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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Anybody else get this? It Is from the Census Bureau. I really hate surveys...plus I am tired and cranky in this heat 39 weeks pregnant....:tongue_smilie:
  2. That is ridiculously high! And I own a for profit dance studio! There is a competition only studio near where we used to live, it was $10,000 per year, per dancer, minimum. They dance daily, and each dancer did 5+ dances at 5+ competitions. That is a.lot of costumes and entry fees! But, that does not include travel expenses for out of town comps. For a non-competitive, more recreational track, I would expect tuition to be a max of $200,per month for 4 hours. So $1800 for 9 months or $2k if they do a 10 month. Four hours would be a max of 4 costumes I assume. Even if they are $100 each, that is still well below the estimate you habe. We dont charge recital fees, but some do, I have never seen one over $200. Plus, t-shirt, picures, and performance DVD, I would still say you should come in around $3k max!
  3. I pay all the bills. I went straight from parent's house to dorm/sorority house, to our first apartment as a married couple. My parents made sure I knew how important it is for both of us to know the finincial info. My mom has always paid their bills. She has counseled and trained many women after the death of their husbands. Women with no job skills and no understanding of their finances. She has always been adamant that her girls be prepared for anything.
  4. Congratulations!! I am sorry your delivery was so scary. That's how mine was with DS. Reactions to the epidural and other meds, blood pressure in me amd heart rate in baby....scary stuff. But you are both healthy and at home! I hope your recovery is quick.
  5. Our washer is in the garage, so if we forget about laundry for an hour in the summer, towels start smelling. I wash on hot with bleach and fabric softened and then dry thoroughly. It takes a cup of bleach for a full load. Sometimes, I have to run it twice.
  6. I do one can petite dived tomatoes, one small can tomato sauce, one small can tomato paste. 1. In olive oil, saute diced onions, garlic, amd whatever else you want. I have done zucchini, mushrooms, squash, and spinach. I just open the fridge or head to the garden and see what we have ;) I also usually add ground beef. 2. Season with fresh or dried basil, oregano, thyme, parsley, salt, amd pepper. 3. Once meat is done and the onions are clear, add tomatos, sauce, and paste. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. ***In the next few days we will have enough large tomatoes for me.to really start from scratch! I can't wait!
  7. So many of us, so close!!! I hope everyone's labor and delivery or c-sections go smoothly!! I can't wait to see all these baby pictures!!!
  8. I have 10 days to my due date. Today I was at a 3. With my other two I never dilated until I was REALLY in labor. BH never did anything. I feel like this baby is coming sooner than 10 days.... How is everyone else doing...
  9. I was the first vehicle hit in a line of three....You have to make sure you get what you need.
  10. I would get a lawyer. Especially if you have injuries that may need follow up care. Take notes of everything that happened and all conversations with insurance companies. My lawyer got them to pay me what my car was worth plus reimbursement for the tag and tax I had paid two days before. Then he dealt with the injury claim. I just went In to sign papers. Find a good lawyer. Mine took 1/3 of the final settlement but nothing on the property reimbursement. Insurance was offering me $1000 for medical, in the end I had $10,000+ in medical for my back. Theawyer made sure all my bills were covered.
  11. In 4th grade my science project was growing bacteria. I was very successful. My mom bought small glass bowls, filled them with tomato juice or soup.....I can't remember. Then I took deans around the house. We left them to grow sitting on top of the hot water heater. The warmth of the closet really promoted their growth. The dishes were covered....plastic wrap, I think. It was sooo gross!!!
  12. You have to develop habits. We did not have good habits the last two years. That has been my summer focus. I have been cleaning one room at a time. As I clean a room, we work on the habit needed to keep it clean. Playroom - nightly pickup before bed or mid afternoon pick up if needed. Done daily, it tales five minutes. My 4.5 year old is excellent at organizing her toys after a little practice. Bedrooms - laundry in hampers and toys stay in playroom. Bedrooms are for sleeping and dressing. Kitchen - get cleaned once a day, after dinner. Breakfast and lunch dishes are.rinsed amd stacked as we go. I would burn out fast cleaning after every meal. This works much better. Generally DH cleans after dinner. I help some and will help more after baby comes. Right now, by the time dinner prep is over, I am sore and exhausted! Living rooms - daily pick up. These two rooms still are not clean the way I want....they are getting there. Laundry - I try to do a load a day. Wash dry and fold first thing in the morning. I can have it done by lunch if I get it in when I wake up. Bathrooms- once a week. I have not made it to the floors as a habit yet. We are still working on our routine. I am still getting the house back together after a long and sick pregnancy. My goal is to be clean by the time baby is.born and then keep up with the habits we have worked on this summer. It is only a few minutes a day.
  13. I think that is why I disliked it so much. I did not and could not relate to it. I also dislike foul language and who I is heavily used, I turns me off.
  14. I hated the book. I did not get it. There are so many classics to choose from, I will not require that book of my kids. It is on our shelf, when they are old enough, they can read it if they want; but I will not rrquire it.
  15. I use my phone most of the time. I accidentally click names all the time!
  16. We do not have a 9-5 work schedule. The public school schedule does not fit our family. I would not see my kids 4 days a week if they went to PS. I happen to enjoy being around my babies :). The PS could not provide what my son needed. He is advanced for his age in many subjects. The school would not even test him. I could not even find a private school to test him. I know that I can privide my kids with a better education by tailoring it to their needs. I love it!! Especially the buying curriculum and books part ;) homeschooling feeds my book addiction :).
  17. At three, my kids each took one dance class. Here is what they will be doing for the school year: DS almost 7: Co-op PE and two unit study hour long classes, once a week Competition dance, twice a week for tech and rehearsal classes Theatre, once a week Gymnastics, once a week Piano....possibly at home with me, maybe with other Instructor Possible art class, weekly or Saturday drop in classes. DD4.5 Dance , once a week Gymnastics, once a week Co-op music and literature based class Co-op is less than $100 a year for both kids. Dance, gym, etc would all be well beyond what we can afford. We own the arts academy where they take dance, theatre, art, and piano. I do not teach their classes. We also are located next to a competitive gym. I trade ballet for their team for tumbling for my kids and competitive dancers.
  18. I prefer skin on, no one in my immediate or extended family does so I make them without. :(
  19. We have not added any. We actually skip some of the textbook practice because it is too much at times.
  20. My 6 year old asked to learn cursive last year. We started and he decided he did not want to do it anymore. He can write his name and his sister's name. He did not have a hard time learning to write the letters, he just got tired of writing, so we backed off. I am not using a curriculum, I wrote the letters and he copies my writing.
  21. I took DS out to lunch with my mom and sister when I was 4 days post c-section (Sept in the Midwest, it was hot). We took a 6 hour road trip with DD at two weeks old in March. I went back to teaching dance at 4 weeks with DD and taught with her in a sling.
  22. Every school I went to used: 90-100 a 80-89 b 70-79 c 60-69 d 0-59 f 2 universities, two ps systems, 1 private school all used this breakdown.
  23. I just day some at Walmart. I picked mine up at Mardel at the back to school sale.
  24. I like tortillas rolls with cream cheese, turkey, and roasted red papers and/or artichoke hearts.
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