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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I hope things calmed down last night but still praying.
  2. I love that. I really want to paint our house but right now we have other pressing issues. But, I think a lot about the color I would want... not white or grey... I like the sage green one in your picture. However, I wonder if it would look dingy too quickly. There's a house in our neighborhood that is a beautiful wedgewood blue color. I'd love that too.
  3. I hadn't thought about the comparison to PE classes. I would say these classes are pretty low-key. Instructor puts on New Agey music and there's a lot of quietness while people work, or small conversations. Some of the younger students have ear-buds. I've taken several math classes and never encountered that. Sure, people are confused but no mutterings or cursings - at least not in class. I know I did my fair share of cursing and mutterings over math when I was at home.
  4. I get it. I'm sorry. That sounds very hard for you. hugs.
  5. @OKBud um.. you've read the OP? Here I'll post that portion you missed for you.... As an aside: she is working on a loom called a Wolf Pup. 😏 @HeighHo - That's interesting. I think I might reach out to our instructor first if there's another outburst like last class.
  6. @Ktgrok - I mean it's possible she's naturally loud, but that's not normally the way she is in class. I would describe it as outbursts of anger/frustration. @katilac - I agree. Her frustrations and raising of her voice in annoyance are easy enough to ignore but the howl was quite startling.
  7. No! It most certainly is not. Our brick house is having issues with mortar, esp close to the ground and below grade where moisture is an issue.
  8. have you done a google image search "painted brick house before and after"? There's some nice photos. Pinterest has a similar thing, if you're on Pinterest.
  9. LOL- I'm a weaver. I weave cloth. I have this on my loom at home for my sister: I'm taking the class because I need some 200 level classes to graduate and weaving more is a plus in my book. 🙂 I did get to learn tapestry weaving in this class, which is something I've never done. I really loved it and am inspired by some great artists.
  10. I think painted brick is pretty but I also like the natural color. It really depends on the house. We have brick that is kind of dark and we have a lot of old trees. I'd like to paint it. Our bandmates had a painted brick house they lived in for 30yrs. he told me they'd never painted it themselves and it looked fine. It was painted white. They only painted it just before selling their house last year to spruce it up. One plus is that, unlike siding, you can just re-paint it. I also wonder if painting an older brick house may help with dampness.
  11. I would not assume she has a disability, but I guess that's a possibility. I definitely plan to just ignore as best I can. But, it is a very odd experience. I've never seen an older student act the way your daughter described. Of course, I am an older student too 😏- although I am going for a degree and not taking it for fun.
  12. that is a great idea. I love bats but I do worry about rabies. How long did it take for them to move in once you put up the house? We have a very shady yard and deal with mosquitoes. Added to that my granddaughter is allergic and is a mosquito magnet. She gets terrible welts all over her legs and arms. We used a Dynatrap last year. It seemed to work great at the beginning of the season but I moved it and it didn't work so great. I'm going to give it another year to see how it works.
  13. So i have this issue in one of my classes at Community college. In my weaving class (ART 200 level) there is a fellow mature student who seems to have issues with anger. She has lashed out in class a couple of times. Yesterday was another time and it seemed to have escalated. She doesn't lash out at any of us.. it's more like frustrated with a situation and letting off steam, but bigger than that. Yesterday she was frustrated with changing some things on the loom. She was doing a lot of muttering and grring (yes GRRRR) and basically showing her frustration. Then she let out a howl scream.. she was very frustrated and angry. It was very uncomfortable and awkward. We all jumped. This is the first time she's ever let out a scream, but she's shown anger and lost her temper in about 3-4 of the 8 classes we've had, so not every class. But, this is college. I don't expect these types of outbursts in college. - esp not with a mature (60yr old) student. Other than these outbursts, she's quite nice and informative to the class. We get along well and she's always willing to chat about ideas. Our teacher is in her 20s and very sweet. I don't think she's comfortable speaking up or confronting this woman. My MO is to just stay out of her way or try to be a calming presence. Yesterday when she was super frustrated I offered to help her to help defuse the situation. Another mature student did the same thing. The younger kids just kept their heads down and minded their own business. She didn't seem embarrassed by her anger (I'd be mortified if I had that kind of public outburst). But, it made me wonder. We kind of put up with it with her, but if she was a young person of color (esp. a young man) would we give them the same grace? Should we even have this double standard with this student? It's a weird and uncomfortable situation.
  14. sorry to belabor this topic. I need to process. After I told her I was unhappy about waiting another 3 weeks because we have a house-full for Easter I received an email back basically saying she's sorry it's been so difficult and couldn't we just move the boxes into the corner of the sunroom for Easter. I was livid. I responded with an email explaining that that was not a solution because the boxes are already in the corner of the sunroom - that's the problem. I told her I was angry. That I felt like I was not a priority as a customer and that I was paying the price for being patient with them. I'd had the boxes in my sunroom since early January. That was last Friday. I heard nothing from her until last night when she sent a brief separate email (not a "reply" email) saying she had received the architect's updated plans and that she would review them and get back to me. What??!! Nothing about my email?? No calls. No assurances. It's like she didn't even read my email. Today I had an appt. with another contractor to look at the job. Of course, they want to do things a little different. No.. just no. I have these architectural plans already. I'm fine with that. But, he didn't take any measurements or anything and said he'd get back to me. I hate this process. I've got another appt. with another contractor next week.
  15. welcome back!! Love your photo.
  16. My youngest will be taking classes at the local CC My oldest son and his wife are expecting baby #1 in July (grandbaby #4 for us, first for her parents) We have a big family vaca in early Aug. I'm hoping to do some work in our yard.
  17. I was thinking the same thing about home tests when we were in the clinic. My son was very contagious. Seemed a shame to bring him into a public place (CVS) to have him tested. She put a mask on him before the test was even done because she knew it was the Flu. I don't know how early one can test positive, but the PA told me that son was contagious up to 2 days prior to symptoms... so I would think it should show up as soon as symptoms appear.
  18. my daughter was at the clinic this morning. Tested neg for both A & B.. but they said there's another strain going around where she is (DE) that isn't picked up on the test. However, she had the symptoms.. so they put her on Tamiflu. She only had a low-grade fever though.
  19. you should do what makes you happy. I like grey too - but mixed with colors... not just white, gray, black. Our previous house was beige everywhere. That is bad too, IMHO. Some is okay... all over is not.
  20. We've also had good luck with Elderberry. I keep it on hand. As soon as son started presenting sick I was downing that stuff. It was too late for him, though.
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