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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I agree.. it sounds wonderful to travel alone.
  2. I almost never use ribbons or bows. It's just plain Christmas wrapping paper and a tag for our family. Oh and I just finished decorating the tree today. No one wanted to help me so I did it alone 😏
  3. I have not done it, but I've see that video advertised. I haven't watched it yet. My favorite beauty YouTubers that talk about Dermarolling are: Penn Smith - an aesthetician who gives a lot of advice about dermarolling. Dr. Dray - dermatologist. MaryEllen over 60 Jennifer Joyce Beauty
  4. I think you are feeling this way because he still is not listening to YOU. He is now listening to himself. He is still not respecting your feelings about Christmas and how he has made your Christmas miserable just to please him. Yes, it's great he finally "gets' it, but does he get that you get a say in the marriage too? Does he get that he has disrespected you for 20yrs?
  5. Read your update. I hope all the travel and service plans go smoothly. I'm glad your dad is moving closer to you guys too. It's great he's thinking ahead like that.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss Dawn. I know you had a complicated relationship with your mom but it's still never easy to lose our moms. hugs and prayers as you prepare for her funeral and helping your dad at an already stressful time. May her memory be eternal.
  7. our MVA does email notices first and then sends out snail mail later (to try and save on paper). It is a "Do Not Reply" email. I would not reply anyway.
  8. I'm wondering if there's been some kind of identity theft. My dh received a legit notice from our local MVA telling us it's time to renew a car we don't own. We've never owned this make and year car. We're going to call tomorrow but I think only my dh can talk with them since he got the notice. I'm hoping they somehow messed up the email for the actual person who owns the car... but I'm worried it might be something worse.
  9. procrastination is my worst... I just do better with a deadline and life as an empty nester doesn't have many deadlines. Also, spending too much time in front of the computer.
  10. I thought of another one... People who are goal oriented. I just don't think that way and life just happens (or not). I see the benefits of setting goals, but I just don't think that way.
  11. Does he like hot sauces or anything like that? Maybe a set of different types of hot sauce? I ask because my 18yr old has them lined up next to his computer for ease of use while gaming 😏 What about other food items like fancy beef jerky or other foodies ideas? What about funky socks?
  12. People who are gracious and easily admit when they messed up. People who are not easily offended (I think my skin is a little too thin.) People who are infinitely patient with difficult family members (my SIL is the essence of gracious patience with my step-MIL)
  13. hugs. I think your idea to wait another week is wise. You've had a lot on your plate this season.
  14. two posts? And a suspicious looking photo of a tree (lifted off the internet). I think they're a troll.
  15. congratulations. Hopefully someone will give you a foot massage on Sunday.
  16. I'm loving this thread even though I don't have ours up yet. I'm so uncreative so I don't go with themes. I am going to try the dead Christmas tree idea that @gardenmom5 mentioned. if I can talk dh to letting me keep a dead Christmas tree around for the year.
  17. I think they prefer outdoor and working out together more than movies. Definitely not much into games as far as I can tell. 😞
  18. I've scourged the unique gifts thread but i'm stumped. He works in finance. He likes beer and fine whiskey type stuff. He's into fantasy football and definitely not a geek (gasp!). He doesn't have a beard and dresses nicely (I would call it a yuppy look but that ages me LOL). I don't want to spend a lot - less than $50. I think he likes to cook and he has his own apartment. I don't know how well supplied he is in the kitchen gadget dept. I don't want to ask my daughter because I don't want him to feel obligated to get us anything (she'll tell him).
  19. THAT is so beautiful. It sounds like a lovely wedding. Congratulations on 35ys
  20. A nice cup of tea candles on a gloomy day a back scratch (my dh is great)
  21. Congratulations!! He's beautiful. Welcome to the Grandma club!
  22. yup. A friend has labeled this the Age of Anger & Offense. We get so offended by anything. But, then trolls... they live to create drama out of nothing. Cynically, I did wonder if it was a marketing ploy. Create drama with some well placed offended trolls.... and instant popularity. I'd never heard of the company before
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