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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. wait...what? Lawnbot? What is this magical sounding device??!!!
  2. I love this idea. Is it in part to avoid mowing. I'm looking into options to help cut down my lawn size and do less mowing. I would love to make a meadow but I don't want it to look like an abandoned house. So I'm looking at Stepables (clover is one). I like the idea of using the clover to keep the bunnies away from gardens.
  3. I've discovered Mary Berry's cooking show on Youtube. First, it's just beautiful to look at, but her reassuring demeanor is very appealing right now. I'm also enjoying "The Middle Sized Garden" youtube channel. Even though I have a large garden there are lots of ideas. And HortTube has been a weekly fav even before the quarantine started. I'm listening to a book about Queen Isabella wife of Edward II. I just started it though.
  4. I have a dog, his smells do not seem to deter any critters in our yard: deer, ground hogs, rabbits....
  5. I love it. I'm looking to plant a wildflower patch on my lawn too. We have an acre and I'm not a big fan of lawns.
  6. I'm enjoying this thread immensely. Thanks for starting it. Here's my front. I'll share the backyard later today when I go out.
  7. I dislike those memes too - but i couldn't exactly figure out why. It has kind of a "Okay Boomer" feel to it that I'm not a fan of. Thank you for putting it into words. Obviously, from my contributions on the Meme thread, I don't have a problem with poking fun at our situation. But, I wanted to speak about the ridiculous notion that rape and violence is down. Do these people live under a rock?! A friend of my sister-in-law was murdered by her estranged husband last week. He also murdered a neighbor boy (18 and about the graduate) who came when he heard the noise. He killed himself too and has left 2 orphans and an teenaged daughter without her mother. There was also a report in local news about domestic violence being up in our area and I'm sure we are not alone. Volunteers were trying to get the word out that there is help available and shelters are still open.
  8. LOL - I think she was talking about hair working to repel the deer who ate her roses, but not sure if hair will repel bunnies. 🙂
  9. trap them and release elsewhere? I did that with a pesky groundhog. I also have a rabbit problem and i think they're eating my hostas. This stuff works wonderfully but you do have to reapply after rain: https://www.amazon.com/BONIDE-PRODUCTS-BND238-Animal-Repellent/dp/B001E4R2SO/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=animal+repellent+spray&qid=1586477195&sr=8-5 It smells terrible.
  10. I don't know where it belongs but it is beautiful. Thanks!
  11. I think it sounds lovely. Take her a meal and maybe visit with her through the window. I'm sure she will appreciate it.
  12. I didn't notice that at my store. It seemed like the cheese and sour cream area was fully stocked.
  13. Just got back from a store run: No eggs or paper products (but I didn't ask at the front desk - I hear they're keeping TP up there) tuna fish was slim but I was able to get several cans of our favorite kind: White albacore in water. Freezer aisle was hit or miss. Forget finding pizza and veggies, but plenty of frozen breakfast, dinners, and ice cream. Very random. Lots of meat, especially for Easter dinner. produce aisle seemed fully stocked. Lots of milk. Oddly enough there was no Worcestershire sauce. I don't know why. But, we needed it and it wasn't there. I found that I was much more distracted by other shoppers. I didn't want to be too close and I didn't want to be in their way either. It made shopping a more stressful experience. Also, what is with the produce aisle?? It where everyone seems to congregate and few people are practicing social distancing. It happened last time I went too. It was stressful.
  14. I found out a few weeks ago that my neighbor's husband was laid off in Nov. They're really hurting now. I feel so bad for those who were laid off right before the holidays. 😞
  15. I just did a pick up at HD yesterday. I really wish they had car pick up like the grocery stores do. I had to stand in line to get into the store (6 feet apart) and then stand in line to pick up my order (very cramped in that part). Then I had to walk through the store to the exit since there was only one exit. I don't know how well that would work for picking out plants though. Some of my local nurseries are doing car pick up. You order and they load it in your car for you. Of course, they are a much smaller operation than HD or Lowes.
  16. oh dear. Prayers. I hope you all have a mild case I have an online friend who had it and she also said that warm drinks helped so much.
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