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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. That was my first thought. Realtors often take vacation just before the season starts up. My friend (and realtor) just got back. It would have been better and more professional for her to let you know she wasn't going to be available during that week. I would def call a mason guy on your own, otherwise it will be another full week before you see anyone to give you a She is offering to contact these guys because she either gets a cut or she is in a working relationship with them...she uses them for work and they recommend her... etc. It's fine if you are okay with this, but just so you know that is what is most likely going on. My realtor had something like this and it worked because she had a long-time working relationship, so he was almost always available to do work for her. She basically kept him employed doing handyman stuff for clients. He had a few other people he worked like this with. But, you are under no obligation to do this. I used other people as well as my realtor's "go-to" guy for various jobs we had going on.
  2. I know, how awful it must be for them. I feel for his mom. No one should outlive their child, no matter how old they are. I have a friend who died suddenly in his 50s from a stroke. It was such a shock.
  3. I just saw this and came here to see if anyone had posted it. So sad, and so young. Gosh, he was younger than me. Just trying to wrap my brain around this. I was never a 90210 fan, but I certainly knew who he was. Does anyone know if he was a smoker?
  4. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that they *somehow* got her email but they say this survey will remain confidential (private). I would be completely creeped out and would demand to know how they found my email.
  5. that seems to be moving in a positive direction.
  6. Yay! I was thinking yesterday: one of the things I really like about PC products is the travel/sample sizes she has for her products. I wish more skincare companies did that.
  7. Do you move it from one bottle to the other and then cap it off?
  8. This one: https://www.amazon.com/SodaStream-Fizzi-Sparkling-Starter-Bottle/dp/B07HMKZS2J/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2NKLGT5SWUKF8&keywords=soda+stream+aqua+fizz+machine&qid=1551370781&s=gateway&sprefix=soda+stream+aqua%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-2 but it doesn't have good reviews. I found it cheaper and with better reviews at BB&Beyond but I don't know what to believe. Edited to add: Here's the link to BB&Beyond: https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/sodastream-reg-aqua-fizz-sparkling-water-maker-starter-kit/1062776707 I may buy it there just for ease of returns if there's a problem.
  9. I can't seem to find one with glass. The plastic ones can't be run through the dishwasher? ugh
  10. my dh goes through a case of seltzer water (store brand) in less than week. His birthday is coming up in a week and I've been thinking of buying him one of those soda makers. He does not like flavored water, just fizzy water.
  11. LOL - typo!! I'll go fix it. That's funny. Maybe I'm a bit too paranoid and it's a Freudian slip 😏
  12. This came across my feed and thought it was timely for this discussion: Buyer Beware: A Scourge of Fake Reviews hit Amazon, Walmart and others... It seems like Sephora and Steam are also having problems. The article says that 30% of Amazon reviews are fake. I'm surprised they didn't find more actually.
  13. I hate that too. I wish Amazon would clean all this up.
  14. I loved the smell of Australian Gold but hated the way it felt on my face. I like UltaMD's tinted sunscreen the best and also found I used it more consistently. I also like PC's tinted moisturizer with SPF but in our hot and humid summers it can leave me feeling greasy. I agree that the main thing is to find the thing you will use consistently.
  15. I don't know a lot about such situations but I think that the estate should have been paying the property taxes all along. I would be tempted send them a bill for back-taxes since your mom never owned the property and she was there as a care-giver for her sibling.
  16. I was also married and a mom of one by 23. I think that's part of the reason why I'd love to explore other things too.
  17. I agree.. in my my musings about an alternate life, I would want to keep the memories of this one.. It's just there's not enough time in one life to try all the things I would like to try and well... marriage and children keep me a bit more tied to one spot.
  18. I think those things too. Probably more than is healthy. One life is not enough time to try all the things I would have liked to have tried now that I look back. I also enjoyed having a large family and homeschooling, but I'd change it completely if I got a do-over (or two!). One caveat is that I'd want to remember my past life so I make informed decisions. One of the things about me is that I'm not a planner. That worked against me when I was younger and launching in life. Things just kind of happened (or didn't). I wasn't very motivated. I knew I wanted to get married and have kids. I wished that I could have been more determined and decisive about my future back when I was 18. I'd go to university in another country. I'd move to the PNW and go to college there. I'd study ancient & medieval musicology and join Anonymous 4, and travel the world. Study ancient civilizations. Become a small craft pilot and move to the bush in Alaska. I'd want to try my hand at being a working or wild animal vet (like for a zoo - or for out in the middle of no where). Get a medical degree and work for International Red Cross or Doctors Without Boarders. In each of these scenarios I would join the Orthodox Church as soon as I was old enough.
  19. How is everyone's semester going? I'm taking 2 classes. One is all day. It's and art (which I need) and a 200 level class (I need 5 to grad). Fortunately for me it's weaving. I'm enjoying getting back behind a loom and trying new things. Get to play with yarn all day on Fridays. I do have a write a paper, which shouldn't be an issue. But, I'm having the hardest time coming up with an idea for a paper. I'm also taking another 200 class in Short Stories online. I'm remembering why I don't like lit classes. I hate picking things apart and also having to read other people's "discussion" online. I just don't think that lit classes are well served online. But, oh well, I'll keep with it because they don't offer it any other way. I like that I get to read a lot of different author's in a short period of time. Lots of interesting reading. There's another lady in the class older than me and the prof as put us together for the "group" project. I'm so thankful for that.
  20. Hugs.. I totally, totally understand. I've been doing the launching thing for 10yrs. I wish I could go back to parenting littles. It was the best part of my life too.. and I have grandkids. They're sweet, but not the same. Yes, I wish my life was different right now. I wish I'd finished my degree about 20yrs ago. I wish I'd gone to school slowly starting when my oldest was little. I wish we'd moved away from where we are now. I've always wanted to move away- that's nothing new. My dh is a hobbit and has been at his job for 40yrs. Now that I'm older (and he's even older) and kids are getting settled close-by, I realize my dream of living somewhere else is pretty much gone forever. It makes me sad.
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