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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. :iagree: I had forgotten aboit her until I saw this post.
  2. Rod and Staff 3 SM 3a and 3b with IP and CWP Life of Fred, whatever we get to. This is just for fun. Lit selections from What Your Second Grader Needs to Know and anything else we choose to read. SOTW 2 RS4K physics and chemistry Spelling Plus, 3rd-4th grade lists with the Dictation book. Daily Silent Reading of his choice Dance 2xs per week Gymnastics 1 day per week Musical Theatre 1 day per week Co-op for PE and two science or history unit studies per semester.
  3. We pack ourselves. It takes a long time to pack a household on your own. Especially if ypu are doing it around work and school schedules. It's great if ypu can hire movers, bit we have never been able to afford that.
  4. Oklahoma City/Moore/Norman, OK is a great place. Nothing to file or do for homeschooling. Lots of support groups, co-ops and extra classes. We have a great art museum, several science museums, history museum, a ballet, opera, and more theatre companies than I can name. We even have a Shakespeare company. There are lots of classes for kids and plenty of sports to sign up for. We also have a baseball team, hockey team, amd.basketball team.
  5. Having been a landlord trying to sell a rented house, I would be willing to take down personal items and declutter as much as I could to help sell. Especially since you are moving in two months, I usually start packing that far out anyway.
  6. No, I would not suggest she sing that song. If they are doing a Disney Jr production, find a Disney song. I would however be careful, The Lion King, Jr does not exist. If they annoumce that as a show, they are most likely not doing shows legally. Little Mermaid, Jr was just released however. Your child would not be on trouble for participating, just know that of they are doing productions Illegally and they get caught, your dd could be very disappointed of a show is camcelled after casting.
  7. With my first two, I cut back. With this one, I completely cut out soda.
  8. I also answered that I packed lunch and my son never ate the school lunch.
  9. What would you combine? I would just take the 30 minutes it would take to do a short reading and math lesson with the Ker and let the 4th grader do seat work or reading in that time. Do art together and let the Ker listen to lit, history and science part of the time. Don't have the Ker do it all, just one thing a day and then find some good videos: Leap Frog, Liberty Kids, Word World, etc....and play a video for your younger child while you finish up school with the older one. I keep lots of color sheets for my prek dd. I have two copies of all SOTW maps and something for her to cut and paste while brother does a lap book. Mine are a year closer, Ds will be 3rd when dd starts K.
  10. My husband has complete flexibility and control of his schedule. No paid vacation, but between the two businesses, we pay our bills and live nicely, in two days, one will even start providing health insurance! It is a lot of work amd sometimes a lot of stress, but it is worth it not to have to deal with an employer. We are successful because we live on our businesses, they continue to grow, and most of all...the flexibility! No, we aren't wealthy, but we have what we need and a little of what we want.
  11. We own two small businesses, we started one on our own amd the other we started with family and our initial investment came from money my grandmother left me. The firay business cost less than $50 to get started. The investment in the other was only $3000. The $50 startup has had bigger payoff so far, but we are getting there.
  12. I think her ideas are great, pretty much common sense on a lot of things....but it was nice to get the reminder. I have failed miserably, twice. I get overwhelmed by the emails and quit. I just try to implement a few of the strategies that really help me....like the 15 minute declutter. I don't swish and swipe the bathroom daily and I don't get dressed foray thinkin the.morning.
  13. We used Rod and Staff 2, Spelling Plus and what ever books he wanted to read.
  14. I made an alphabet lapbook for my 4 year old. I used homeschoolshare.com. It has lots of blank templates for lapbook sections. Then I used clip art from Power point to add items that started with each letter. They also have free premade lapbooks. I have made worksheets in word before. I have done handwriting worksheets at http://www.handwritingworksheets.com/.
  15. That is how my son is, cutting back has proved the best remedy. The less he writes, the better he writes. Two sentences of dictation and I get beautiful writing, a writing worksheets and dictation, I got sloppy work. He is building good writing habits with smaller daily writing.
  16. I learned cursive in 3rd grade, and was required to use it until 6th grade. I hated cursive. I went back to print in 6th when I started taking notes in.classes. By 8th grade we were typing most projects. I only needed cursive to sign my name. If you fill out a form, it always says print or type. Most communication is typed now. If she Hayes cursive, let her print. Practice signing her name. I can take notes in print faster than many people can in cursive. It is not something I would stress over. Teach her to type, and have her type assignments. Typing speed and accuracy is more important for real life than cursive.
  17. My son is the same way. When he shines that it is too easy, we push through and I have to stand over him. He is still memorizing multiplication, but he gets it so he does not want to practice. When he complains it is too hard, I pull out an easy drill workbook from Walmart and tell him to do that in stead; remarkably, he then starts to do the harder problems with no more complaints ;) On really bad days, we cut lessons short.
  18. Whenbyou say she struggles with writing, is it stamina or formation of letters. My son struggles with stamina. If that is the problem, I would not do a heavy dictation/copywork program and a separate handwriting program. My son would not he able to complete both. I had copy work for handwriting and dictation for spelling/punctuation at the.begining of the year. We were both miserable. I dropped the handwriting sheets and kept the dictation and his writing improved, plus we had success with dictation. If the problem is letter formation, you may still need bot. But if stamina is the problem, I would carefully evaluate how much writing you have planned per day. Reduce the handwriting required and get colored pencils for the maps and color sheets in SOTW AG. He will color with pencils all day, O find that has increased his hand strength and stamina more than making him write was. But he did not think of it that way. It is harder to get a good solid color with pencils than crayons or markers, but the end result is cleaner so it is satisfying.
  19. I use Spelling Plus and the Dictation book by Susan Anthony. It is so easy. We pretests on Monday, throughout the week we practice missed words and review the rule for the lesson. Friday, we test again. The next week I do the dictation for that list. The book has premade lists for 1000 words and word banks to ise to add to list or make your own. We did the K, 1st, and 2nd grade lists this year. If I had made some of my own lists it would have taken ponder for first grade. There is also a homonymn book, you don't really need it because they are listed in the spelling book. I love that it is not a workbook. We do it orally or on the white board.
  20. Hancock and Hobby Lobby have carried them in the past.
  21. Our local fabric store has a variety of skirt fabrics. They are cute and already have the elastic....just measure the waist and sew up one side. They have dresses too. I add straps to those. We don't always wear skirts, can't really teach ballet in one ;) but DD would wear nothing but skirts if she could, but sometimes, laundry just does not get done :)
  22. We did a few random phonics worksheets, nothing formal. My son is an excelent speller and he is picking up grammar with no problems this year.
  23. The first paragraph of the article says it is to keep kids from working on family farms. There OS a list of places kids cannot work. I am sure it leaves them plenty to do, but I don't think it is up to the government to dictate what chores kids can and.can't do at home.
  24. It depends on the week. 5-6 nights someone usually cooks dinner. DH and I split the cooking duties. We usually eat out at least once a week, in a bad week we eat out 5-6 times ;)
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