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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. My mom took the kids and I. They loved it. Go see it if you get the chance, her dancing and acrobatics are so much fun.
  2. I loved my first grade, and second/third grade teachers. They were both wonderful, sweet, and loving. I always felt safe in theory classes. My four favorite teachers were all teachers I had for more than one year. My 8th/10th geade science teacher, 10th/11th grade English teacher, my drama/senior English teacher, and my all2/PreCalc teacher. They made class fun, and I know I learned a lot. The science teacher took us hiking and camping every summer!! She was awesome. She followed our class from middle school to high school, and then ended up at college with me....she went back for her Phd while I was a freshman. It was fun running into her on campus. She even came to my wedding.
  3. Have you seen Kathy Rigby as Peter Pan? She tumbled all over the place. We saw her thos year, we had sixth row seats. They really made her up to look young, but it was awesome!
  4. :iagree: Did I like the giant ankles on my DD, no. Was I appreciative of the security. Honestly, with DD I had a c-section and no desire to leave my bed. With DD, I just wanted to lay in bed and snuggle my baby. DH was exhausted (checked in at 11pm and baby born at 6 am....he slept then went to find lunch and then took care of us, In the room. I just don't get the desire to leave anyway. Of you are ready, just check out. While there, abide hy the rules.
  5. Lots of people spend time on things through high school that they don't do after graduation, but most probably don't regret the time spent. Most kids that dance through high school don't go any further with it, same for choir, musical theatre, gymnastics, cheerleading, even debate and yearbook. Valuable life skills are gained whether they go on or not. Discipline strength, a desire for regular exercise, and more can he gained through gymnastics. And, as you said, gymnastics OS hard to pick up later in life and tennis would be possible. I would do gymnastics now. Let him try it. If he gets bored after a year, switch to tennis. My son loves gymnastics! He is getting so strong!
  6. Sometimes we start at 9pm. Usually we do either 10-11, 11:30;or more recently 12:30-1:30 and maybe finish that night after dinner.
  7. Yes! At least two seasons. My house was so clean as I watched that show....even reprinted a room! Our house is usually clean. I even managed unclean house during show weeks (we practically live at the theatre, we come home to eat sleep and sew and I leave a mess of scraps sewing 50 costumes in three days....yes, I am a procrastinator!) But, my firsy trimester this time was awful!! 8 weeks of sick sick sick and no energy. We sid school in my reclined - just math and grammar, until the grammar book went missing :001_huh: At 15 weeks I started getting energy back. I started in the kitchen, we were at the point of wash to use. I did a load in the dishwasher and a sink by hand a day. I slowly tackled the.laundry that had been washed and never folded....DS still only has two pair of socks that I can find. He has at least 15 pair! It took 2 hours to clean the playdough, art supplies, blankets, sewing mess, and other craziness around my kitchen table. It took 4 house to clean our 10 x 15 family room.....toys under everything, legos and game pieces all mixed up!! It was awful! The playroom had been well maintained by the kids, but they could only put away two tpys from the house and then bring five more out! The bathrooms were bad too. I was disgusted by my house, we looked like boarders, but I could do nothing about it. DH did most of the cooking, and when he was not exhausted from work, he cleaned some....but we got so behind. It has been two weeks and we are clean, sanitized, but cluttered. I don't cry when I come home any more. I have never been so embarrassed at the shape of my house.
  8. Did ypu have him in too easy a level of SM? You said you did 3a for the mental math, bit it sounds like he does not need help with that. Skip the HIG and manipulatives if he.gets it, just let him do the problems until he needs.help. You could also try MM. I have not used it, bit heard good things. It will be cheaper too, since you are buying a fourth program for the year.
  9. 1-1.5 hours. It depends on the day and what subjects we do. Some days, usually review days, math takes longer because he hates review!
  10. I did MLA in high school and undergrad work, except one psychology class that required APA. Then for my masters, they used Turabian!! Ugh, I hated it. It was not it's own style. It said things like: this is Chicago style and this is MLA, use the one your professor prefers! By tue end on my program they had changed to MLA and all the stidents, and our graduate coordinator did the happy dance! I am teaching a research paper class next year, I am having all students get a manual with all three styles. We will look at the differences, I was doing to have them all do MLA. Now I may let them pick if they know what field they plan to enter.
  11. Relax and be lazy for a while, then do some shopping and church tonight.
  12. I would sign her up for a free program like xtramath.org. Have her do the drills daily. This will help cement the facts in her head. Then do placement tests for a couple of programs you are considering. Look for her weak spots and focus.on those through the end of the year. I might even drop the curriculum to focus on what she needs to get down before moving forward. Do problems on a board rather than paper. Get some manipulatives and cement place value in her head, then work on regrouping in multi-digit addition and subtraction. I loved School Zone's Big Math 1-2 software for this concept. It is games where they move beans around as they add and subtract. You can get just the software or software and workbook on Amazon. I have not looked extensively at MM, but I did purchase the geometry for 1-3 grades. You may be able to just get the addition and subtraction, I don't know. Then it isn't a grade level, but a topic for multiple grade levels. Work for short time periods, just a few practice problems a day and work through the summer if you need to. Then do placement tests again. If you need to not be apart of math after that, go with teaching textbooks. I do think you need to be involved in catching her up. Either that, or hire a tutor for her for the summer. Could you take her to a Sylvan or Kumon center? Either way, fill in the gaps, then change curriculum or you will still have those holes.
  13. I agree that it could be too much. If it is fact drill, set up an account at xtramath.org. It is free. You can also buy cheap workbooks at Walmart and Target. We have a few that I have him do periodically for fact practice. I live the A+ books Target keeps in the dollar section.
  14. My husband and his siblings were homeschooled, only one of them truly regrets it and 4 of 7 are homeschooling their own kids. I never planned to Homeschool when we got married. Then, I saw the results of the schools where we used to live. They started block scheduling in 5th grade, 10 year olds were ezpected to sit through 90 minute classes. Most universities don't even ask that of college students! The kids told me about propping for tests, the teachers would spend 45 minutes giving the answers, and 45 minutes letting tje kids take the test (end of year testing). I decided I would Homeschool if we stayed there. We moved back to Oklahoma and into a great school district. DS missed the K cutoff by 3 weeks. I called the district to see what our options were....he would be in preschool. I explained that he was reading at a sec.d grade level and doing basic addition amd subtraction. No exceptions, no testing, no grade skipping for boys. I asked what would happen in K, as he would progress in tue next year. The reply I got, "we would hope that the teacher could keep him.busy with work on his level." In a class of 25....not likely. So we homeschooled K with the intention of trying to get him in first this year. He progressed far beyond what I expected and we loved being together all day. Now, I can't imagine sending him off to strangers all day :) what was I thinking!
  15. If this baby is a girl, her name will be Charlotte Rose. If it is a boy....we have no idea! I like Caleb, Michael, and Andrew, but I can't use any of those names because we have nephews with those names. 9 boys on one side and 8 on the other....a lot of names we like are taken :)
  16. I voted! I will again tomorrow too! My son just told me we could do history during summer break because it is not really like school....it is just fun! I never felt that way about history :)
  17. Do you still carry your little ones around? Could it be soreness from picking up or possibly being kicked while carrying a small one? I hope it status feeling better.
  18. I have microwaved in a pinch and not had one explode....no holes. I want to make a potato bag to bake in the microwave :) sometimes I want a potato NOW not in am hour. Now, I am going to pit some potatoes in because I am having a craving ;)
  19. Some agwnts feel this way, some do not. The first realtor we used wanted us to offer $10000 above asking price and no repairs or anything. We offered $5000 less and no repairs. We were negotiating the final details....closing date and costs, otherwise a done deal. She went oit of town and did not respond to the selling agent so they cancelled the contract negotiations. We bought a for sale by owner instead. When we were looking the second time around the agent we went with first had no interest in dealing with our low budget, we had to find houses and tell her what we wanted to see, she refused to take us to a few. We switched realtors. The new realtor found us a house amd we had it under contract in a week. She brought a housewarming gift the day we closed and checked with is a month later to be sire everything was still going well. Our selling agents in MO, like I said, were willing to pay for repairs to get the house sold. When negotiating the.contract. the second and final time, we were on the phone all day to get the details ironed out. I was exhausted! Bit they stayed on top of it and we had a contract in 3 hours of the first offer. The house, by then, needed a new roof from storm damage, they helped with the insurance and roofing process. So we have had two good and two bad and we have owned two houses. I have no problem dropping a bad realtor now.
  20. Wrap with foil, sometimes we rub it in olive oil, then add baking nails. We able on 500 for 30-60 minutes, depending on the size.
  21. I am using level 2 with my 6year old, it is really easy. I would go with level 3 for an 8 year old.
  22. :party: Congrats!!! Sorry your family is not as excited. They will fall in love with the new addition soon enough. But it is more fun to get excited reactions. So YEAH!!!!
  23. In both states I have bought homes in, that agents still YOUR agent, not the agent for the buyers. They must represent you. The buyer is basically on their own in the negotiations. Our agent did thisnon our first offer. They were going to cover half the repairs. They buyers were being uncooperative. They had dwcided they wanted out. They were demanding repairs not mentioned in the inspection. The roof was fine, old, but fine and they wanted a new.roof! We refused that, but were fixing everything else.
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