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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. It's that time of year again and I thought I'd resurrect this thread. There's a lot of helpful ideas and methods for cooking a great turkey.
  2. I think the thing about BBQ ribs is that it's almost like preserved food because of all the sugar and vinegar in the BBQ sauce. I think you'll be fine. Plus, they were probably defrosting in that fridge 😉
  3. My now retired pediatrician told me years ago to run a solution of vinegar and water on my hot mist humidifiers (outside of course). He told me he learned this from working with the first cases of Legionnaires disease that struck in the 70s. It works wonderfully on my humidifiers and I bet it would work well with the Neat.
  4. A friend was musing that when we moved from college to his first apartment everything fit in his VW bug. 30 yrs later when he moved across country he needed a large truck. He's never been married nor had kids. Acquiring stuff comes with age too.. not just marriage and kids. 🙂
  5. Has anyone tried it on countertop stains? I have marble bathroom countertop that I didn't know I was supposed to seal until after I spilled an oily beauty product on it. 😞 I'd love know it will get that out so I can seal it properly. Oh and I discovered my new quartz countertop does not resist rust. I laid a old drill bit on the counter in a wet spot while I was doing a home improvement project. 30 mins later I now have a new rust stain. Grrrr.. not happy. I've looked at some youtube videos that recommend soaking it in acetone for 24hrs... it would be nice if it was something faster and a less harsh.
  6. /\/\/\ And there's usually a way to disable to auto locks on cars. Unless you need to have auto locks on your car. Living in certain cities it is a must - otherwise I find them to be a PIA.
  7. Another surprised honda owner, but I do get it too. My dh's car is a 2003. It's been making weird noises for years but our friend/mechanic said it isn't something worth fixing and it isn't dangerous, it will just continue to go bad over the years. Now the clutch is going. And, I hit a deer when driving it last month. 😕 Our friend is going to show dh and ds how to fix the dent themselves and friend will fix the clutch. What we've done is bought another car for dh (2006 BMW) and we're keeping the honda for ds. He won't be using it for long-distance anyway. So we should be good. I've found that, once kids have their driver's licenses, they are gone a lot more. I'm the one that loses access to a vehicle, not dh, so I've been pushing for dh to get an upgrade. Another way to think about it is it's not so much paying for the cost of the existing car, you also have to take into account how much money it costs to replace the car. We've sometimes lost track of that and regretted not fixing a car we liked and saving for something else.
  8. Toilets?? How does it clean toilets?? I'm off to research! Also, on wood floors, that makes me nervous. We just had our wood floors sanded and resealed with oil based sealer. It doesnt' warp the wood?
  9. This is a great idea. It's also great practice for college when he'll need to do it on his own. I've had to encourage my kids to do this on several occasions with the college instructors.
  10. I'm sorry the surgery was not successful. I'm sorry your so far away when your friend is sick. That just sucks. Praying. Hugs.
  11. I have a spider plant and a philodendron. They are super easy and forgiving. Mine don't mind shady places. I even left them in my sunroom last winter in freezing (below 20*) by accident. I brought them when I realized what I had done and they actually survived. Had to cut away a lot of dead, mushy, brown leaves, but they both made it through. 🙂 Unfortunately, I've killed cactus'. If you'd like more information than you'd ever need this lady is pretty cool
  12. I'd like to join too. I like receiving cards as well. ** I'm also weirdly possessive of my old PMs. I thought it was just me 😏
  13. No, but I'm honestly amazed and happy for you that you've found a practitioner so quickly who can help you to go through a battery of tests to figure this out. Praying that you get some helpful answers going forward. I only have mild experience with POTS as I know several friends whose kids were dx. It does seem very debilitating. What is a Dysautonomia specialist?
  14. I also like her channel and I also wouldn't go that minimal. There aren't any pictures on the walls. My son and his wife's house is like that, and no pictures on the walls just make it seem less homey. And honestly, I watched the video about one of her kid's birthdays and it seemed a little sad. Obviously, I'm not for having a ton of presents... but OTOH, when you're 6-7yrs old its kind of nice to get presents on your special day. So, obviously I'm not going minimal anytime soon, but I think she has a lot of inspirational information about letting go of stuff. I also like Clutterbug's channel. She's not a minimalist, but definitely about simplifying and de-cluttering our lives. I learned about Clutterbug from a thread here.
  15. I have three November birthdays.. It isn't too early at all. 🙂
  16. I've never had luck finding deals. But also, it's partly that I'm older.. I just don't *need* that many things like I used to.
  17. Ugh... I feel your pain. That sounds very challenging. I hope you've been able to get into a groove with her now that we're almost at the end. My online prof this semester also had an odd calendar - she started the "week" on Friday and we had to post on the chapter within the first 2 days of the "week" (Fri/Sat) then a chapter quiz on Thursday, then start a new week the next day fully prepped. Fortunately, she hasn't been a micro-manager but it took several weeks for me to settle into this odd schedule. My son's EN 101 teacher also has precise page amounts and gives an F if they don't comply. A 3-page essay must be 3 full pages.. not 2.5 or 2.75.
  18. I know this group isn't as active as it once was but I thought I'd greet everyone at the beginning of NC Nativity Fast. I hope everyone has a blessed Advent. Is there anything special or different you hope to do this fast? Anything that your and/or your family normally do? Anyone have anything or anyone they need prayers for? Perhaps we can start an email (PM) discussion on that if need be. I have some needs but they are too personal for a public group.
  19. It is not an issue I've had to deal with but I watch this professional esthetician on Youtube and she has mentioned several times that she has that problem. I bet she's got some good advice:
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