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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm not going to the wedding after all. The space was already filled and I'm kind of relieved. As my daughter said to me, "She should have invited you in the first place." Yeah, well, that's just water under the bridge now. If she'd have asked me a week ago it wouldn't have been an issue but now we have such a full weekend, trying to fit a nearly 2.5hr one way trip to Philly would have added much more stress for me. Plus it's supposed to snow.
  2. LOL. I wasn't sure how much to say, but wanted people to realize that I had something I really can't back out of. We're loosely a Celtic band. We do a mix of traditional Pub music as well as modern Irish stuff - like from Lorenna McKennitt or Solas. We also branch out a little into American folk - but only a little. I sing lead mostly and play some percussion. We're playing in Annapolis all afternoon and I need to pace myself.
  3. so true with so many things. I keep thinking the same thing about these renovations.
  4. All the weddings I've been privy to had this. That is the people you want to invite but can't because of space issues... so you add them on as invitees RSVP in the negative.. Except, I'm not on the B list really since that was not even the stated reason for our not being invited. In that sense I get exactly what you are saying. It does give me pause to be such an after thought.
  5. I'm going to try but I will have to go alone. My daughter already told we couldn't make it so the extras may be gone. My dh has a commitment Saturday that would be difficult for him to change. It's a Saturday afternoon wedding and there's no way he could make it back. I would *have* to go and come back that day too. We're in a band and we agreed to do a gig that is an hour away on Sunday afternoon. There's no way we can cancel that for this.
  6. Can you call the credit card company and have the order cancelled and then go pick it up yourself? FWIW, Another happy Wayfair customer here.
  7. Did he ever get his sheets and towels? Inquiring moms want to know if he's still sleeping on an empty mattress. It's going to be cold here tonight.
  8. Most are by city. I got a service for my daughter and her husband last year for Christmas when she was pregnant with #3. They picked out the meal and had to go pick it up. The particular service had several pick up sites around the area they could choose from. They didn't rave about it, so I think it was just okay. I think if I had to do it over again, I might get them a large gift card to a local restaurant with a grub-hub or similar service attached.
  9. Update: First I want to say that talking about it here helped me so much to get over my disappointment. I really appreciate having someplace to come and work this out in my mind. So apparently the Bride has started freaking out because of people backing out at the last min. She complained to her sister (Maid-of-honor) who complained to my youngest daughter. My youngest daughter said something like, "My mom really wanted to come to E's wedding." Sister explained that Bride didn't invite us because she didn't want to make us travel. Umm?? Hello??? I can make travel decision for myself. So today dd comes downstairs and says, "Do you want to go to E's wedding? Her godparents backed out at the last min. and she wants to know if you would like their spot" Well, now we have a conflict that came up this week and can't go. LOL. Sigh. I would have loved to have gone.
  10. This is what we do. It isn't perfect, but neither is being so sleep deprived from a spouse. I used to end up on the couch most nights, but now that most of the kids are out of the house, we have separate bedrooms. Back in the day I actually bought a couch with the specific idea of it being slept on. It was big and long and very comfortable. I loved that couch. DH is in the guest room now (I was in the guest room at the old house). It's pretty tough when we have visitors, because we have to go back together again.
  11. Yes! IIRC, she went into day 2.. As it turns out she is an Pscyo-Educational tester/evaluator, which isn't what I'm looking for right now. I'm going to PM her and see if she can give a recommendation.
  12. yes!! Thanks so much. I *knew* it started with an R... and I'm pretty sure that's her. It looks like it's been a while since she was last here. I'll reach out to her. Thanks again, I knew the Hive would know.
  13. I can't remember her screen name. IIRC she was also the same member who was a contestant on Jeopardy a couple of years ago. But, I think that thread is long gone in one of the changes... I think she was somewhat local to me and I need find someone to help my youngest look at early graduation and college choices in Maryland. Thanks!
  14. I've only ever gone to IKEA (College Park) in person and never ordered online. That sounds outrageous. I suspect that since this the spring semester, Target or Ikea will be out of fewer things. Most kids get all the stuff they need in Aug. DS is probably terribly jet lagged. I would recommend getting him either a zip or Uber and send him to Target. I would recommend getting him the bed linens and towels he needs for the next few nights. What a hassle.
  15. Oh. I just remembered. There was the time when (middle son AGAIN) was having a birthday and I sang happy birthday to the wrong child. Yup. They remind me every time it's his birthday. I think I started crying after I did that and I cry every time they bring it up. I felt awful.
  16. new additions to the schedule always took a while for me to take in my brain. The one that I remember the most: middle son (of course, the forgotten middle child) had started taking karate. I would drop him off, go home, and pick him up again. I was constantly late picking him up, because I kept forgetting about the class. Usually, I would remember in *just* enough time so I'd only be a few min. late... but he was young and the instructor had to wait for me, and I hate being late. This was before he had a cell phone. But, this one time... I was in my jammies one night when we get a call. "Mom?? Where are you?? Class has been over for 15 min?!!" Was the plantive plea.... ugh. He had to use his instructor's cell phone. I was so embarrassed. IIRC, I think the teacher even gave me a little lecture about not being late again. Yeah, I felt like the neglective mother. I still feel bad about it... mainly because he's our middle (I'm a middle too) and I think stuff like that happened to him more than the others. Ugh. ugh.
  17. I do think her structure of doing it by items (clothes, books, etc) rather than room works well for me. Most times that is how I deal with clutter too. Sometimes I'll tackle a room, but more often than not, I get terribly distracted. "Oh, shiney!!". It's better for me if I go after all my clothes at once rather than my whole bedroom. Moving to a smaller house helped us purge a lot of stuff we no longer needed or used.
  18. I think you make a great case for that.
  19. I have been a practicing Christian all my life... first as Protestant now as an Orthodox. I have never heard of this diet/fast (it's been called both on this thread, so I'm confused). Why January and not when Lent starts, when most other Christians will also be fasting and praying?
  20. I'm half-way into the first episode. I don't like it. She is too cutsie, and I'm sorry - it seems to waste a lot of time "thanking" every piece - and "being nice to it" (don't just throw it on the floor!). I'm thinking that we Americans are already too touchy-feely. Do we really need her too? I just seems too gimmicky for my taste. There's really nothing revolutionary about it... I just need to get off my butt and do it! I tried to read the book last year and couldn't finish it. I'm looking for Susan Powder of the cleaning world. Seriously, she could make bundle being the anti-KonMarie. Grab her and Mr.T and let's get to work people.!
  21. Ethical under those circumstances. When I was trying to find a dress for my son's wedding last aug. I noticed that some places, including some Amazon sellers, had a 15day try-it -on type options.. with free returns. So, I think online stores realize that this is the price of not have a brick-an-mortar store to try things on and/or see them in person.
  22. wait,... what? Off to google... apparently, I need a life too.
  23. I'm so sorry. Church services are very important to my well-being so I understand your disappointment. I'm sorry you're so sick too . That sounds dreadful. Hugs.
  24. So much, Yes!! I completely agree. Random photos of rooms with no notion of where they go in the house. Frustrating!! I'm glad you're making such great progress. So excited for you. I know you've wanted to do this for a long time.
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