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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I was a fan of "The Red Green Show", so I think I'd like something dorky and clean from Canada. Going to check these out. Another Candanian show we enjoy is "The Travelers". It's a serious show about people time traveling to the present to save the earth from future apocalyptic disaster. It's a Netflix original.
  2. MercyA - Lindt is the only company that sells 78% in my area. I can get it at some local grocery stores. There's still about 60 calories per square. ondureeuh - I like that idea. It does kind of make it like a game.
  3. MercyA - evenings are very hard for me too! I did just have tea monday evening. but I was *starving* when I woke up 😡 I can make it to about 11am with just tea and a 3 squares of 78% chocolate. I want to graze all day and night. Today I planned a little better. I ate a very hearty meal for dinner, but an hour later I was starving. My body just wants to eat all evening long. Finally, at 8:30 I had 2oz of cheese. I was able to stay within my 1600 cal for day. But eating at night is going to be a hard habit to break.
  4. Sadly, I went over my calorie goals by 300 calories. Bummer. I'm committed to nothing else except hot tea with stevia for the rest of the evening. I've also been tracking my walking on a phone app. It's not fitbit and starts at 6000 steps per day. I've only had it for a few days and I'm still getting used to keeping my phone on me all.day.long.
  5. that's wonderful!! Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
  6. what is everyone's favorite way to track food intake? I'm doing My fitnessPal. It's not perfect, but I'm fine with it's limitations. I try to keep mine at 1600 cal per day but I also try not to eat after 7pm. (failing at that these days). I'm also doing low(ish) carbs - so that makes counting calories a little harder.
  7. ugh. I couldn't take that either. We're right on the edge of the "winter vortex" so our temps at night will only be in the single digits. Last winter was hard on me, cold wise. I feel like we've gotten a break this winter with only a few days where the temps are below 30*
  8. You need to go to the urgent care or dr. to get it documented. My daughter was rear ended. The other person's insurance pays for PT because she went to the doctor about it. Document, document document. PT helped my daughter quite a bit. She had neck and back pain from the accident for nearly a year. Some days she would just cry and feel very defeated. It got very bad before it got better. But, it did get better. it just takes time. Do not settled with insurance right away - they will offer a pittance and wash their hands of you and then you will have to foot the bills for PT etc. I'm so sorry, but I'm glad it wasn't worse. Gentle hugs.
  9. I've had canker sores all my life.. Usually I'd get 5-7 in my mouth at one time as a kid. As a grew older they started going down my throat and all the way down my intestinal track. Food is definitely a trigger, just wish I hadn't figured that out until I was almost 40 and on Atkins. It was when I was eating Atkins that I realized I didn't have anymore canker sores. I think everyone's trigger food is different, but there are definitely culprits. My oldest son also has had it since he was a preschooler and, in true scientist fashion, he started tracking his food intake. He figured out what his triggers were this way. He also figured out that if he brushed his teeth as soon as he'd eaten a trigger food that it would lessen the severity or not happen at all. Mine seems to be all over the place. I can have 78% chocolate, but anything less will give me sores. If I eat the really cheap stuff (like semi sweet chips ) I can feel the tingling in my mouth right away. Cantelope and pineapple are also triggers for me, but not oranges or watermelon- go figure. I can eat wheat in moderation, but not everyday or every meal. I used to think it was white sugar & white flour, but now I don't know what to think. If I have these in small doses I don't seem to suffer. I use stevia for everyday sweetening such as my tea. For me, it seems that eating fat helps. So, for instance, things like creme brulee or cheesecake don't seem to trigger, but cake does. Of course, I don't eat any of those things everyday, but I know that tingling feeling in my mouth when I eat something that is for sure a trigger. Definitely get the mouth numbing stuff... especially if it's affecting her eating and sleep. Also, taking pain killers will help a little bit on the worst days. Doesn't make it go away though so don't over use them. Have her brush her teeth often - esp if she eats something you suspect is a trigger. Good luck. Tell her I'm so sorry she's got this. When I was a kid my parents just threw up their hands in exasperation. Today we know so much more about nutrition and food allergies. You guys will figure this out in time and much sooner than I did. The hardest part is that probably a trigger food is something she'll enjoy - like chocolate chip cookies (one of mine). But hopefully she'll have an arsenal of ideas that will help lesson the severity so she can eat a trigger food on rare occasions.
  10. so beautiful. congratulations. What does the name mean?
  11. That's funny. My most "liked" review on Goodreads is my panned review of "The Shack".. I think people love to hate. And honestly, I find it much easier to write a review of a book I dislike than one I do like. I'm certain that isn't a good thing.
  12. I think this is quite well said. I had not made the connection to Shintoism before reading that article. Then it all clicked. I read her book (couldn't finish it though)... what I found strange about *her* was her stories about her childhood and how she couldn't wait to get home and organize her mom's drawers or her parent's bathroom.. etc. That struck me as an obsessive tendency and not something I necessarily wanted to emulate. That turned me off of *her* book. I don't necessarily disagree with her *method* of going through by type (clothes, kitchen, etc.) and decluttering, but I found her off- putting because of the above mentioned. But, bully for her for making a living off of her obsession... that is commendable. She has been able to take something that could be debilitating in her life and succeeded with it. I found her tv show to be too saccharine sweet for my taste. At least she is - maybe the family's she works with are not.
  13. I agree. Just because you're flustered or frustrated is no excuse for yelling obscenities at a stranger offering help. What is wrong with people?
  14. I've had coil -flat - coil and now back to flat top. There's pluses and minuses with both. I am a committed cast iron cooker, so I'm not changing that. So glass top doesn't look great. I try to keep it clean but I can't seem to get the dark ring around the larger burner to go completely away. But, otherwise, it's much easier to clean. So easy to wipe down with water to get the worst of the gunk, then cleaner to make it sparkle. I hated having to take apart the coils to clean down under. But, they are easy to replace if they look gross after a while. Upgrade will switch us to gas.. can't wait.
  15. oh man, now I wish I wasn't about the start a kitchen renovation. I could use a couple of items for my kitchen. What are the chances people will keep up the momentum into April????.
  16. What a blessing for you. Garga is such a sweet person..
  17. I think it's fine to have some empty shelves. Not an entire empty bookcase but some here and there.
  18. I love those plastic totes! And I love your idea and glad you figured out a way to lessen the stress.
  19. not exactly. There is a bookclub that is reading this book.. but I' think they're doing others as well. I think Æthelthryth the Texan is involved.
  20. Good grief. I've had chickens (no roosters)... there's no way I'd keep them in the house. 7 roosters??!!! Well, at least the neighbors won't be bothered at 6am. 😄
  21. okay.. so here's the website. https://celticroseband.com/
  22. You're so sweet. In complete honesty, I am the WORST at self-promotion. I also see all the flubs and mistakes in our videos. Cringeworthy. Fortunately for our band, the fiddle and drum player (husband/wife) are great at meeting people and making friends. We'd never get a gig if it were left up to me. Which reminds me... I need to post something on our FB page. Ugh.
  23. Happy Birthday! That sounds so wonderful. We almost share a birthday. 😄 But, I'm sure I'm not getting nearly that much. dd is cooking me dinner tonight because she's gone tomorrow. I told dh I'm not cooking on my b-day so he will take me out tomorrow night.
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