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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Living in MD here and I haven't heard that rumor. But, the last time I watched the local news was last night. I know Hogan has been very frustrated by people going to the beach - en masse and to see the Cherry Blossoms. No one was keeping distances. They closed the beaches in DE yesterday. I don't know if that has happened at the MD beaches yet. My sis lives in IL and I asked her what it meant since they have a "Shelter in place" order. She said they can get groceries delivered (or pickup), gas, and curb-side meal pick up. I don't think they can go for walks outside anymore, but I might be wrong.
  2. I agree. This is how we understand this virus better and figure out a way to protect ourselves. I know it's an impossible task, but it would be great if we could all be tested.
  3. listening now. It is very informative. The Italian Dr. in England "No one ever won a war by building new hospitals, we need to build up our weapons - testing and..." I can't remember the last one.
  4. My dh went the store yesterday morning for us. I haven't been in nearly a week, so I haven't noticed the smell. My dh didn't mention it when I asked for his away team report. 🙂
  5. Could be cold mixed with allergies? Allergies give me sinus headaches. At least I hope that is what it is.
  6. gosh.. how frightening. glad he"s turned a corner
  7. @whitehawk and @Ktgrok please give us updates when you are able. I haven't heard back about any of my family/friends who have been tested.
  8. no, but I do continue to babysit my grandchildren and have added another grandchild into the mix. And, my daughter's fiance is dividing his time between his apartment and our house. Not exactly the same as what you are thinking of doing. I think that is lovely, BTW.
  9. But why? I've seen lots of suggestions about getting outside and going for a walk/hike. Why couldn't you go for a walk and keep a safe distance (as long as they haven't been exposed)? Obviously, I doubt they're talking about a mass gathering at the park (or I hope they aren't)... that would be different.
  10. yes!! I am totally seeing things "The percentages of COVID-19 is SO low, why are we self-quarantining??" 🙄
  11. I love that idea. My dh's setup is pretty extensive so it may not be possible. Plus he's testing equipment we have here at home. (I have a small satellite "garden" at my house)
  12. I have thought the same thing over the years. He's always loud on the phone and I'm constantly giving him the stink-eye for it .
  13. yes, he has a headset. I couldn't hear the other people in the meeting. I like the idea of assigning tasks. I do plan to speak to people about cooking dinner.
  14. I've been watching extra grandkids for extra days. The two youngest, that I normally watch2x per week, are not going to their other grandparents (in their 70s) for now. They also go to daycare with their 5yr old sister 2x per week. My 6.5yr old grandson is home from school and they can't afford to add him to daycare full time. My daughter's work is not conducive to work-from-home (bio research) and they are staying open for the foreseeable future. My SIL is working from home in a 2 bedroom apartment and asked if we could keep watching the kids so he can work. My youngest grandson (3mos) sleeps about 20-30 mins at a stretch. My husband is now home teleworking. He spends a lot of time in virtual meetings- but he talks LOUD on the phone. LOUD. He woke up the baby the ONE time he was sleeping longer than 30 mins yesterday. 😣 When dh is not busy with work he's wandering around wanting stimulation and attention. 😵 My 18yr old is home as well as my adult daughter, who is a PS teacher. Her fiance is here most days (also a PS teacher). My house is FULL. I cannot find a place to myself. 2 yr old grandson naps in my bedroom. People are helping me, but only when its convenient to them. My dh did take the 2yr old on a walk with the dog yesterday and my dd took the baby when I was desperate for a nap on the couch. But they go off to their spaces when their "done." In my head I get it. I'm the caretaker and the kids are mostly my responsibility. When I got home from meeting up with my daughter, to drop kids off, the first thing someone asked me was "What's for dinner?" Seriously!!?? By the end of the day yesterday I was completely frazzled and wishing I was back in my bigger house with a finished basement and 5 bedrooms. Today I just have oldest grandson (he's 6yrs old, so he's easy). But dh is still home talking loudly on the phone. It's still too chilly to go outside in the backyard and get away. Tomorrow I may have 3 of them. People who say this is the perfect time for introverts must be single or DINKs. 😉 I cannot imagine what those who bought into the whole Tiny House revolution are going through. I get stressed out just thinking about that.
  15. I wonder if there will be a spike in younger people testing positive since we had all those reports of college kids ignoring authorities and going on Spring Break.
  16. Yes, it does touch close to home. We are a large family too. We see each other fairly regularly. We're hoping to do a Zoom session this weekend. I miss my kids.
  17. @StellaM - holding your sibling up. ' @Margaret in CO hoping you make it through calving season without a relapse.
  18. You made me realize that I also find help and comfort from BTDT info. Honestly, I'd like to be tested too, if for no other reason than to know I am not one of those asymptomatic persons unknowingly infecting people. It would also help with the statistics too.. but I know it's unrealistic to test everyone.
  19. okay. I hope you start to feel better soon. I hope you can get some sleep.
  20. Do you think it was Covid-19? @beckyjo - are they not testing as much in the UK? Sorry about your cousin's wife. I hope she starts to turn a corner soon.
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