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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. This is my dad. My sis (who lives next door to him) is so frustrated trying to convince him to stay home.
  2. I agree.. and you'll probably die alone.
  3. aww, I'm so sorry this was upsetting for you. Maybe one way to look at it is that it goes both ways. If someone was feeling like they were vulnerable they could have moved away but they didn't. If you had been present, I'm sure you would have made sure to keep your distance. So you could maybe see it as their choice to be so close. It wasn't like they were making the other person kneel close to them. Either way - hugs. I have friends who don't think this is such a big deal. I can disagree with them but I still care about them.
  4. That's actually a hoax. He was given this years ago (I think at a game) and someone photoshopped it into a hospital room.
  5. I agree. I'm close to 6' tall and all my sons are over 6 feet.
  6. I think they are considering this in part because St. Patrick's day is coming up. Our band was supposed to play and I've been agonizing about being the bad guy. Come to find out the venue has reduced their capacity (we were going to be in a tent) and we aren't on the line-up. I'm so relieved. But, the venue has not cancelled. 😞 I feel bad for them. Bars and restaurants generally walk a fine line financially. This has got to be killing them.
  7. If you want to watch, our parish live-streams its services and keeps them on Youtube. PM me for the link if you want.
  8. Stella - I'm not trying to be snarky. It's hard to follow this thread if one walks away for any length of time, so I'm sure I've missed several posts. Were you, or someone close to you, dx with the virus? It sounds like from your posts that this has happened in your family. If so, I'm so very sorry. I hope everyone close to you is able to stay safe and receive good care. hugs.
  9. This came from my priest via Met. Tikhon. I'm in the DC metro area. I had heard at Vespers that the South was doing this. When I got home our priest had sent out a parish-wide email with Met. Tikhon's directive. I assume Met. Tikhon is instituting this for the entire US. I could be wrong though - Met. Tikhon is technically our bishop. So it could just be for our Archdiocese.
  10. Sometimes I really struggle with my desire to be in church and receive the Mysteries and staying home. In our tradition we believe that the Eucharist is life-giving and for the "healing of soul and body". But, as one wise older lady said this week, "I know that communion is life-giving, but I don't have the same confidence in those around me." There's also a Russian proverb that goes, "Pray but keep rowing." I think this pertains to this situation too... we should definitely continue to pray and keep our faith, but we should also be wise and heed the warnings. We shouldn't just do one OR the other.
  11. This just came from my priest. It's from the head of the Orthodox Church in America: "Everyone in the parish or mission, other than the priest(s) (and deacon(s)), a reader, a server, and a limited number of chanters or singers (all of whom are physically strong and at low risk for COVID-19), is encouraged to remain at home, even at the time of the Divine Liturgy." All other services and programs are cancelled except Sunday liturgies and Weds. Lenten liturgies. Everyone is encouraged to watch services via live-stream.
  12. Update From the OCA Juristiction of the Orthodox Church: "Everyone in the parish or mission, other than the priest(s) (and deacon(s)), a reader, a server, and a limited number of chanters or singers (all of whom are physically strong and at low risk for COVID-19), is encouraged to remain at home, even at the time of the Divine Liturgy."
  13. our church has made changes. We have hand sanitizers everywhere. We have been told not to kiss icons & cross but to bow or cross ourselves. We are no longer to take communion as we used to but take it like a baby bird. Essentially, the priest pours the Mysteries into our mouth - no touching. Coffee hour (generally a big deal in EO churches) and Church school are cancelled. Our parish live-streams its services so people are encouraged to utilize that. We went to liturgy this morning with about 15 people for Memorial Saturday. Lots of room to spread out. They were cleaning down pews and icons when I left. I would have stayed to help but my back was killing me. My son and I don't plan to go to church tomorrow morning. I think my daughter's parish (ROCOR ) is considering cancelling. Her FIL (the senior priest) is over 65 and not in good health. Her parish usually has less than 50 people on a good day.
  14. yup. My sister and BIL cannot convince my 82yr old dad to stop going to the Y for his Silver Sneakers exercise class. Ugh. They're praying that all the closures will force the point on him. But, unfortunately, my dad tends toward conspiracy theories... ugh ugh.
  15. Beth, thank you for your update. You are working so hard and are so strong. Prayers continue as you and your therapist work on a proper protocol. hugs.
  16. LOL My daughter's godmother is a sign-language interpreter. She's very demonstrative when signing. It's fascinating to watch.
  17. that was my first thought too. I've already received 3 packages in the last 4 days or so though.
  18. or this one... the caption says: Then there’s this interpreter who truly understands our situation. 😏
  19. sorry, can't help myself. My FB feed has been busy.
  20. I'm surprised this one hasn't been shared here yet:
  21. It says "As of March 7th, Maryland stopped reporting "pending tests"." for my state. That annoys me. I'd like to know how many suspected cases.
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