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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. oh @teachermom2834 - I'm so sorry about your son. Both things are very upsetting, but to have two at once is really rough. Hope the teacher will have mercy on him. @stephanier.1765 - maybe drink lots of water to flush the system. You can start over tomorrow.
  2. I'm so sorry. How scary... I'm sorry that indications point to FASD. Hope you can get some solid answers and help
  3. something like this was happening to me yesterday. It would take FOREVER to load the sign-in page. Sometimes I'd walk away and poof, I'd already be signed in and on the "chat" page when I'd come back. Other times it would just hang there. I haven't been here much today, so I don't know how much better it is for me.
  4. I understand. It's so hard to manage this stuff at a distance. Our college daughter's laptop is about the die. I'm sure it will wait until she's trying to do something important on a deadline to actually die. It's hard when they're sick. Is he comfortable doing Uber to get meds? Hugs Dawn. You're doing a great job
  5. This... so much. Especially when we compare ourselves to our teens and early 20s. 30 yrs is such a long time. I know I've changed my views on a lot of things. I hope for the better.
  6. @stephanier.1765 that quilt is amazing! @Big Buckin' Longhorn - sorry for the argument and bad night of sleep. I struggle to make good food choices when I've slept poorly. Hopefully, today was better. @ondreeuh - so very sorry about your mom. May she rest in peace. I love the idea of honoring you mom with high tea. Don't over-think it and give yourself a day off if you want. @soror - I like the idea of monthly mini-goals. I'm hanging in there. Still coming in under my personal calorie count... but my weight hasn't budged. I realize it's only 3 days, but I'm impatient. LOL. I've lost 7 lbs since the beginning of year, but I'm stuck there. I don't want to give up in frustration, but it would be nice for some affirmation.
  7. I've been a Scientology geek for a long time. I used to read Marty Rathburn's & Tony Ortega's blogs fairly regularly, nothing was shocking.. .just so sad. I don't know why I have this weird obsession with that group.. but there it is. I can't believe that people are still supporting them. I hope Leah gets the job done and they lose their tax exempt status. I'd love to see Mike Rinder reunited with his siblings and adult children. Sorry about the threadjack Peachdoodle.
  8. that's nice. We had 3 days after our Prius was totaled.
  9. I have also seen the ads via Leah Remini's show (also seen every episode).. but I haven't watched the show. Maybe I'll give it a try. I was worried it would be a little too sad.
  10. Eating on the run is so hard. There's almost never any good choices. FWIW, Chic-fil-a's chicken wrap is pretty easy to eat one-handed. It's pretty much a salad in wrap form and you don't have to add the dressing (it comes on the side). Hard boiled eggs and cheese & grapes (I try to do LC) are good on the run.
  11. @Kassia If it's any consolation, they want to do it i about 8 days because of scarring. I hope it's pain-free. Sorry your dr. intimidates you. @peacelovehomeschooling- hugs. Those kind of days are very hard. Hoping tomorrow is much brighter. Today I've done well again. I kept busy, which helps so much. I'm still coming in at under 1400 calories. I've checked and checked again and I'm sure I got it right. I'm not that hungry either, so I'm a bit puzzled. I'm normally so hungry most of the day. Well, I'll take it. I'll probably have a very small snack - like 2oz of cheese and some tea tonight.
  12. this has been me lately. It's refreshing to see I'm not the only one because I was wondering if something was the matter. Lately, I've been struggling to find any book that holds my attention. I blame it partially on audio books.
  13. I did much better today. In fact, I was under by 300 calories. I'm not sure how that happened.
  14. This weekend was not so good. Granddaughter's birthday party and lots of eating out. Today I'm starting off as normal. It helps that I'm busy today with grandkids. I'm not posting much but I am reading all the posts. It gives me lots of encouragement.
  15. oh that would drive me crazy. Is there any way to record it and put it here? The fact that it moves around but is exactly the same and the interval is similar is very intriguing. How frustrating! Sorry, I've got nothing.
  16. Hi Laura! I'm going to have to break down and use my Kindle and try out that book. I love that it looks science based. The last few days have been a wash for me. I haven't kept track and we've eaten out far too much. I'm going to try and go back and update my fitness pal.
  17. oh my goodness, what a beautiful baby. Those eyes! Congratulations, grandma
  18. Oh no!! I'm glad your injuries are not worse. Hoping the pain eases soon. Others have given you very good advice. Hugs.
  19. my mom was stubbornly non-compliant and vague about her medical issues. Except her transplant - she was obsessive about taking her transplant meds to the point where they probably had a year's worth of meds in the house when she died - go figure. I think part of it is for older people their health is the last bit of autonomy they have. Everything is slowly slipping away from their control but they can still control information AND what/when they do stuff for their health. Is there any way one of the sisters can have her put on the list of people allowed to talk with the doctor/nurses? Is there any way you can talk her into that? Otherwise, I have no advice. It is SO frustrating.
  20. I went to dinner and movies with friends last night. Dinner was Cava salad/grains mix with flafel. Did a ton of walking between places. However, after the movie we were all starving and the only close place open was Cheesecake Factory. Ugh. I caved. I was only going to eat 1/2 my cheesecake, but nope... scarfed that whole thing down. I couldn't believe my scale was still down today.
  21. me too! I would never go on such a trip. I'm 55. I'd go to the head of the department and then the dean. That is ridiculously inappropriate.
  22. oh, one more thing. I the pilot is actually out you should turn off the gas!! This is very dangerous and considered an emergency situation. You should call the gas company. Is it natural or LP? LP delivers... are you sure there's enough gas in the tanks? both will have a strong smell.
  23. Youtube can be your friend. type in the type of furnace and pilot light or something along those lines. Also, look for the owner's manual.. They usually have some type of troubleshooting guide in the back. Good luck!! It's SO cold... Do you have space heaters?
  24. This is the first house I've ever lived in that didn't have a basement (not including apartment living). I miss having a basement more than I miss having a garage. It's very common to have basements of some kind in this area, but this house is 60yrs old. From the few original houses in my neighborhood, it seems that most of them have basements. I guess the family that built this house was trying to save pennies. But, the one good thing is that (from our house-hunt 2yrs ago) it seems that most/all old homes in this area have water incursion/mold issues.
  25. I'm going to have to give this another try. We watched the first episode when it first came out on Netflix and didn't like it.
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