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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. That is just wonderful! Back when I was a kid my 6foot 7 inch dad had his VW stolen in the middle of the night. We lived at the top of a hill. The thieves (high schoolers) were having trouble jump starting it so Dad tore out of the house with one foot in his pants chasing after the car thieves. Passenger thief bailed when he saw my dad coming but the driver didn't. My dad opened the door and sat on the punk until the cops showed up. The thief was incredulous just like bike thief was with the cowboy. And yes, my dad had to basically curl up to get INTO the VW every time. LOL!
  2. That's an interesting idea! How do you think that would that work in the long-run, especially for those dependent on tourism?
  3. Thank you - but that wasn't my point and didn't answer my question... which I was why I debated even giving you that information. 🙄 Yes, it was always driven home that our goal was to flattening the curve. For someone to suggest it was an oversimplification is frustrating and insulting to the American public. The target seems to be moving.. but personally, I don't see that idea coming from officials so much but from the media. I'm constantly seeing information on social media about a 2nd wave as though people are surprised by this news. Well, of course, there will be a 2nd wave. Why is that surprising? It was never the stated goal to eliminate the virus before we could lift quarantine. The expectation was to not overwhelm hospitals with a major tsunami but to have it come in smaller, manageable spurts.
  4. don't use a flea bomb. It gets everywhere - including eating surfaces. I have used a powder you sprinkle on the carpet and couches/bedding etc. You leave it on for a time and then vacuum. Vacuum every single day for -- -14 days??? a month.?? I can't remember. Take extra care to vacuum the corners and edges of the room, where the flea eggs like to wait. This was the rec by a friend who is a vet. She said the eggs can lay dormant for months and years until something activates them to hatch. Ugh. lovely. Also, I really liked this stuff as a natural repellent: I spray it on the dogs bedding and on our bedding (his favorite place to nap 😕) I don't know if it's safe for smaller animals but maybe someone has asked the question section. https://www.amazon.com/Vets-Best-Treatment-Certified-Natural/dp/B003PRI6OC/ref=psdc_3031965011_t2_B0077PWF68 Also, neem oil shampoo is great. I have some on hand for when the dog shared his fleas with us... It repels fleas and lice (if that ever become a problem). I can't easily find the one I used on Amazon, but I'm sure they're all similar. Our dog seems to be a breed of dog that is extra attractive to fleas so I have to doubly vigilant... off to make sure he's had his meds this month!!
  5. I live in the DMV. We have parishioners in live in DC, Maryland, and VA.
  6. The mask were used to tell the story - not to aid in sound projection. So there's the "Angry" mask or the "Sad" mask to let the audience know where the story-line was. Plus, the mouth part was open - so the choir (which didn't sing BTW - it spoke) could talk in unison. I kind of wonder about the choir outbreak. It seems like an outlier. Have there been other choirs who had similar outbreaks? There are choirs all over the country (mine included) who were meeting up until early/mid March. I can only speak anecdotally, but in our parish we have a 30-40 person choir and gather 3-5 people closely around each choir stand. We're not sitting next to each other holding our own book. And we participate in a common cup for the Eucharist - about 120-150 persons. No one in my parish has gotten sick from Covid. No one has even suspected Covid (except those of us who wondered, "Allergies or Covid??"). Like I said, it's anecdotal and no news organization is going to report that we didn't have covid, because it won't sell. Fear sells.
  7. raising my hand! Yes, exactly. I think that is what bugs me so much about the conversations surrounding the virus. Having grown up in a working class family, who lived inside the Beltway, it really does bristle. My daughter's boyfriend made an abhorrent comment about "flyover people" in relation to "The Tiger King" and I was just floored. I wished I'd thought better on my feet.
  8. It started with a discussion was about some mall that opened up in the midwest. The basic mantra was they couldn't believe that people thought that "opening up the economy was more important than people's lives... I can't believe purses are more important than lives?" (that was the exact phrase). Then another person commented about her extended family in Western PA who are upset that things are still in lock-down, which she insinuated were a bunch of country yahoos. It went on to guns in some state capital by the next person. Which, I know happened, but I don't know what really happened. I just know what my FB feed is telling me. It was all very much veiled in this "We educated *inside the beltway people* know more than those in fly-over country." I was flabbergasted. It has nothing to do with buying purses or getting haircuts and everything to do with getting people back to work who are hourly or self-employed. Unfortunately, it seems like the outliers are the ones that make the news. (choir in WA state, hairdresser that got arrested, people who drink bleach, etc. etc.). I have friends who are both self-employed. His is a mechanic and she's a tutor and they are being financially devastated by this. But, they are afraid to speak up because they are immigrants.
  9. This is how I have tried to proceed. Although, from reading some people's posts, I'm probably not cautious enough (for example: I don't wipe down my groceries or mail).
  10. This happened on March 6th. I agree that all of our own personal stories are driving our feelings. We can't divorce our own experiences from data. I think what I find frustrating is the lack of empathy for "the other". Also, I am personally seeing elitist attitudes in my metro DC area against those who are rural/working class. I find it upsetting and disconcerting. I also agree that solutions will (should?) be different depending on where you are located. That's why I would prefer it to be done state by state (even county by county) because America has such a diverse population density and need.
  11. I agree. I'm confused by @Corraleno 's post. Maybe it depends on where you live. --- which is another problem - at least for the US. It's so big and varied. What is needed for NY or FL is very different than what's needed in ND or WY. What do you mean by this? How can we have a conversation when you've made a judgement call such as this?
  12. I agree completely. But, I feel like people have *decided* what is right and they kill the messenger when it disagrees with what they believe or what they read 2 weeks ago. The flip flopping by the gov't and scientists is very frustrating too.
  13. I wanted to highlight all of what you said LOL.. But yes... so much. It's not just masks it's all of it. Pick a topic related to Covid and you'll find very polemic ideas. I also don't understand why it is offensive to disagree. Final bolded part - YES!! This is how science and research is supposed to happen. You don't dismiss someone whose findings are different. You go back and look at the data again. The problem is that social media (and the WTM -myself included) is filled with armchair scientists who don't seem to know how to disagree appropriately. Like I said earlier, we're being told that you either want to kill grandma (or the latest - "you want to kill grandma so you can go to the mall") or you want to kill civil liberties. You cannot have a conversation when those are your choices. It squelches and open communication.
  14. From what I read - homemade masks and ill-fitting surgical masks are useless. But if we all want to buy a well fitting respirator- then that's good. How is that even realistic for the average American?
  15. Honestly, my head is spinning. It seems like we can find data and experts to support whatever we think about this pandemic. I'm downright frustrated and annoyed by the overload of information and the judgement that comes from those who disagree.... I'm hearing people say those that disagree with them are either selfish, uneducated Neanderthals or Fearmongerers who want to take away our civil liberties -(in the US and depending on the side they take). It's like there's no middle ground and so much judging of "the other". No one can politely disagree and give their own information. Sorry ladies, I'm seeing it here too.. Anyway, this came across my feed. Masks 4 All Not Based on Sound Data by two Drs. who specialize in respiratory issues (one specifically specializes in respiratory protection). So, I feel like they are trustworthy. But I also thought the Prof who produced the Masks4All videos was trustworthy. Ugh. This is so frustrating. What says the hive?? How are you wading through the information and not allowing yourself to be caught in an echo chamber?
  16. This so much! That is not the way professionals should treat fellow employees or staff. You are so, so much better off quitting. Really awful about losing a friendship though. hugs. I hope you'll be able to find a better job.
  17. Does the Feds confiscating masks and test fall under "imminent domain" laws ? I suspect that is how the Feds are doing it. If you read Hogan's "Road to Reopening" roadmap it does mention in there how the national supply has been completely depleted and getting it back to up pre-Covid levels will take a long time. I'm glad the Pres. said for states to take care of it on their own - but I certainly don't like them turning around and then taking it away. It's as if they're saying "You do the leg work for us and then we'll take it." Ugh.
  18. Yes, the Pentagon released something... but I really do have 0 interest. LOL.. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/27/politics/pentagon-ufo-videos/index.html
  19. This is what I suspect is happening where I am too. I have not been able to find TP even though I show up at the end of the senior hours... nothing. The store says that stock up every morning. I went to a store that has no senior hours and it was like Christmas in April! The shelves were nearly full of tp. I even had *choices*!!!
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