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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Me too. I have a high risk adult child. She teaches in the public schools and has very bad asthma. She just recently celebrated the fact that she hadn't needed an ER visit for a year. They've closed all schools here in MD but that doesn't start until Monday. I hope it isn't too late.
  2. I'm not overly worried about supplies either. Buyers however. that's another story. Asked dh to pick up milk and allergy meds on his way home from work last night. He said it was crazy. Now I wish he'd gotten 2 gallons of milk just so we can avoid the crazy a little longer.
  3. @alisoncooks you've described my experience exactly. I am very much out of shape. I work in the yard and I can barely walk that evening/next day. It sucks. I have slowly started doing *some* yoga and I recently started more cardio/cross-training exercises. It's at my own pace and I am trying to take it slowly so I don't injure myself.
  4. Man learns he tested positive for COVID-19 mid-flight from NY to Palm Beach, FL https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/us/coronavirus-jetblue-new-york-florida.html?smtyp=cur&smid=fb-nytimes What the what??!! Why did he even get on a flight knowing he was being tested.? This boggles my mind.
  5. Next week is St. Patrick's day. Has anyone heard what gov't and/or businesses are planning to do in light of the outbreak? I saw that some parades have been cancelled but that is all.
  6. MD has also closed the port of Baltimore to cruise ships. He's also banning all gatherings of more than 250 including religious services. Non essential Gov't employees are required to telecommute.
  7. Sounds very interesting. How did you get involved with the study? I'd love to look into it too (being 20min from NIH)
  8. I can see video lecturing may not be the best but it would certainly be a step up from what I had for my online classes.
  9. I can only speak from our experience that yes, the diagnostic test was how my daughter was dx with EDS. Actually, it was quite helpful because she had gotten herself into a panic that she somehow had the worst type of EDS from reading too much online. She actually has a mild-moderate form of EDS given her actual symptoms. The dr. did not recommend genetic testing.
  10. I live in one of the best counties in the nation with a HCOL and excellent schools. I currently go to the local community college that is considered an excellent cc. I have taken online classes and 90% of them have been bad to awful. Not only are they boring, most times the teacher just phones it in... paperwork is 2-3 yrs outdated, online links are broken,, etc. They don't even utilize video schooling, which would be super easy to do. Nope... just a teacher cutting and pasting her notes for us to read. So awful. For several years I have said this in my evaluations... make the classes video!! make the classes video. Video the teacher lecturing and make it available to the online classes. It's like we're stuck in the 90s.
  11. Another one not mentioned in this thread is Penn Smith. She's an Esthetician and I have enjoyed her content. She does do a lot of higher priced items, but often gives some good lower-priced options.
  12. My daughter has asthma as well and I've been wondering the same thing. Thanks for starting this thread. It's only been in the last 2 yrs that she has been able to avoid the ER in the spring and fall.
  13. I've been thinking that the virus has it the US just as allergy season is getting ramped up. fortunately, everyone in my family seems just fine right now. I'm sorry you have to miss church but I think you've made the right call.
  14. @mominco - It was the GI's nurse practitioner who I was speaking with. The GI specialist did the colonoscopy but it seems like office visits are done by the NP. thanks for your tips. I will look into the book.
  15. My daughter has EDS. She didn't get it confirmed with genetics. Do you know if there is an EDS Specialist in your area? We were also told it would take a LONG time to get genetic testing even with a friend who works in genetics at Johns Hopkins. So we opted for this other direction instead. It actually helped because she has a mild form of EDS. I don't know if genetics can marker mild/severe or whatever. Before that she had been reading far too much on the internet and scaring herself silly. I went to the appt with her and I realized she probably got it from me.
  16. LOL - This was so cute!! You might want to read the thread before responding. Obviously we are not talking about the beverage. 😁😏
  17. Thanks for the tips about these other possible issues : Celiac and AS I have one child who has also suffers with terrible canker sores since he was nearly 2. I remember exactly when it started happening for him - he had foot and mouth disease and I was pregnant with #3 and so sick. He was miserable. Ever since then he's had to deal with canker sores, so it's always made me wonder if there was a connection. He's a scientist and has taken a research method of figuring out why he gets them. This was after I told him my success with canker relief after going on Atkins diet. He knows what flares up his canker sores and works to mitigate them. I assumed both of us were having allergic reactions. That is why I wonder if there is a diet connection with some of these issues.
  18. See, I have every one of those symptoms. I will talk with them about celiac too. Isn't there also a blood test for celiac? When I told her about canker sores the first thing out of her mouth was "Maybe you have herpes." I had to bite my tongue otherwise it would have bit her head off. She could tell I was annoyed. I heard that for years as a child...years. oh and sorry about that sentence. Yes, I was dx with Hashi 12yrs ago and my understanding is that Crohn's is also an autoimmune disease.
  19. My colonoscopy last month discovered some ulcerations near the ilium (sp??). They say that it is consistent with possible Crohn's disease and have sent me for genetic testing, MRI, and other tests. When I went for my pre-colonoscopy appt I told them about my life-long issue with canker sores and how, as I've aged, they have gone down my throat and I suspected they were throughout my intestinal tract. When she was palpitating my tummy today she showed me where the ulceration was... it is exactly where my pain has been and where I've always had a flare-up of diverticulitis. Otherwise, I don't have several of the other symptoms of Crohn's. My question is about diet and how it might help with flare-ups. When I questioned the NP she waved it aside food restrictions and immediately mentioned medication. She then said that one side-effect of the meds is lowered immunity. I'm not keen on meds fixing one problem only to create another one, esp if there are other options. This is another auto-immune disease and I already about 12yrs into a Hasimoto's dx. Someone here mentioned about RA after I said that I wake up at night with terrible back/hip pain but am fine after I walk it off. I've yet to go deal with that possibility. Not even sure where to start with that. I understand that auto immune disease can cause a cascade of other issues.
  20. This does not describe me at all. I was never overly interested in it more than 1x per week. There were a few times when I wanted it more often, such as during the height of my fertility. But, I've always wanted it less frequently than my dh. It's become more of a problem now since I'm definitely way, way less interested. My dh's interest has not waned at all - much to my consternation.
  21. I'm right there with you, Quill. I see it as the natural part of aging. Women are generally most interested when they are able to conceive and now, that we're winding down or past that phase, our bodies are responding appropriately. Obviously, that is not the only reason for TeA, but it is a big motivator for our bodies, IMHO. I just don't see the appliance being a hot market for the 60+ Sure, there's probably some women who enjoy a cup of TeA more than most, but I doubt it's even 50% of that demographic. I wonder if Hollywood makes a big deal out of it because sex sells and it's mostly run by men, who are usually interested much longer than women.
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