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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I've ordered bees online. That's the only weird thing I can think of.
  2. I'm so sorry. Hugs. It does sound like a difficult situation and I agree with others. You need a break. I hope your husband can get on board with you.
  3. Oh no. Thanks for letting us know about this Innisfree... Prayers for Susan's husband.
  4. We finally got our tree up on Sunday night and decorated on Monday with my granddaughter. Here's the photos:
  5. oh man, that sucks big fat lemons. I'm sorry. I have one daughter who has had so many bad experiences at salons - including an orange hair experience. Have you thought about the spray-on or chalk highlights that washes out? https://www.ulta.com/colorista-1-day-spray?productId=xlsImpprod16891009
  6. following... my dairy-free daughter often laments about this issue.
  7. Oh, I hope I don't miss the baby photo. Congratulations!! A baby boy for Christmas, how sweet. Enjoy the time together.
  8. This exactly. I would bring it to higher authorities than the Santa group. If they close at 6pm that means the doors close at 6pm - which means they don't necessarily get done until 6:20. If I show up at 5:55 at a store that closes at 6pm they let me in.
  9. I agree. I have a friend who is very specific about her menus - we can bring stuff that compliments her main choice (her house, her rules). For instance, she'll make chili for the Superbowl.. we can bring fixings or something that goes with that... like cornbread etc. But, bringing a ham would be considered disrespectful to her wishes - and she would be quite annoyed. I would be annoyed if I had a specific theme in mind and someone went in a completely different direction. However, if I were planning a pot-luck, then the more the merrier.
  10. I'm weird and I like to watch Groundhog Day for Christmas.. .It's wintery... and it definitely has that "It's a Wonderful Life" vibe. Just pretend that Groundhog day is in Dec. 🙂 Another Die Hard fan. I don't normally like traditional Christmas movies.. I may give Santa Clause another go... I always enjoy Tim Allen
  11. yes, that is a good point. Not exactly engaged, but serious enough to be in a long-term relationship. Obviously, not everyone gets married anymore but they still have committed relationships. But, I'm talking about adults not teenagers.
  12. yeah, too soon - especially for the family Christmas card photo. They have to be family: married. But, then they'd probably get their own card. However, if I were doing a collage with one of those ubiquitous Christmas letters I may include serious (talking about marriage ) bf/gf in one candid type photo.
  13. I've had a productive few days. I was able to set down in a list everything I needed to get for my kids/grandkids. That's 12 people, not including my dh and our parents and my aunt. I'm not a shopper nor a gift-giver by nature, so this is a bit overwhelming. Putting it in a list helps me a lot. I need to "see" what I'm getting. So, I spent 2 days doing online shopping. Carolyn, you're so right, this stuff takes so much more time than people realize. Then I went yesterday to TJMaxx and bought a ton of goodies. All my girls (including 2 daughters'-in-law) are either foodies or into skin care. So I bought about 7 different face mask packages -most were 5 to a pack, plus a hand mask thing, and several different types of unique foodie items. I went to town today dividing them up between the 5 girls I have. Some got more because I'm light on other gifts for them. I try to do 3 gifts per person (the foodie/skin care gift bag is one gift). I may go to World Market to get a few more international foodie items. Plus, I started decorating more. I've added a bit outside and inside. I found a cute red sleigh filled with chocolate goodies from Ghirradelli. I divided the chocolate stuff up in my foodie bags and kept the sleigh. I filled it with pinecones and plastic fir needles and some white lights... now it's a Christmas decoration. Between the weather and our schedules we haven't had a chance to go get our Christmas tree yet. Hopefully tomorrow, in the mud. 🙄
  14. I know, me either. my biggest hardship (besides the blogging) is that I do use my tablet & phone for listening to audible books. It would be hard to go back to CD's - there's limited choices. The killer for me is that you have blog (humorously) about your experience. I'm not very humorous, darn. I could definitely find many uses for that 100K though. I sent it off to my adult kids.
  15. My brother in law sent me a video of the St. Lucia service at the Lutheran Cathedral in Sweden. I don't understand any of the words and recognize only a few hymns but the music is very beautiful and peaceful. I thought of this thread and our conversation about Christmas music. It's about 50 mins long. While it is also beautiful to watch, I'm just keeping the audio going in the background. https://www.svtplay.se/video/20339194/lucia Enjoy.
  16. I remember you! Love the photo.
  17. I'm here instead of buying Christmas gifts. I've just hit such a wall on Christmas gift ideas this year. However, I did have a slightly productive morning. I had my hair done and I went and got some quotes on updating our fireplace to a gas insert. I have my final on thurs... should be studying for that too..
  18. We moved 6yrs ago (after I had stopped homeschooling) and downsized to a smaller home last year. So I've been getting rid of things for that long. I don't have problems getting rid of clothes, blankets, or old toys. I did struggle with a few homeschooling things and kept my phonic program. That is the only thing that had sentimental value for me. We kept our Brio train set, a box of children's books, and several favorite Ravengsburger puzzles for grandkids. I have had trouble letting go of our first marital bed. It's still in storage!! The kind ladies here gave me some great ideas on how to re-purpose it, which I hope to do next spring. But, that baby is big and getting it here will require some work. That's one of my goals over the Christmas break so we can get rid of the storage unit. So far the only thing I've regretted getting rid of is our piano. I have needed it several times in the last few months. tt wasn't even for sentimental reasons. However, at this point, we don't even have room for a small electric one.
  19. My dad has been known to do this - but for a week. I think I posted here the last time he texted me to say "Left around 6am, making good time..." Wait, What??!! My parents have serious boundary issues. But, my dad is a pretty laid back and easy guest... I just don't appreciate the assumption that he's staying at my home without double checking with the hostess. Sigh. My son-in-law is an only. His mom is very much a busy-body with her grands. Even trying to dictate what I do with the grands. Right now I'm refusing all contact with her (she's local to me). I don't need her crazy in my house.
  20. I agree except she shouldn't have to do this.. Her husband (mother-in-law's son) should call his mom and set boundaries.
  21. yes, I guess there is that sound...but I don't notice it - even at night. It also makes the noise when it's filling up with water.
  22. I know what you mean! But, I have to change what I said... I thought it was a Samsung but that was the fridge at our old house. I loved that fridge except the outside ice dispenser, which broke. What I have currently (which I described) is a *Whirlpool*. I got it only because the previous owner had just updated all the appliances with a particular type of grey from Whirlpool and I wanted it to match (the fridge was a side-by-side, which I loathe). Anyway, this is the one I have: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Whirlpool-25-2-cu-ft-French-Door-Refrigerator-with-Ice-Maker-Fingerprint-Resistant-Black-Stainless-ENERGY-STAR/1000257809 I still recommend Samsung - I just don't recommend an outside ice dispenser as we've never ever had any luck with those. We've have a couple different brands with that feature. They always broke within 2yrs. Those are loud too...which is really annoying when someone wants to get ice either early in the morning or late at night.
  23. That is interesting. My ice maker isn't noisy and I'm pretty sensitive to noise. Ours seems to make ice pretty quickly and I have to turn it off because it makes way more than we use in a normal week. I'll turn it back on when it starts to get low.
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