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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. You get a second email to set up your login. When I bought mine it took three days, bit I purchased it the first day. They do it manually right now, it may take until Monday if they are put for the weekend.
  2. I put together the baby's toy shelf, but I severely strained my lower ab muscles coughing this morning. Once I finished the shelf (for which I sat on the floor, no lifting or.moving!!) I could not stand straight or walk all day. I sat in my chair and watched Make ot or Break it all day! I sat in the pool for an hour, started dinner...but dh had to finish and he thoroughly cleaned the kitchen afterward. I went to bed early for the second night in a row, but woke up coughing my head off and moved to my chair and was happy to find the forums working again :) now I have a distraction since Netflix is.not working now!!
  3. I have five weeks, I feel the same way. I am cleaning and decluttering the house. If DH does not help me in the living room he may find lots of things on the curb....I just cant look.at it anymore.
  4. Playroom done!!!! Vaccumed and all! I even managed to pick up the living room.some becaise it had been a holding area for toys that could not be.put away due to the disaster the playroom had become! That leaves me room to move my quilt rack to where I want it, which makes a space for my serger and sewing machine to he stored!! I have to get ready for a.cast party, but the baby toy shelf ia next on my list! Tonight or tomorrow....
  5. 1. Clean and organize playroom (90% done, will be 100% by end of day). 2. Build shelf for baby toys, shelf purchased! Assembly happening this weekend. 3. Find a new bed for DS, rearrange bedrooms/playroom situation. 4. Decluttered house and get rid.of furniture we dont want. (25% done) 5. Get baby.clothes out, wash, and put awat. 6. Clean my room.(25% done) 7. Catch up on work stuff. 8. Have a baby :) (87.5% done ;) )
  6. I set a timer for 30 minutes and cleaned in the playroom. I made it halfway around the room! DD's toys are sorted, I pulled the baby toys to put on the shelf I bought for them, and put stuffed animals in one container. Then I put dinner in the oven. 20 minutes to bbq ham and green bean casserole!!
  7. I ate a nectarine and picked up three toys...dd is watching.strawberry shortcake and that made me hungry again. I had toast and butter. I am going to try and accomplish something....but I am still hungry! Off to.dig in the fridge ;)
  8. I woke up unable to breathe through my nose.....I have been battling this stupid sinus.infection for over a week. I finished my antibiotics a few days ago and the doctor told me that being pregnant, it will just take a while to clear up. So I slept in, snuggled in the chaor qoth Dd and watched tv, gave the kids a swim lesson I. Our new little pool. I did have to help DH shovel some dirt under It to level it out. Then, I took a nap. I am feeling better now. I am going to have some milk and cookies and then clean something.
  9. We tried 4 churches for a few weeks each before we found the one we liked. We left the kids in Sunday school everytime. They were 2-5 years old at the time. All of the churches had check in / check out procedures that I was comffortable with, open rooms and plenty of security screened volunteers. My kids love their Sunday school classes. I would not have been able to chose a church without having the kids go to Sunday school first, what the childrens program was like was very important to me. I was able to tell a lot by talking to my son after church. Did he remember anything they did? Did he learn anything? What materials did he bring home for continuing his lesson through the week?
  10. I have internet on my phone :) that solves the problem ;)
  11. Maybe lice is worse because people are TOO clean. Lice prefer clean hair. They can also be hard to get rid of. You can wash a kids hair, but one washing with the right soap wont do it. You also have to do ALL clothes, sheets, towels, hair brushes and accessories. We had lice twice growing up, we bathed daily and washed our hair each time. We had to do 2-3 treatments on our hair, plus comb it with a fine tooth comb each time amd pull the eggs and lice out. We washed everything and all of our soft toys went in trash bags with some spray, and left in the garage for a week, then we ran them through the dryer. I think judging a family as "dirty" because they cannot get rid of lice is harsh. Clean houses get mice and roaches too. They can all be equally difficult to get rid of.
  12. I am now sitting and sweating!!! The.mid day heat has hit and this pregnant mommy is miserable!!! I did feed my kids a late lunch....now I need something frozen to eat....
  13. Which junk drawer.....the one in the kitchen has old check.books, screwdrivers, and a fee.batteries along with some.instruction manuals to things I.don't think.we own amymore. The bathroom.drawer is huge....it has a.box of bath products we have had since we got married. They need to be trashed. I consider all 4 desk drawers to he junk drawers. Finally there Is the file cabinet....I have not looked through it in at least 5 years.... Oh, and the bottom drawer of the school dresser...
  14. Well....in the last hour I have eaten homemade ice cream left from last night, folded 10 clothing items and called DH to ask him to stop by 7eleven for a soda....oh, and I did play an exciting round of candyman with Dd....I lost :) I am really just killing time waiting for UPS to arrive with a book that I plan to start as soon as it arrives. And the only reason I showered is because we are babysitting my son's friend for the day. I had to be presentable by noon....
  15. I am also putting off house work and any other work ;) I have had a productive morning...I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, showered and dressed myself, both kids are dressed and are currently entertained by a friend. I need to fold and put away laundry....and wash more laundry, and take out the bags of trash I have gathered this week as I cleaned. I also have to organize the playroom, get the house In shape for a baby....rearrange bedrooms, buy diapers and wipes, make baby blankets....plan for school and work next year, get some business stuff done....the list overwhelm me, so I sit! :) I think I need 200 more posts for Express Bee...how much can i put off tring to get there....
  16. I set a timer and make it a race to see who can.pick up the most in that time, or I give them a number of toys to pick up. It does not get completely clean in one try, but it got the playroom clean in a couple of days.
  17. DS was blonde, his hair has darkened a bit, but still not brown. Blue eyes, pale skin. He does not tan, he would burn amd go back to pale white if I did not slather him in screen. DD is brown haired, browned, darker complected and tans easily like me. DH and I both have brown eyes, he has red hair and is very pale and I have brown hair and an olivy completion. I got jokes at first when DS was little, bit his face looks just like his Daddy now and DD looks just like my sister and I.
  18. Pork chops, covered with Pace Picante Sauce, mushrooms, and topped woth cheese. Cook at 400 until the center pork chop is 160 in the middle. We serve with instant rice, and either green beans or lemon butter brussel sprouts. Pulled pork, whole chicken, or ribs in the crock pot.
  19. He seems to be back to normal now. Just trying to stay cool like the rest of us. He is currently sitting outside the playroom waiting for the kids to let him in :) We are keeping am eye on him and trying to keep him cool and drinking plenty of water. I don't know what was going on the other day, but It has not happened since.
  20. Why are you not supposed to take the baby out for 4-6 weeks? If the baby is healthy, I don't see a need to leave him home. We went home when DS was 3 days old. At 4 days, my mom drove us to the pharmacy and at 5 days we went out to eat for my sister's last day visiting. He never got sick and I did jot own a sling or anything at that time. He sat in his infant carrier while we ate :) If he has a health issue for which you are supposed to keep him in for a few weeks to limit exposure, I would not leave him with a sitter. I would find a friend to take the three year old out.
  21. For me, it is curricula that need no real planning. In math, you just go to the next leason, same for grammar. For history, I have to plan time to get our activities in. I can just do the next chapter as far as reading, but I need to plan each week to include lapbook and map page time.
  22. Definitely over reacting. I went on many school and church trips. Most hotels are two queen/full size beds. Quad occupancy means two people share a bed. That is why they give options for double, if you want tour own bed, you pay extra. I have never heard anyone complain about sharing a bed. At camp, you get your own bunk; in a hotel, you share a bed. In 7th grade we took a trip to DC with our school. Six of us shared a room. We had two double beds, a couch and a roll away. Perhaps your don could request a roll away for himself. You may have to pay a little extra.
  23. My son showed signs of diabetes at 4 or 5. He went to the bathroom at least once an hour. He was thirsty constantly. My SIL is diabetic, I was concerned, so we checked his blood sugar and it was HIGH! I did not realize he had just had a sprite. We went to the doctor and they did a quick test and the three or six month test, cannot remember what it was. It all came back normal. If he had some sprite on his finger, that may have thrown the test off. Plus a four year old sneaking a sprite ;) Anyway, he was in a growth spurt apparently and his bladder had not caught up with his body. It resolved in a few weeks. Occasionally he will have a few days or a week where he goes to the bathroom nonstop. Usually around the time his appetite changes, then all returns to normal and none of his clothes fit! I hope it is nothing with your DD, but I understand how scary it can be until you know.
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