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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. yes, thank you for the update. I've been following this and I'm horrified. Your mom is a brave lady.
  2. Is it possible that Lori and her husband (whatever their names are) can have a trial by jury? If so, she may be hoping for a sympathy acquittal... cry on the stand, etc. etc. and thinking jurors are easily swayed and manipulated.
  3. Praying for you and your mom today. How awful.. no matter what the cause is, it sounds like a terrible place to be.
  4. @Carol in Cal. - waiting to see your creation! @mumto2 - I love hedgehogs! That is adorable. @Margaret in CO - I would love to see your sewing creation. My sewing skills are very basic and I would love to learn to do more. @Fifiruth - please share a photo of your project! even if it's part-way done. @Quill - this is such an inspiration. I may take it up someday too. I've finally started weaving. I've completed 3 of the 4 towels in this project. It was a kit... which is helpful. It leaves all the planning and color options to someone else. I'm very happy with the results.
  5. yes, we have rented cars in England, Portugal, and Costa Rica. Of course, I much prefer driving out in the country or small towns to cities. It's definitely a nice way to travel, especially if you have a travel companion to help navigate (and remind you to stay on the right side in England 😉)
  6. I know what RA is but what is DH? I've actually wondered about it. I saw a commercial this past week that explained many of my symptoms. ☹️ I'm not sure what I want to do about it. I also have hashimotos.
  7. Me too. I've had to re-think how I thought my future would look.
  8. I tried the new mattress route when I started waking up acky and in pain. Sadly, it didn't really help. It helped *at night* for a bit, but even that has come back. Quill - I feel my age plus 20yrs too. I've been trying to do yoga to limber me up, but if I do a lot of physical activities during the day - like house cleaning or yard work - I can barely move. But my mornings are hardest. I can barely walk when I get out of bed... like "Am I going to make it to the bathroom in time??!!" barely walk.
  9. I've never heard of it, but I would also be interested if he sleeps through the night. I have trouble with waking up and not getting back to sleep.
  10. It's like Airbnb for vehicles. www.turo.com I'm curious.. it sounds very interesting. I'm looking to move a loom on Friday. I'm worried it won't fit in my Highlander and was looking for less expensive options when I happened upon their site.
  11. Yes, and I've heard there's some PT exercises someone can do to help with it. My grandmother had this terrible and it got worse as she aged.
  12. oh my goodness, Scarlett. How frightening. I hope you get the bottom of it quickly. What a blessing you were not alone when it happened. hugs.
  13. please take care of yourself. When I was pregnant and had hyper-emesis I spent weeks on the couch. Kids turned out fine...and they're all gainfully employed. It will be okay if they miss some time from school.
  14. Baths are also good when you're sick or getting sick because they raise your body temp and help fight off the virus/bacteria. I love taking baths but I especially love them when I feel like I'm coming down with something. They do soothe that achy chilled feeling. edited to add: one of the things I crave when I'm getting sick is candy and junk food. 😫 I don't know why by body does this because it's probably the worst thing to eat at that time.
  15. This... so much. I've been saying the same thing for years. Why can't they hire good writers? It's just pure laziness. The other thing they like to do is remake foreign films into American/English films. It's like they can't come up with anything original.
  16. Sony wants to remake The Princess Bride Go away Hollywood. Seriously, keep your grubby paws off. Don't even try to tell me things like "Peter Jackson is going to direct and he's going to stay faithful to the original."
  17. OMG!! Do tell..... I think I cried my way through most of that book.
  18. Jeeves and Wooster Me Talk Pretty One Day by Sedaris
  19. Do you live in rural area? From what I understand there is a terrible need for quality medical care in rural areas. How frustrating. I'm sorry it has been so hard to find a good doctor. Hope this lead works out
  20. oh wow... that is wonderful. Do you have a link?
  21. I don't care how old he is, what he did to his sisters is unacceptable and I would call him out on it. I would bring sister's along because he needs to apologize to them. I'd have a frank talk about what kind of person he wants to be. What kind of spouse does he want to be? Things like this. Yes, he's immature, but at 22 he needs to work on some character building. IOW- it's one thing to be a selfish jerk with your parents, but to treat younger siblings like that is mean spirited.
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