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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. It depends a lot on the other group. I was able to stay in fellowship with my former church through their women's book club. I think it lasted about 2-3yrs because I got tired of the book club (Loved the people - just tired of book club). I've been able to stay friends with some people from my former churches, but it takes effort and doesn't always work. It's just never the same as when you see them week to week. I would definitely express to the homeschool group leader your desire to keep the relationship going. Hopefully there won't be any big issues between doctrines that would keep them from wanting you. Is there a rule where you can only join the group if you're a member of the parish? Good luck - it's hard.
  2. The BBC page worked and I did get sound. Then the Red Bull page started working...but now that stopped and I got another error message. It must be overloaded with viewers. How many hours is it supposed to take for him to ascend?
  3. I went to the page and see the data but the live-stream isn't working. Is anyone else having trouble or are they not doing live-feed video until he jumps?
  4. Wow - what unexpectedly great news! Glory to God!
  5. :lurk5: I also hate cleaning tile ,but that's what I got.
  6. I would be interested too. I enjoy hearing everyone's pov. There's been times I've wanted to ask something along the political spectrum here because I knew I would hear many differing views. That's what I like about this place. But, I knew that politics is verboten. I hesitate to say that I do know about another homeschooling forum that does allow politics. In the past election everyone mostly played nice (not always). It's also is a much smaller place so that probably made it easier for the mods to keep a lid on things when needed. But, are we allowed to publicly share other forums?? What's the forum etiquette on that? I don't want to be a rude guest.
  7. i have not read all the responses but will since this is something I'm dealing with too. We went through exactly this. Condoms were not working for my husband (sorry TMI). I was also having problems with my period and wanted to avoid a hysterectomy so we went with the pill. But, after nearly 10yrs I'm so tired of being on the pill. I know it has effected me negatively, especially during menopause. Back in the day we did discuss him getting a vasectomy. I let him decide since it was his body.... but you are absolutely right.... Now it means that all this falls on me to take care of. I regret not pressuring him more into getting the vasectomy.
  8. I voted: old earth--allegorical, literary, or otherwise representative account I also don't look at Genesis account as if it were a scientific log book. The thing I taught my children when we were going through this is that there are many ways to interpret the account but just because someone may disagree with me doesn't mean they're not a Christian or don't love God..etc. etc.
  9. I love my Prius. One of the reasons I chose it was because I wanted something that was roomier than a Matrix (another high mileage car) or Civic. I've been very happy with it. I have to get gas about every 4 days too, but that is because the tank is small. I usually go about 400 miles on 8 gallons of gas. There's a great website & forum for gathering information about the Prius: http://www.priuschat.com
  10. I got 31/32 correct. I thought a few of those questions were not religious questions but gov't and/or constitution questions.
  11. I agree. He should have gotten way more. The news had been saying that he could have gotten up to 300 yrs. I think it's a slap in the face that he appears to have gotten a "light" sentence. Sure, he'll spend the rest of his life in jail but I think the message it sends to the victims is that we'll just to the minimum to make him pay. If he's going to spout off that kind of vile abuse he really should be put in solitary. How sad for the victims and their families.
  12. :iagree: Your children are young... there's still time to put money aside. As far as the relationship goes - I'm sorry. This must be very hard to bring someone into the family with whom you are uncomfortable. :grouphug:
  13. What I saw from Verizon is they had something like that for DC itself but not for the outlying Metro area (for 10bucks!!). This was one of the things I wanted to talk with someone on the phone about. I wanted to double check that I had read it right and I was only available to those living in the city itself, which I do not.
  14. :iagree: there is a place to send a review and I've noticed that PC responds - especially to negative comments. I use the BHA products rather than the AHA and am really happy with the results. I got samples of all three formulas. The liquid doesn't seem to have any smell and the lotion has a very pleasant (IMHO) smell. I don't remember the gel. However, I'm a new customer and don't know what the old formula's smelled like.
  15. and Fios was echoy and I hated the delay (it's one of the things I hate about my cell phone). I was always interrupting the other person on the line. NetPhone, was worse echo... sometimes the phone would work - other times...no. The line would be dead... we'd have to unplug it from the wall and plug it back in again... now that doesn't even work. The phones are brand new. Did I mention it echoed - like REALLY echoed - several times. Then if you happened to be talking with someone for longer than say - 5 mins it would start to loop back the conversation! and/or it would sound like you were talking under water - very bubbly. I have considered the possibility of a cheapy cell phone just for the house. This would be helpful for my 11yr old who doesn't have his own phone yet, but is sometimes at home alone. $30 for AT&T!!! Wow, I can only find Verizon for $54 a month! I know,it's very expensive. I looked online, but I want to see if I can keep the phone number I have (or our old land-line number we had for 20yrs)... I think I need to speak to a human for that. But, I could be wrong.
  16. As a background. When we moved to the new place we got Fios phone. Hated it. We were fortunate that we got in under the 30days and were able to drop it without penalty. Then hubby wanted to save money (land-lines ARE expensive) and we went with an internet phone (Netphone). It has been a major pain since we got it back in Feb. MAJOR. I put up with it because it was so much cheaper than a land-line. Now the line doesn't even work! Anyway, I just want my good old land-line back. So today, I spent 30min on the phone with Verizon trying to get a land line. I never even got to the point where I could discuss service options!! Ugh. I finally had to go because it was time to pick up my son (I figured 35 mins was enough time to get info. etc... apparently I'm wrong). What a pain... I cannot believe they treat potential customers this way :confused: I've looked online but it seems that Verizon is the only land-line service in my area...but perhaps I'm overlooking something. I'm hoping maybe someone here, who is more internet savvy, can point me in a good direction to look for other options (did an internet search myself though). I'm really gun shy about trying Verizon after this experience.
  17. I have people like this in my life (although not usually an hour late!)... and it's frustrating. I don't think they realize that they are saying by their actions that other people don't matter. It really is quite rude and thoughtless. Sigh.... but not much you can do to change them. I would really encourage you to talk with your husband again. Explain how it hurts his children. Maybe he'll get it then. :grouphug:
  18. I agree. I understood this more when all 6 were living at home... but now that only 2 kids are home (and they're in school all day!)... I just don't get it... but it happens. all.the.time.
  19. I got LASIK surgery when I was 37. I actually like glasses, but hated the way they felt on my nose and always gave me a stuffy nose. But, I had an astigmatism and contacts could not give me that nice clear vision. The downside is that it precipitated my need for reading glasses. I hate reading glasses! They make me look OLD and they go on the end of my nose making my stuffiness worse! They're just uncomfortable. I put off wearing them for a long time - especially outside of the house. But, now 11yrs later I can't really go without them. Sheesh! should use them to EAT. It's ridiculous. When I got mine done they were trying to perfect the ability to do one eye for far away and one for reading. I don't know if they've succeeded, but if not then if you hate regular glasses I think you'll really HATE reading glasses.
  20. OMG!! :laugh: I didn't even catch that. And, I checked several times too.
  21. Really?? I thought it was 1930s? What did I miss? I liked the episode. The ending was a bit abrupt, but other than that it was good. And I'm glad River was there.
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