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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I have this and am happy with it. I sleep on it occasionally and it works fine. It's a bit firm. I was able to get it on sale. https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/red-barrel-studio-bloomquist-sleeper-sectional-rdbl1816.html It does not show it in the photos but under the couch is like a trundle that pops up flush with the couch. Two people can sleep length-wise. Amazon has better photos: I didn't order it from Amazon because the shipping and return was not as good as Wayfair. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00R2P4WVY/?coliid=I18QTT6X79XTJM&colid=30EYOAHO8AX1D&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  2. I missed the vent but I'm glad you got it off your chest and are doing better.
  3. Praying for you. I hope it happens!
  4. I read this article this morning and thought of this thread: How Some Doctors are Looking to Food to Treat Illnesses from WBUR. It mentions several studies and different types of diets. "There’s no question that something has to change in the American diet, says Darius Mozaffarian, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. Obesity is part of the problem, Mozaffarian says. But even people with a normal weight are developing diabetes, cancer, stroke and other health problems from bad eating habits."
  5. I wonder if you're mourning both the loss of your mother and this change of season that is coming with older kids. A year is not that long to mourn the death of a loved one but it looks like, from your siggy line, that you are on the cusp of becoming an Empty Nester. Both of those events are huge markers in a person's life. I think you have it right that at least some of it might have to do with not having a sense of purpose.
  6. Our pool was 20x40' rectangular. It is the largest (or almost largest) pool size they usually make for residential. Everything was more expensive (chemicals, replacement liner, replacement cover, etc.) because it was the largest one. Pools are like boats. They are a money pit. Some people love them and use them all the time, so it's worth it to them. Others only use them occasionally and it's not really worth the cost. It's not always easy to tell which type of person you'll be. We started off using it much more but that waned as the years went by. Also, my kids got used to a warm July pool and wouldn't swim but for 5 mins in Aug. when the evenings cooled off and water got colder. Seriously, my kids would jump in the pool once and then get out and say, "I'm done".
  7. Another happy Shark Navigator customer. It does both rugs and hardwoord very nicely. The Bissle Crosswave looks very interesting to me too.
  8. I know! Right? We just added one more person home from college, but it's a disaster. Long before I actually got my own bedroom, I ended up on the couch most nights. In fact, my couch requirements are that it is also comfortable for sleep. I still end up on the couch when we have guests (dh sleeps in the guest room).
  9. oh I'm sorry. I've been dealing with this for the last several nights... aided by our A/C dying. But, also, my hot flashes wake me up with anxiety first, then hot flash, then my brain will not shut up!. I find that turning on an audible (nothing exciting) helps distract my thoughts. But dh and I have separate rooms. We both have sleep issues. Hope you slept like a baby last night.
  10. praying for your recovery and figuring out what is best for you. hugs
  11. Glad things are moving... glad he's digging his own hole. You are strong... you are courageous... you will make it through!
  12. oh my, I'm so sorry. Memoirs I enjoyed: The Other Side of the Dale by Gervase Phinn - James Herriot style books but written by a school inspector in the English Dales. Losing Mum and Pup by Christopher Buckley. Yes, it's about loss, but nicely written and quite sweet. Partly Cloudy Patriot - By Sarah Vowell.. not exactly a memoir but more a travelogue. Also her book about dead Presidents is quirky, funny too. Jim Gaffigan's books have been fun to listen too. Light and Fun: A Nun in the Closet by Barbara Gillman - I also LOVE her Mrs. Pollifax series. Wodehouse is always a good bet too. Love all the Wooster and Jeeves books I'm sure there's more but I'm running out the door. - I second any Pratchett book and Enchanted April.
  13. except you can't put a liner over concrete. It is placed over sand... so they'd have to remove the concrete, then add sand and new liner. New liners are in the thousands too, at least it was that much when we had our replaced. I concur with PJ - everything about owning a pool is expensive. Price it out. It always cost us a couple thousand each year with our older big pool. The kids loved it, of course, when they were little. I hate the sun, so I didn't use it that much. I loved swimming at night in the heat of the summer 🙂 I vote for an above ground pool. My sis has an above ground pool with a deck around it. They LOVE the sun and their pool.
  14. Welcome back... It's SO hot... and I'm sure it is hotter where you are. Our A/C died today.. oh joy. You've accomplished so much... I'd be feeling dead from jet lag.
  15. hugs.. I understand. I was so unhappy at our last house. We moved out after 7yrs but that was mostly because I pushed hard to move. Dh tends to be happy wherever.
  16. I have similar mild panic moments when I realize I've run out of my favorite tea. It's an evening ritual.
  17. yes, please keep us posted.... praying the wait isn't too long.
  18. Drove 12 passenger vans for over 20 yrs. I miss the capacity, but the gas prices...not so much. we bought a cargo hitch mounts like this for our Toyota Highlander: https://www.amazon.com/ARKSEN-Folding-Carrier-Luggage-Receiver/dp/B011VP2DR0/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=cargo+carriers&qid=1559042918&s=gateway&sr=8-4 We don't use it much, except for camping trips or big vacations where we need to bring a lot of stuff. Have you thought about a Mini-van instead? Usually there's more storage space.
  19. Wonderful!! Send us photos when you move in.
  20. oh man, that can really be a crusher - especially right at the beginning. I've found that new teachers start off with hard stuff until they get their sea-legs. Hope you all can work it out.
  21. It sounds like a winner to me. I get it about the kitchen. It's the central part of the house... but it is fixable. But, I so agree with you that there isn't a perfect house. It think it's a good perspective to have. I had a friend who once built her own house... she did love her "perfect" house, but within a year or two her husband lost his job and they had to move away for a new job. So, perfect was fleeting.
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