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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I feel the same way about holding hands to pray. yuck. And it's usually just before we eat at gatherings... even grosser. I don't have to do it in EO situations but with my Protestant friends/family it's very common and I now flat our refuse.
  2. Oh gosh, I was just thinking I wish this would happen to my 18yr old. 😏
  3. possible storage space in your house over the doors like this: Also, maybe store your wrapping tubes and bags in a garment bag and hang them in a closet?
  4. okay I literally laughed out loud at your "drunk browsing Amazon" comment!! That is epic! Oh and my most liked review on GRs is also one of my most negative reviews. What does that say about us as a culture 🙂 😕 🤣
  5. from the title I thought something VERY different. Guess my mind is in the gutter. 😏 Loved the photos!! They are hilarious.
  6. It was something we were watching. I think it was an episode of "Living With Yourself".
  7. So wonderful that you've introduced yourself. Welcome!
  8. 1. Seeing my friends after 20yrs, listening to my grandson's happy laugh for "yes", singing in Handel's Messiah this week, birds on the birdfeeder, hitting the "send" button on my final class project. 2. my kids rejecting their Christian faith
  9. So sad and such a tragic end. I'm sorry. hugs.
  10. I can't even imagine that heartbreak. Prayers for their family. Hugs to you.. it's been an emotional couple of weeks for you already.
  11. Thanks everyone I'm keeping this in my arsenal for later. I suspect this will not be the first with my new gas stove. I'm still trying to find a good splatter mat that will go on the bottom of the gas oven. What I did this time was I boiled the cinnamon on the stove and I've put out little bowls of baking soda around the house. It's what I had on hand. I also found several upstairs windows open last night...so there was that help too. It was COLD up there! LOL. When I came home from church today I couldn't smell the smoke. Yay!
  12. So sorry to see this update. I'm glad she had a happy time at Thanksgiving. It sucks that her road to recovery will be very long. I'm so glad you were able to go see her when she was doing relatively well.
  13. Really? I haven't heard anything and don't have any contact information for anyone. I thought I was on the list, but maybe not. 😏
  14. I'd go. That kind of pain is awful and if you can get started on antibiotics that would be great. hopefully it won't be too crazy.
  15. Thanks guys. I'm going to start from easiest to hardest. Got a pot of simmering cinnamon with cloves going now. Breaking out the little dishes with baking soda next.
  16. We had an oven fire due to bacon grease today. Now the house smells like fire. Any advice to get the smoke smell out when it's cold outside?
  17. We have offered wine to our own children in our own home at celebrations/holidays. I would never ever think to do that to someone else's child... and I CERTAINLY would never insist that the parent was wrong to say no. That is really what crosses the line to me.
  18. Clearly he's been spending time here at the hive. 😉
  19. I host thanksgiving. I know the next time I do not host Thanksgiving will be because I am too old to do so.. I wish I could go back to those carefree days. Show up just before the food is served, help a little with clean up and then leave. No fuss, no muss and no angst about who or who didn't get invited or who is being an jerk.
  20. Yeah, he wouldn't be invited next year if that was the response I got. Sorry... holidays are so complicated. It's always easier to SAY we won't invite a relative than to actually do it. hugs.
  21. That's fine.. I figured resurrecting an old thread was easier than trying to remember how I cooked last year's turkey 😉
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