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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I took both kiddos with me today, DH was working. They were great, hiding in the dressing area the whole time. As we were leaving DS picked up a brochure to read in the car. He happened to grab the one on why you should not smoke while pregnant. Now, I do not smoke, have never smoked, do not plan to try it. But DS insisted o. reading it to me! He told me I should chew gum and keep my hands busy. I said that is for smokers. He said that it was still a good idea. He said I should learn to knit. That will keep my hands busy! He was insistent! He is very concerned about the condition of our little one!
  2. My friend and her family slept through it, they only knew when they got a call that school was cancelled.
  3. My son is young, so he doesn't really pick any curriculum. But I give him freedom in what he reads on his own. For a while it was all simpke picture books, even though he could do more, now he has started picking more challenging stuff. When they pick, they are definitely more interested.
  4. It took me a few problems to get the bar method down. I also wanted to do algebra. I drew the diagrams for a few problems amdbthen would do it when Ds got confused, but is started soing them in his head before I could get anything drawn out and he did not want the drawings, but he is not visual. He dislikes pictures and manipulatives. I think the diagrams are good, I understand algebra on a different level now than I did in school, I will push him to use the diagrams and work to figure them out because as a mathy person, I can see the benefit to understanding. I would try to do at least some of them.
  5. I voted third, but that is what I expect in SM level 3, CWP. So I guess in PS it really might be 4th or 5th, but I don't remember anything like that until 5th or 6th, maybe even 7th. So, I don't really have a clue.
  6. My DD wanted her own special workbooks. One even came with a cd rom game. She was sooooo excited! Sometimes I work with her, sometimes she wants to color. I bought her some flash cards too. She loves those.
  7. Some places still do. I have had dance atudents complain about the mile run. They have to do it in a certaib time get an A, another time for a B and so on. Same thing for shuttle runs, pull UPS, push UPS, etc. I think it is ridiculous. Grading on improvement, yes; arbitrary standards, no.
  8. Yes, which probably meant they were being extra vigilant in their job. With a famous person in the ward, they may have expected some crazies to.show up. I would not know who any of the Kennedy's were if I saw them. Maybe they did not know who he was. I am not the kind to recognize stars, or anyone famous for being from a certain family. Star status does.not matter to me. Perhaps they really did not know. Either way, he was breaking a rule and they were trying to protect the baby.
  9. 2b seemed so easy.compared to 2a. We just finished it in about a month. We are going to do the IP and CWP now. I may skip some of the easy problems and just do the more challenging sections. There just was not much new in the book, my son can always use more practice. He tends to rush and make silly mistakes. We are working on taking our time ;)
  10. My kids.love to bake cookies with me. If I feel we need some time, I get out the mixer. Chocolate chip are not that messy....cutouts however are a HUGE mess, but wau more fun. Play with playdough. It cleans up pretty easy. Bubbles outside. Let the olders blow the bubbles for the littles to chase.
  11. I remember your pp, don't to back to the gym right now. Finish ot the year with what you have, then change the.schedule and do gym instead of something else. Explain why you dropped them to dh and that you will pick them up when other activities are done. You could wvwn do something completely different, try baseball or soccer for the summer. The ymca sign UPS have already started, so you should think about of now.
  12. We were close to our neighbors growing up. The neighbors we have now....we wave at each other when we are outside at the same time. DH has had actual conversations with the hysband, my kids play with the daughter, but the wife....I feel like she avoids me. Maybe I am just paranoid.
  13. :iagree: But I think there are great places to live. It just depends on what you want. We live with Tue benefits of a small town - everything close - and a big city - lots to do within an hour drive. You don't has to tell anyone you are homeschooling unless you are removing children from achool...never in school, no one knows your kids exist.
  14. I have only been active on one other forum, dance.net. I started chatting on it right out of college. I stayed on the teacher boards, when we opened the studio, I paid to join tyebstudio owner board. It used to be a busy place, it is slow now. I check it a few times a week. If I want a good debate, I go read the debate board there. Now I spend more time than I want to admitted here.
  15. My son has a.late Sept birthday. He would be in Kindergarten this year by the cutoff, but does all 2nd grade work. His friend ar church are all firat grade, he can do the more advanced theatre class as a first grader. We call him first. We did kindergarten last year.
  16. I second the good shoes! Also, lots of calf stretches. And gently stretch your feet before you get put of bed in the morning.
  17. Our house was on the market 1400+ days. We negotiated on an offer $10,000 below asking price, sold for $1000 below plus a portion of closing costs. Make the offer, be prepared for rejection or counter offers. Just because it has been on the market does not nean it has to sell. Even in a bad market. They may take your offer, but they may not. Most realtors won't let you make an offer without preapproval. We had one that wanted the preapproval letter before any showings.
  18. Someone was texting in church let night, and the button volume was on high!
  19. We all bathe midday. We lounge in pjs, do school, and then shower to leave for the day. I do only bathe my kids 2-3 times a week in the winter to prevent dry skin, but they are young. Summer - daily baths.
  20. There would have been everything....well dressed upper class and the unbathed peasants...and talk aboit a rude audience! We dress up for all the shows we produce. Many parents follow suit. They see how we dress and they bring siblings dressed well now too. We had one 8 year old ushering in the follies dress I have ever seen.
  21. We always dress for the theatre. I was raised that way and being in theatre, it is what you do. Many people don't though. Part of it is that you don't dress for Broadway any more. Two years ago we went to Mary Poppins in NYC, we went in shorts and t-shirts. That is what people do. We toured all over NYC for the day, ate dinner, bit did not have time to go 30 minutes back to my sister's apartment to change. I felt very word about it, but we were in the majority. It makes me sad.
  22. When my house gets messy, as was recently the case, I lose all motivation for anything! I get lazier amd eat.more. As soon as I start cleaning, when a room looks good, I am.motovated again. I have to push to get started though. When I don't exercise, I feel awful. 15 minutes on the elliptical and I feel energized again. Try it, it can't hurt. Make yourself exercise for 20 minutes, then set a goal....a time for cleaning. 3+4 15-minutes intervals. Then take a shower and look at what you accomplished in am hour. Then get a good book and find a place to read for 30 minutes. It may not be the only thing you need, but cleaning and exercise can be theraputic. I don't do all of Flylady, but the 15 minutes and the 27 fling boogie make you feel great! I think a lot while I clean and exercise. Write down your thoughts. Sorry if this is incredibly disjointed....I have been interrupted by a six year old a few times ;)
  23. Use, 9pm. We own a performing arts academy. I teach from 4-8:30 twice week, 4-7:30 twice a week. We eat dinner between 8&9 pm and the kids go to bed at 11, I go to bed around the.same time or at midnight. Dh owns a window cleaning business as well. Some days he works 8-3ish. After dinner is our family time. Last night we looked at protazoa with the.microscope until 10:30, then the kids went to bed. We even do Sunday night church rather than the morning. This insane schedule was one of the reasons we chose homeschooling. We need that flexibility.
  24. Get What Your Second/Third grader Needs to Know books and read the lit, history, and science sections out loud. Just do it for bedtime reading and a little during the day. It you add nothing else, you can do it in a few months. If you add some other reading for science and history, you can take the summer to do it. It would be easy and it is already organized for you.
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