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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I was thinking the same thing. LOL @Quill - your beliefs sound very similar to most of the sacramental traditions I am familiar with. What you are describing, in what you don't believe, I pretty much don't believe either- and haven't believed since I left Evangelicalism. Please don't put all Christians into one box... because we just don't all fit in that.
  2. I saw it this morning when I woke up . So heartbreaking. May they rest with the righteous.
  3. I hope it happens because if it does, then the rest of the country will likely follow. It was depressing to be outside playing at the playground with my grandkids last night and have it suddenly be DARK at 5:30.
  4. So beautiful. We also talk about the Gospel verse "Lord I believe, Help my unbelief!" a lot in my circles. In fact, my priest has gently reminded me of it numerous times in confession. One priest I've heard speak several times encouraged us to pray, "Lord, I want to want to believe." Quill, I've also enjoyed RHE's works, but I've not read that one. It was a great loss when she passed away.
  5. Some of my kids are like this, but I think it's partly because they are just starting out and poor. But, my kids all pick names so they only have to buy for one sibling or in-law.
  6. praying this morning. It was an awful line of storms that came through here too. How awful that he was out in that.
  7. My husband will admit that he is a bad judge of character. Does that count?
  8. One last item for the month. I am donating it towards our parish bazaar raffle. It's the same scarf, just two different sides
  9. I'm so glad it wasn't a heart attack and glad you found the tick. Chest discomfort could be stress related too. hugs.
  10. Generally the bigger ones are made to last. They often have truck type engines. Mine went over 200K. It was a Ford Club Wagon and I think they were made to go well over that.
  11. @gardenmom5 - yes. I was dx with Hashimotos many years ago. They always say my bloodwork is in the "normal" range, but I'm always cold, and sleepy, losing hair, and 10+lbs overweight, etc. etc.
  12. @Quill - thank you. I love your washcloth. My sister made those when she first started too. I love the ones she gave me.
  13. I felt the same way when we sold our 12 passenger "vanna white" 🙂 We'd had for nearly 20yrs when we donated it. I do miss mine from time to time because it was also so great at hauling stuff.
  14. I'd forgotten about this thread! Thanks for resurrecting it. It's church bazaar season and I made and infinity scarf for raffle at our parish's ethnic bazaar. I've got another one on the loom and I'm hoping to finish it up in the next couple of days. Bazaar starts Friday!
  15. Interesting. It's temporary because of suspected reflux causing her to refuse feedings. Although she doesn't all have the classic symptoms of reflux either. Thank you. I might if I get worried.
  16. Thank you so much!. They hope to go home tomorrow with a feeding tube. She's adapting quite well to it.
  17. I've actually read this before. I can't remember where though. It was on my mind yesterday and today because my newest grandchild is in the hospital for feeding issues. I noticed that 1/ they had a humidistat in the room and 2/ it was at 20% !!!! That was pretty shockingly low and my sinuses were on fire. today it was closer to 45% and much more comfortable. But, A the Texan brings up a good point.
  18. Have you watched MaryEllen over 60? She got permanent eyeliner. I think she may have had it done before she started her youtube channel, but she talks about it at least once or twice.
  19. Hot and Flashy. yes, she uses botox, but her make up and skincare ingredients information is helpful. I agree that she wears too much make up now. I also like: Mrs.MelissaM Melissa55 Stephanie Marie (she's closer to your age than the above ladies) Penn.Smith Makeup - she's an esthetician.. mostly high end stuff, but she is also informative about skin care ingredients, etc. She has very dry skin so a lot of her stuff isn't helpful for me, but I still learn a lot from her. And Dr. Dray is great for skincare stuff too.
  20. This so much. When I was backpacking and hiking/camping this was a must. I would take a sponge bath even in the freezing night to rinse off the daytime sweat. Even now at home I take a hot bath or shower just about every night before bed to rinse off the oils from sweating during the day. If I don't I'm up most of the night feeling cold.
  21. Sorry people are being so snarky about what is or is not cold to them. If it's cold to YOU it's cold. You're not asking our opinion about what we consider cold. Hrumph. I've struggled more with cold in recent years and if I get chilled it is hard for me to warm up again without help - such as a hot bath or heating blanket. Even comforters and thick pjs is not enough when this happens to me. I would also recommend weatherproofing your windows. Check out Youtube videos for winterizing ideas. I would block any non-neccessary windows with a large sheet of hard insulation. I'm talking about bathroom windows for instance. Definitely look into the clear plastic for other windows. I second hot water bottles or something you can heat up in the microwave to put under the blankets. That way you get into a warm bed. It makes a huge difference for me too. wool socks at night. There is such a huge difference between cotton and wool. If you go the propane route please make sure you get a CO2 monitor for each room.
  22. A smallish dehumidifier I have this one from America. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079V7WV1N/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's a little too big for a bathroom, but it's the smallest size I could find that actually works. I use it for my Master bed/bath combo. I keep it running continuously during the day in the summer and as needed in the winter.
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