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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Yes!!!! I love that show.... my kids hate it... with the passion of a thousand suns.
  2. of course, I want the real answer...but if you'd rather you can PM me.. Since others might be offended.
  3. This is very helpful. At first I thought people were whitewashing things for us or something. I wasn't sure what that meant. Yes, I can see that as being misinterpreted by Americans. My sister and her husband tease and make fun of each other a lot too (both Americans)... and I find it hard to listen too because it's just not the way my dh and I communicate. I think my dh would be deeply offended if I did that.
  4. So are you saying that Aussies are generally to the point and blunt when talking with each other?
  5. This is very true... and perhaps for some people this thread would have been better delivered in person with kind delivery with which it was intended. It's just for me, I prefer this method for this particular thread. Now I have something to come back to and revisit and process. I'm an internal processor though. Maybe that's part of the our differences (see other thread 🙂 )
  6. I disagree. I would much rather have this information come through a forum where there's some anonymity. If it were in person it might feel like it was directed at me personally, which I know it isn't. I have found this thread difficult to read but helpful. I think it's always good to say to ourselves, "What can I do to be better?" My only question is how do get this information to my dh (who is easily offended, loud, and arrogant) before we travel abroad this year 😄
  7. I am SO glad you've come here and shared your perceptions. Thank you for opening yourself up to us. And officially welcome to the Hive (even though you've been here a while).
  8. I have almost no contact with tourist. I'm not even sure what kind of stereotypes there might be.
  9. I have seen a few negative responses here but most of the responses seem to be by those want to continue the conversation and understand each other. Perhaps trying to clarify things is seen as aggressive or arrogant in other cultures? I honestly want to know.
  10. I got the Soda Stream for my dh after recs here. He and the kids have been happy with it. We trade in the CO2 canisters at BedBath and Beyond and get 1/2 off.
  11. I love the contrast in the grain with the 50/50. I also don't like brass. It's beautiful.
  12. yes, but don't you think that is true of some people from other cultures? I don't think Americans have the corner on being offended. I've been enjoying this thread but it's certainly not easy to hear we Americans can be buffoons abroad. I'm not offended... just hoping I can do better when/if I travel next.
  13. My FIL lived to be 103. He's the only one I've "known". I did have 2 hospice patients who were over 100. One was still using things like FB and such to keep up with family. She was also sharp. My FIL was mostly sharp up until about 95. His wife began keeping him "safe", which meant no more laps at the pool (he was swimming laps 2-3x per week). no more trips, no more everything except sitting in a chair and staying safe. His wife did get round the clock care for him which was lovely and did help his quality of life... but what life did he have? He watched old football games. Those decisions all seemed based on fear. She is a sweet lady but very fearful and anxious. BTW, his wife is still alive and very sharp into her late 90s. She doesn't even need a walker. She doesn't get out of her retirement home much because of some health issues (bathroom related), but she is still very engaged with those around her. In many ways she is the picture of how to age well. However, My main issue with living into my 100s isn't what happened to my FIL because that can happen at any age. I don't really want that to happen no matter how old I am. My mom became house bound in her early 70s and died at 73. It's more that I don't want to watch all my friends or children die. There are other things I don't necessarily want to experience again and again. Sure, I'm curious about how the future will be but I don't know if I need go through more and more rough spots just to see it. Especially once I'm 80+yrs old. I have Christian faith in a far better place and I'd rather go there than eek out another 15-20yrs here.
  14. Oh @fairfarmhand thanks for asking this question!! I saw that same quote in the other thread and wanted to start a similar thread, but I was leaving for the movies and didn't have time. You've asked it so well. I'm appreciating all the replies. I cringe at many of the responses knowing there is far too much truth to them.
  15. I happened upon some videos with Dr. (Prof??) David Sinclair. Very exciting stuff.
  16. oh, both my dh and I have done much of that. Esp. as it pertains to end-of-life. I talked about it a lot when I was a hospice volunteer. It's just now I'm starting to see some push back...esp about personal choices I have made now.
  17. How do you (we all) plan to deal with adult children who are not on board with your decision to fore-go preventative or invasive measures? I've noticed I have two kids who are very vocal and very much want to micro-manage my choices (already!!). I'm just going through the process of getting my first colonoscopy at 55. Two of my kids have been guilting me off and on about this since I had a stint in the hospital for diverticulitis. 4 yrs ago. I know this is a foretaste of my future with these children - one of the in particular. I know they care, but they look at it differently than I do (part of it is that all my children have told me they don't want to be left caring for their dad.... well, gee thanks...) While I don't necessarily want to drop dead unexpectedly, I also don't want the years-long slow dying of a many cancer patients or the years-long care needed for catastrophic stroke.
  18. Yes, I agree. We have to be brave enough to stay it is time to stop treatments, etc and allow the natural process to take its course. I'm not a big fan of living a 100+ yr old life either. I don't want to live that long.
  19. I also want to cultivate characteristics that age well and I would love to know what tricks can help my mind (and personality) stay flexible. But, I have to add I was completely discouraged by the experience of an elderly friend who did not age well. She was someone many of us looked up to. She exercised regularly (tennis, ping-pong), she took the stairs to her 11th story apartment just about every time. She ate very well and was always careful about her weight. She led a woman's bible study once a week and was very involved with her church. She was a steady calm type of person. Then she fell playing tennis and broke both wrists, ended up in rehab for a long period, then her mind started going. She became a cranky, combative patient. It was one thing to see her memory go, but to watch someone who had never said a curse word in her life to become angry and verbally abusive was so devastating. I know that putting her on anti-depressants helped calm her down - thankfully for the family. I still think of her (she has since passed away) whenever I hear about all the things to do age well and avoid dementia. She checked all the right boxes and it was still a very difficult struggle in a way no one would have expected.
  20. What a great outcome. So glad he's found relief. I'm someone who often gets food (and water!!!) stuck in my esophagus. I do need to figure it out.
  21. Just saw the update. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you were able to talk with her via video chat. Prayers continue
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