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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. my dad was active in local theater scene when I was a kid. I saw all the musicals... and then some. 😉 All of those are the old ones though...like Sound of Music and Guys and Dolls. Here's a list... some will be better than others, and I suspect that some will be very dated by today's standards: Singing in the Rain Le Mis The Producers (although maybe not exactly a musical) How to Succeed in Business Without Even Trying Chicago Chorus Line Annie Get Your Gun 7 Brides for 7 Brothers Rent (I've never seen this one but I know a lot of people who love it) West Side Story Gypsy A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Into the Woods Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd. Fiddler on the Roof Oklahoma Hello Dolly Rocky Horror Picture Show Little Shop of Horrors Pirates of Penzance Fame Camelot Godspell Music Man Carousel That was fun... brought back a lot of memories.
  2. I'm so sorry too.. What a difficult spot to be in. Not including his own brothers as groomsmen is very sad. Dictating how the rehearsal dinner should go??? Sheesh!!! I'm going to assume that the bride is running the show completely and your son isn't standing up for himself. Again, I'm so sorry. All of that is very hurtful.
  3. you should have it checked out. I had those too. It turns out I had a cyst (non cancerous) and this is pretty normal for women at menopause. Mine was mostly caused by HRT, so dr. advised me to go off. Now it's hot-flash city and no sleep for me - but no more periods so far. There are other alternatives to consider too and could help you. I'm actually thinking of discussing it more with my dr. soon because of the sleeplessness and hot flashes.
  4. PrincessMommy


    oh my! What a sad and unnecessary tragedy. Praying for the family. I'm right there with you about being conflicted. My friend is going to be buried near her family on Saturday- 8hrs away. It is just too far. And I would need to be back by Sunday afternoon, fresh and ready to go for a gig. It was a hard decision but I.just.can't make it work. I think I understand your feelings. I think your cousin will completely understand too, especially if you send her a lovely note with a book inside. I have no recommendations about that though. Hugs. I would consider sending another "thinking of you" note in about a month. This is such a shock for her, she probably won't remember who is and isn't at the funeral. She may really appreciate knowing that people are thinking of her down the road.
  5. Thank you everyone. I appreciate all of your kind words.
  6. Are you talking about these kinds of windows. I don't know what they are called but I do like them. I wish we had more of them in other rooms... such as my bedroom (I don't need to have a full view) and the TV room - no where to put the couch without blocking a window. Mine are 45" up from the floor. They let in enough light but still provide some privacy.
  7. It was completely unexpected. Still trying to process. She my friend who is in a wheelchair... I spoke about not being invited to her daughter's wedding earlier this year. My middle daughter was with her other daughter this evening when she got the call from her dad. It's been an intense hour and a half. She had just reached out to me to get together but I've been so swamped with school, grandkids, and kitchen reno that told her I could get together when school was finished. which is on Weds. 😞 This happened to me before with a cousin... I said I could get together later because of life... and she died of an annurysm less than a week later. In your mercy please remember my friend, Jenn, in your prayers. And her husband and 2 daughters and a son-in-law. Memory Eternal Jenn.
  8. whoa... I never watch the first several days either. What an upset. Congratulations to Cori!!!
  9. My kids were pretty torn up when Steve Irwin died. My 24 yr old says she still cries about it when she thinks back to that. It was pretty sad. I remember crying, and I wasn't a huge fan of his.. .but I know how much my kids loved him. People were pretty upset when Carrie Fisher died. I was in the "aw, that's too bad." But I know people who were very sad about it.
  10. I was going to suggest that also. I babysit my grands. It is harder and i don't do it full time, but it does help my daughter out tremendously. How involved do you think the other grandparents will want to be? They may also be willing to help with childcare. Congratulations!!! So glad you're daughter has chosen life. My daughter is pregnant with #4 (also very bad timing) on Dec. 29th. Hugs. I know what it's like to be excited and worried at the same time. I wish I could say I was the elated mom when my dd told us she was preggy again.... sigh. It's hard when we're caught off guard.
  11. my daughter did this once when she was babysitting. It wasn't a bad hit, but she did dent it. She left a note and took some pictures (the car was already in bad shape). She heard back from the car owner several days later, and he was very laid back about the whole thing. He never even took her insurance or asked for cash or anything. I think he figured, "What's one more." My other daughter, on the other hand, lightly tapped a Mercedes bumper at a stop light. Barely a scratch on that thing.. .but it cost us $1100 to repair.
  12. I used a grout cleaner and brightener... I think Zep brand but not sure. It worked wonders when paired with these tools: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Giving-Cleaning-Household-Bathroom/dp/B07FQ538J8/ref=sr_1_18?keywords=grout+cleaner&qid=1561638617&s=gateway&sr=8-18 This last time in preparation for selling our old house, I paid my son to sit on the floor and scrub in our big bathroom. I did the smaller bathroom. Most of the gunk just needed the product to sit on it and work it's wonder and light going over with the bristle brush. Some spots were more stubborn.
  13. I switched to an S8 this year and have been happy. I cannot compare it with the S10 though, so I might not be much help. It has good battery life. I'm very happy with the camera and video, but I may not be as discerning as you on that. The thing to consider, since you're already concerned about the phone being too big, is adding a case to it. I forgot how much smaller (and thinner) my S8 was until I took the case off to clean the phone.
  14. I sent her a PM on Facebook for you a couple of hours ago.. Hope she sees it soon.
  15. Wow, what a moment!! So happy this Judge is seeing through all his carp.
  16. @Laura Corin - I haven't read all the responses so maybe someone has already answered this but I found a *wonderful* product that has re-grown my eyelashes... they're thicker than they were back in my 20s. It's pricey but worth it. I think it lasts me more than 3month because I don't use it every night now. Revitalash Eyelash Growth Serum I don't know if they sell it in the UK, but that is the US link. Get the 2ml size not the mini one. I tried castor oil for a while and that helped okay, but wow!! when I switched to Revitalash the change was very noticeable. As for the OP: I do expect some aches and pains, but what I didn't expect is how hard it is to get out of bed quickly - like when I really need to pee at 6am. My body is very achy and slow in the morning. Also, I expected to be sleeping better in my 50s and that hasn't happened. I also didn't expect the emotional side of getting older. I was always so even-keeled and calm. I miss that person.
  17. I still dream about my grandparents every once in a while. It's a little bit like having them with me for a brief moment. I also miss flying dreams from my childhood.
  18. oh my goodness...!! I 'm so glad you're okay.. but I am so very sorry for the loss of your wee little one. hugs.
  19. oh boy, that won't work. I hope you find a good solution.
  20. @kbutton thanks for all those links and information!! So much fun. I don't care if the wood matches or not. I was just think that having such thick shelf wood is great but also takes up more space. The stackers might work just as well if not better.
  21. the two shows I like for this type of job are either those ones with the game wardens up in Maine or NH... Can't remember the name and the other ones are the ones about zoos. I like the Bronx zoo one and "The Secret Life of the Zoo" about Chester Zoo in Cheshire England. But, I will admit that I sometimes get caught up in what is happening with the animals.. 😉
  22. When my mom was sick and doing at-home dialysis we took a trip to see my sis from MD to IL (800 miles). She never really felt well on dialysis and she refused to fly . I thought this would be a good solution as we could go at our own pace. We could stop and I could help her get her dialysis up and running (with an iv-type bag) and we'd proceed the rest of the way on our trip. We could take frequent stops as needed. Oh, and I took the kids with me - who were probably 12 and under (only 5 of them at the time). It was a mistake. Her needs were much greater than I realized (or she let on) and it took FOREVER to get there. I think the car broke down in WV too. I was exhausted and had a sty on my eye from all the long driving. Then I had to think about the return trip home. Ugh. I would not recommend a long car trip with 2 people who are medically frail. Perhaps if money isn't an issue- take a sleeper train?
  23. These are great recs. The cabinet with the knives/flatware drawer is also a pull out drawers that I've used for pots, pans, and lids. It's wonderful. I love drawers over shelves any day. What are stackers? Off to google. Was your extra shelving made of the same wood? Our shelves are a good 1/2-3/4" think. So very sturdy, but takes up that extra space.
  24. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. Glad *that* part is over. hugs
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