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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I would suggest having many different mini books to practice with. On that note....anyone know the correct way to fold a hot dog book....I have looked at the directions and tried....but I cannot get It!!
  2. I use Audacity for all of my music editing for dance recitals. You have to rip songs off a cd, it does not like the Itunes format. I just burn a cd, then use a free ripper to rip a was file. I took 60 minutes of music amd made a.14 minute medley for recital in about 30 minutes this year. It fades and cross fades, and allows you to adjust anything. It has taken me a while to learn everything.g I can do with It, but it is pretty user friendly.
  3. We own and ironing board and iron, but we never use either one. We have a Conair stand up steamer. It tales up less space, is always set up, and os easy to use. It takes five minutes to warm up, so we hand our clothes on it, do something else then come back and steam. It has a crease attachment for pants and adjustable clips to stretch pants. I love it!
  4. I have never had to check a box to say my diploma was accredited. Most job apps ask if you graduated, name of school, and days of attendance or graduation. Give your school an official name, put that as the school name. No one knows the names of all the high schoools. They wont know the difference. For colleges, I have read many threads on the high school boatd that have convinced me I can do this for the long haul. I also listened to a speaker at convention last year, she discussed record keeping amd how she made her kids transcripts. They were detailed, but it was not that hard, amd the schools were impressed.
  5. When I get aggravated by a post, I write a response but usually delete. I am not the type to debate, I am generally not a confrontational person. I do like getting my anger or frustration out by typing and then deleting :) I also respond on my phone. If I have typing issues, it gets to long, or I find too many mistakes to fix....I delete.
  6. I took Physical Geography as my undergrad lab science credit. It is different than geography or cultural geography. We studied erosion, climate, and the physical scientific aspects of geography. It is definitely a science. It did include math as well, we did calculations on rates of erosion and many other things. At the university I attended it was one of two sciences most non-science majors took. It was easier than chem and bio, but harder than geology. Yes it is a valid science credit.
  7. Our washer is in the garage, in the summer even an hour leaves towels smelling! I have a bleach cup, I just pour some bleach in the cup and it diluted it as it adds water to the load. It gets rid of the smell. If I over bleach, I wash again with extra fabric.softener. I usually do thos once a month. Our towles are still bright amd colorful!
  8. I would pack things that would coordinate well no matter what she wears. Let her pick a few favorite accesories. Tell your family that she has he own sense of style and you are letting her explore it. It is no different than creating a painting, she does art on herself!
  9. 1. To see and study proper language usage. 2. To help develop good spelling habits. 3. To practice handwriting. 4. To work on tracking and memorizing what you are copying. 5. Exposure to good passages of literature. All but number three could be accomplished by typing the copywork. I have a theatre student with dysgraphia, she types everything and does much better. You obviously cover handwriting in her therapy. There may be more reasons, but these are the top reasons I see.
  10. I did the same thing with.morning sickness when I had not eaten yet. Both of my kids did when they had a 24 hour stomach bug and their stomachs were empty. Have him SIP water, if he keeps that down, change to something like pedialyte (7up always helps me). If he keeps that down try bread or crackers. Jello is another of my favorite tummy foods. My doctor always says to add foods slowly a bite or two at a time as they are able to keep food down.
  11. I forgot the work at home.part...I have one day a week set aside for work.at home. No in studio classes. I do most of it then. When needed, I do an hour a day in the morning.
  12. We own two businesses. DH has a window cleaning business and we own and dance and arts academy. I do all the tax and payroll work plus teach 13-18 hours a week. I am cutting back teaching hours next year with the new baby. It is a lot to juggle. We start school at 9 or 10 and we finish by lunchtime. DD will start K in a year and school will take more time. I am trying to put some of her instruction in the summer this year and next. We will learn to read tgis summer and get basic math this summer amd next. That will make k easier and give me until DS is 4th and she is 1st before I have a full load with both of them. After lunch I clean a bit and get ready for work. DH gets home before I leave most days. He does.some pick up and keeps the yard and garden. We split dinner duties and whoever has thebshorter workday puts the kids in bed. Baths for the kids happen at random times. Family time is in the evenings and bedtime is 11pm. Dh does not work everyday. He is on his second week off right now. I have two weeks at Christmas, a month in the summer plus all the regular school breaks. We are able to balance our schedules because we really have a lot of flexibility.
  13. :bigear: I have been wondering the same thing.
  14. I have both kingfishers. The older one is much easier to look at and read. I found it on amazon for $30 last year. Two used book dealers had it at convention this year. I did not look at the price, but there are at least many places to find it.
  15. It sounded like he sprayed their beds while they were gone. It is not a thing a nice person would do, but ot Is not the same as spraying a person and laughing about it. He likely never saw the effects it had on the homeless people. He may feel differently about what he did now, you can only ask.
  16. We battled mrsa for the first two years of dd's life and I have friend whose husband died from a mrsa infection. I am very cautious of antibiotics. I would not advocate taking them everytime you are bit.
  17. We were both 21, we have been married 11 years. We waited until I graduated college to het married andbtuen waited until DH graduated and I finished my MA before we had kids. I dont think we were young, but I was the first of my high school class to get married.
  18. I have added the McGuffey readers to our list. I have wanyed to use them amd finally got a set used, so now we will try that. I have to figure out where to start him though.
  19. I go to work at 3:30-4:00 on days I teach. I like to lounge in pjs or only shorts. Lilly usually puts on a dress, Aidan will wear his pjs until he wants to go outside. We have had all day pj days. When it Is time to go somewhere, they are quick to dress. We do practice getting ready to go quickly one day a week for coop and other days we do so, just In the afternoon. We are really flexible.
  20. I don't know women who have been told that specific thing, but I know some who were told not to have anymore after repeat c-sections. I assume it has to do with the ability for the same incision to heal multiple times withput fear of rupture late in pregnancy. I have not researched much beyond the fact that a repeat c-section was not best for me.
  21. My son reads aloud to me from his grammar lesson and I have him read 15-20 minutes in his own. He reads very well, but he does not enjoy it. I have not foynd anything that really gets him reading yet. I dont want to make him hate reading, so I don't force that much reading. He is starting to read Harry Potter with out being told to read, so maybe this fall we can up the school reading.
  22. I would not do the next level over the summer. Of she really wants to do math, give her the IP and CWP from a couple levels of SM. Find some games, read some books. Math bingo, yahtzee, and monopoly are favorites with my 6 year old.
  23. My son will be a young second grader next year. He is mature for his age and always has been. He will be In third grade grammar, and 3-4th grade math. When some one asks what grade he is in, his answer includes the level of work he does. We have had to discuss not being show offish about It, but it works for him. Could you do two years of sixth on official papers and just let yer answer "I do sixth grade work" this year; and "I do seventh grade work" next year? I don't know about any extra curriculars she does, things like dance, gymnastics, and art would still be leveled by ability no matter the age and grade; but many churches we have been to have a 5th-6th group, a 7th-8th group, and then a high school group for youtu activities. If she is In something like that, it may be award when she does not move up with friends she has been with for a while. She might be fine, she will have friends in both grades; only you really know how the geade change will affect her in her peer group activities. We are in a coop that is being really strict about birthdays for moving into the classes where they select what to take rather than keeping the whole group together for three hours. I was concerned about DS not moving up with his friends, but since the kept k and 1st grade kids together last year, he has friends who will be staying with him. I thought he wpuld be more upset than he was. He had no issues. He will miss being in class with some friends, but he will be fine.
  24. I am so sorry! I would tell her. If she is like some 11 year old girls I know, she may build up a worse scenario in her head and it will cause her a lot of stress and worry. She will be sad, but I am sure she will be a big help too.
  25. After two dates, I just don't see as many red flags as others do. I would find a surprise date fairly romantic.I would day the first few months is just getting to know each other and becoming friends. But I was more slow to get serious. I have only ever kissed two men. One who I dated moat of my junior year and my husband. I hope your daughter has a great time tonight and learns a little more about this man.
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