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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I would tell her she can either come to you over Christmas break or she needs to reschedule her surgery to a more convenient time. This is elective surgery and she can easily reschedule, no matter what she may think. It was very inconsiderate of her to expect you to change your Christmas break plans. You have our permission to set boundaries.
  2. I agree... why the conspiracy and secrecy?
  3. I had similar thoughts while reading the article. It feels like some kind of big joke that is pulling in the craizies.... either that. or some version of "The Producers" but it's Flat-earthers instead of "Springtime For Hitler." It just feels so unreal.
  4. So I'm confused. Are Flat-Earther's generally young-earth Christians too? I guess I never thought of it that way... Of course, the whole Flat Earth movement is so bizarre . I generally put those people in the same camp as alien abduction proponents. I never associated either camp with any religion (except perhaps cults). I did try to read as much of the article as I could stand (about 3/4th). From what I read- they don't all necessarily believe in a flat earth - but something like a flat earth inside a dome???!! And they were excited to have a special guest who was some popular young youtuber (the one who got into trouble for filming in a Japanese forest where someone had committed suicide)... but then he actually doesn't believe it himself. What the what?? Is this really a thing?
  5. Does it have to be a movie? Can it be a limited series (5-6 episodes and done).? We enjoyed Maniac with Emma Stone. It was weird but interesting. It's a limited original series on Netflix. I saw in the theater: Operation Finale about the finding and capture of Adolph Eichmann -- very good. It might not be available on Netflix yet. I want to see - before they leave the theater: Widows Can You Ever Forgive Me? A Private War Mary Queen of Scots
  6. That's not a vegetarian. I would do the chicken salad. Or, if you wanted, you could make a turkey breast to include for Thanksgiving dinner and just assume that it will be for her for left overs. You could even buy one of those pre-made turkey breasts and just re-heat. Is she flying or otherwise coming from a long distance? Can you ask her to bring a main-dish of her choice?
  7. Are you a weaver too? How did I miss this?? Or (most likely) forgot this? Still not ready to to weave linen. I have a couple of those carousel Nativity scene things.. They are pretty but honestly a bit of a pain to keep. Mine's not German though, so perhaps those are better than the cheap knock-offs.
  8. I think it is fine not to say anything on social media. It is vastly different than being told in person. And, I understand the conflict. Someone who knows they're doing something that many people disapprove of will cling to any approval for validation.
  9. My doctor threatened to put me on IV iron if supplements didn't work. I combined iron supplements (at least 80mg) with Magnesium (about 250-450 - can't remember) to help with the constipation. Have you talked with your doctor about it?
  10. Yes, I did know that, but it's always good to reiterate this information. I'm so glad you've found relief. I found that once I get my ferritin levels up, and I went through menopause, that I don't need to keep taking iron. Yay! Ocassionally, I'll have a bad night, but it's become rarer and rarer. Also, I find that allergy meds, such as Claritin and Allegra, are triggers for me. When seasonal allergies flare up I'm going to try something new like Xyzal.
  11. I'm thinking of getting a couple of subscription boxes for my adult children this year. I'd love to know if there's a list of different types of boxes out there. I have kids that would love the make-up/skincare ones or the snack ones. I'm looking at one from Japan that has both options: https://nomakenolife.com/gift/ One of my youtubers unpacked one and I thought it looked interesting.
  12. I watched the Netflix documentary and it was eye opening. The scene where he convinces a lady to break up with her boyfriend over the phone in the 500+ auditorium?!! That was more than enough for me to know I'd never attend one of his meetings. Talk about no boundaries? Sheesh....creepy.
  13. No, we have the scripture readings written out in our bulletin so we can follow along.
  14. calling it hate speech seems to be taking it to a whole new level altogether. Especially, since this was a kid. Making it public also seems off. Why not talk with the parents first? Kids say stuff and misinterpret stuff all.the.time. Like you said, who knows what the parents believe. I would be bothered by it.
  15. we just finished putting in Lowe's SmartcorePro LVP brand (made by Shaw Floorings). We are very happy with it. It has limited style choices but, for our needs, it works. For us we needed something in our sunroom that isn't heated 24/7... and the Pro level goes from -25* to 155* and 100% waterproof. I struggled with figuring out whether to glue or not glue. I dont' like that hollow sound that the old Pergo style has and I was worried it would have that. But, now if you get one that has some kind of backing then it won't have that hollow sound. Also, you should look at the mil level (not the thickness). It should be mil 8 or above (12 or 20 is best). This is what makes it more resistant to scratches. Since your dad will probably have a walker, this may become an issue. Also, the extra backing has made the flooring easy on my feet and knees. I'm so pleased with it. The only thing about gluing it down is that it keeps it more stable. So, if you think your dad may end up in a wheelchair, then you may want to talk with someone about gluing it down. Gluing is recommended for homes with people in a wheelchair. I put it in myself. Once we set the first row, the click-n-lock style of planks are super easy to install yourself. There's just a lot of up and down on my knees... so I paced myself.
  16. Sounds like the director's cut. That was a scene taken out of the original version. It does give a little background.
  17. I don't mind notifications from Goodreads, except THAT one. It's so annoying.
  18. I agree. My husband's perspective is, "Cool, I get to visit with D this week." and I'm like, "No... no... this isn't how it works." He's completely clueless at how rude it is not to coordinate with the hostess. It will be good to see him, even under the circumstances. I just need more organization about the particulars.
  19. Good luck tomorrow. I hope it goes much better than you think.
  20. oh yes, I also assumed he was coming but I would appreciate an "I'm coming this day and leaving that day. Will that work for you?" text, email, or phone call. It was not an invitation to just show up anytime and stay until whenever. And the reason I sent the text in the first place is because he's known for deciding these things without consulting the hostess and I knew the bed was already taken by my son.
  21. So a great-aunt and cousin died within a week of each other. Both were not unexpected. My dad lives in the midwest. I texted him last week that if he wanted to come in town for the funerals that my spare bedroom would be available after today as one of our adult son's was in town for a business trip(gosh I have a son who goes to business trips!!??). I got a one word text "K" from dad back then and heard nothing. Then this morning I get a text from him, "on the road." What??!!! He's never even called or texted to say how long he plans to stay - a few days?? a week?? What??!! This is pretty typical but it's still very annoying. Additionally, I landed in the ER on Saturday morning and have been recovering from a flare-up of diverticulitis. The meds are the devil's brew and I feel awful all the time. He's aware of all of this and never once called or texted, "Will it be okay if I come from xyz to xyz.?" Thankfully, my sister is flying out tomorrow and also staying here. She'll actually help me out and understands. But, I don't feel good and I'm not in the mood for his rude cluelessness.
  22. I know... surgery sucks. From experience I have found that doctors underestimate the amount of recovery time. Don't feel guilty if you need extra time. I get that depressing "I still don't feel well" cabin fever feeling as well. hugs.
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