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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Oh man, this is me. Added with the sleeping ability - I swear it must be a super power. Writing this after having had a terrible night of sleep and only wanted to be a blob in front of the TV today. It's almost 3 and, so far, I've done 15 min of Yoga and gone out to lunch with my dad. I'm killin' it today. 😉
  2. 😪 Now I want to watch both Ladyhawke and Bladerunner. May he rest in peace
  3. Thank you. This is quite helpful. I've wondered if our unit was too big. It's seems LARGE for our space, but that's all I had to go on. Hadn't thought that maybe its really ducts. All of it was DIY by the previous owner - he wasn't an H/Vac engineer 🙄
  4. I'm SO glad to read this and so glad he was a winner. I'm sorry it's long term.. but I hope/pray that PT makes a big difference in your life.
  5. We're busy painting the ceiling in our kitchen/main room before our floors are re-done. I took off 3 ceiling A/C vents 2 of them had mold on the underside. 😲 The A/C duct was probably added 30yrs ago when they installed central air. But, up in the attic it doesn't look like traditional square-shaped hard duct work, but round flexible coil type like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Master-Flow-6-in-x-25-ft-Insulated-Flexible-Duct-R6-Silver-Jacket-F6IFD6X300/100396935 Is it even possible to clean that?
  6. only slightly off topic. I'm curious why you stopped.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I have avoided it because I don't generally like Seth MacFarlane's humor.
  8. Seven of 9 is not the female fighter. It is a new character for this series. But Seven of 9 makes an appearance. There's a definite hint of Borgs showing up.
  9. I'm realizing I need to do the same thing. This thread has been helpful in many ways.
  10. I watched the first episode of Star Trek Discovery when it was free -- loved it but it was so much darker than the others and I wasn't willing to get the subscription. It was visually beautiful. I am very excited about this, even though it also looks dark. So many old "friends" 🙂 I'm planning to get a subscription to CBS Access when it gets closer.
  11. @Farrar - I was thinking of trying it here at home so I can get used to it before trying again up in Philly. @Slache thanks for the info about tipping. I will tell my son that. @J-rap - I was wondering if there was a option for talking with your Lyft driver once you chose a driver.
  12. I asked my son if I could have flagged down the Lyft or Uber driver and he said it wasn't a "thing" Also, I thought tips were included in the overall price? That's what another son told me when I asked him if he had enough money for an Uber tip recently. Did we do something wrong!?! Oops.
  13. I think I set a pin, it did search for my location. I had the little photo map of where I was with cars moving around with a list of available Lyfts & prices below that I didn't do it ahead of time because I was unfamiliar with where I was going and didn't know if there were two (or three) entrances, pick up places, etc. since it was a major hub, rather than something small like a McDonalds. Now that I'm a bit more familar, I may try it next time. @Indigo Blue - thank you. I knew someone here would understand.
  14. I'm up in Philly helping with my newest granddaughter and her parents. My grand plan was to take the train and then Lyft to the house from the station. I'm hoping this will work for multiple visits over the years instead of driving myself. So I arrive at the train station in Philly - which is a major hub- (30th Street Station). I go outside to hail Lyft (first time ever doing this). I see lots of options, so I pick one. The message I get is "Are you sure you want this Lyft, you have a long walk to your pick-up". Eeek! I'm in a new city so I have no idea what that means or how far it really is to my pick up destination? I back out of that screen. I try another one and get the same message. I see several empty Lyft and Uber drivers pass by me while I'm struggling with this (I'm in the pick-up and drop off area). I move a little away from there. Same problem. It's raining, I'm flustered and frustrated, then a taxi offers to give me a ride, which I take. It cost me 2x as much, but I did arrive. What did I do wrong??!! I want to be able to do this. If I had said "yes" to that first ride, how much hand-holding do I get when I'm in a strange city? Edited to add: I was also texting my dd at home, who has used Lyft a lot. She was no help with her, "I don't know why you can't figure this out, Mom." attitude.
  15. The topic is of interest to me so I'm following this thread... but then I saw Negin had responded. It's been a while since I've seen you on the Chat board Hi Negin!! 🙋‍♀️
  16. I've hidden my birthday simply because it feels intrusive. Only very few people outside of my family will contact me to wish me a happy birthday, and i have no desire to broadcast it to FB. I agree with others about the tackiness of the charity birthday donations. I'm not offended either, but I don't donate either. Also, another person who doesn't write happy birthday on people's timelines.
  17. I agree. I don't understand what morality has to do with driving a stick or not. And the truth is; the meme about it being Anti-theft is TRUE. My daughter has a friend whose car was hijacked in Baltimore. Actually, attempted hijacked because it was a manual transmission and the guy couldn't figure it out... he just got out and fled. She laughed at him and then drove away. It's a great story, but I don't think that means she's morally better than someone just because she drives a stick.
  18. I would dump the Chrio.. What a manipulative jerk. I would do the MRI and find a good PT. I've got two PTs in my family, so I am biased.
  19. Thanks so much for this. I feel like I have been validated. I'm a Ladybug. It was fun watching the Ladybug video and thinking "I've been doing that for years" But, it always felt like the lazy person's way to organize. Now I know it's just my style. I feel so much better now.
  20. It's important and momentous. Of course it means a lot. hugs.
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