year old, pregnant! DH came two days later. In the meantime, I purchased birthday decorations and gifts...I had failed to cut up the debit card from the closed account and grabbed it put of habit instead of the card to the good account...rather than denying the charge....it went through! I received an over draft note 3weeks later because they had not changed the address, it had to be forwarded. They charged $8 per day for the negative balance. It took a few days, but I worked it out to send a check fothe original charge, then they removed the charges. It was a frustrating mess!
  14. Aidan does gymnastics one hour a week, dance three hours, theater one hour, and co-op for three hours. H would not do as much if he were in school.
  15. See if you can get a copy of the Book of Virtues, it has stories and poems to teach kids things like being truthful, once, amd having good manners. I cant think of one off the top of my head right now. But it is full of great stuff.
  16. I do it too, all the time! I spent four hours with at&t trying to fix a mistake on our bill. They passed me from person to person amd then back to same department so many times, when I finally got a manager I was so angry all I could do was cry.
  17. That is basically what I was taught. I looked it up online and found that it is more common elsewhere, but not in the US.
  18. Diapers and wipes! You can also see of they have registered for seconds of anything. They will need another carseat, another bouncy seat or other such items. My friends had an 18 month old son and twin boys, they appreciated diapers and formula coupons.
  19. I have never Ised the word learnt; to me, it sounds awful! I just received and email from reading Eggs saying my child had learnt the following... It was something corrected in spoken English in elementary school. Learnt was incorrect, learned was correct. What does everyone else think, what were you taught?
  20. Some places will let you, some will not. Can he add you as a signer and get you a card before you leave?
  21. I am teaching a research paper class for our co-op next year. I think all of the kids need this book. It has citation instructions for MLA, APA, and Chicago as well as grammar and punctuation rules. Has anyone purchased this book? I can't find it for less than about $24. I have a couple other books I want the kids to have, but I want to keep the class inexpensive. My current book list is about $50. I could require one and purchase it with class fees and recommend they get the others, unless I can find this book cheaper. Any ideas?
  22. Me too, and always three times! I get pickups of I eat bread with nothing else.
  23. There are 6 units with 25 lessons, 2 reviews, and a test. We are in level two. I skip some revoew and we dont do all the tests. Just work through the book in order. It is quick, easy, and painless. We have done up to four lessons a day at times.
  24. Order a pizza. You might call and check what she likes. Leave a note with the following: Your full names and cell number The house jumber if you have one Your exact address as well as the closest major cross streets. Kids names and ages, any allergies or special needs/notes. If you want a schedule maintained, write it out. I was taught to het this info in a babysitting class I took in Jr high. It gives the sitter all info needed in case of an emergency. If, for some reason, she needs to call 911, it speeds up the process of she has address and cross streets.
  25. I would have done it the way your DD did, my son is only in level 2, but I am sure he would do it that way too. He does not like the bar diagrams.
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