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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. what a loving thing to do for your FIL. Not everyone is able to do such a thing, for one reason or another...what a blessing to your kids and to your FIL this will be. I'm sure the road ahead will be hard. As someone said upthread... end of life decisions are gut-wrenching because they're not always so clear-cut.
  2. "Did you know Keats?" .. ...."Keats! No I didn't, and I didn't know Shakespeare or Chaucer either." I've wasted so much time being beautiful. I hope you're not in the habit of seeing dead people, however distinguished - it's not in the best of taste!
  3. I'm so sorry :grouphug: . I was 37 with my last (#6). I didn't have the exhaustion, but I barfed the whole preggy. Not like in the beginning. with mega-morning sickness (thank God!!) ..but i had my "daily barf", as I called it. And yeah, I peed myself too...such a lovely vision - barfing and peeing. yup fun, fun, fun. NOT. As to the exhaustion. It does sound extreme. I would check with your doctor... maybe you're low on iron or hypothyroid or something. And, yes, perhaps depression. Every pregnancy can be different. It's good to have it all checked out in case there's a really simple answer/remedy that could save you hours of misery. Good luck.
  4. I'm glad you came back and explained a bit further. It helped me to see that your search is much more than just about politics (when I see "liberal/conservative Christianity" my mind goes to politics -sorry). And of course, Christianity is about so much more than a political stance...it's just that here in America it gets all mixed up. I have no answers really...but I hope and pray you find a place of peaceful worship. I don't think you're doing it wrong but I'd encourage you to keep looking...and keep looking. In my tradition we embrace the idea that our hearts and souls are always searching for God.. the "longing sigh" as one theologian put it. On one hand we need to have that desire satified (in finding a spiritual home) but in another understanding we will never find it this side of heaven.
  5. no experience, but just wanted to give gentle hugs to all of you who are enduring this flu. Hope you all feel better very soon.
  6. When my husband started back he went slowly. So, yes, probably after a good week of rest he may be ready to go at his own pace. My dh found that if he pushed himself, he would be unusally tired and his stomach would hurt. He went 1/2 days for at least 1-2weeks after his accident. Even over a year later, I find that if he is overly tired he gets angry much more quickly (short fused). Your son is young, so hopefully he will not have any long-term issues. The main thing is that the more his pushes himself, the longer his recovery will be. Encourage your son to listen to his body. I'm sorry this happened. Perhaps calling your regular doctor in the morning and discussing it with the nurse would be helpful. Your doctor may have much more helpful advice.
  7. I have too many experiences with concussions. No TV/screen time is a MUST. Also, he should listen to his body. Let him sleep when he's sleepy. They no longer recommend keeping someone up... they want the brain to rest. Also, if he is on any stimulants (ADHD meds) then he should refrain from taking them for several days to a week. This really threw my dd off when at college she got a concussion and couldn't take her meds for about 2 weeks.
  8. I definitely remember you. Welcome back. I hadn't realized you had such a health scare. So glad you're doing okay and heading back to homeshooling...at least part time. I hope the transition goes smoothly.
  9. never been a fan of her...way too busy and "old lady" looking for my tastes. But, I've never really paid attention to styles and what's popular anyway, so I'm not the best person to ask. Funny thing though is that my teen/young adult dds love it, so I guess it's not as "old lady" looking as I thought.
  10. This is me too. I would like to keep a large dining area too, for when I see all my kids, spouses, and grandkids (9.5 and counting). We currently have a large master beddroom and it is SUCH a waste of space. I'm thinking about putting one of my looms in there because it does get a good amount of sun. Our previous house had just the right size master bdrm... big enough for a queen and a dresser and some walking room.
  11. even if she were Protestant I'd probably get her an icon of the guardian angel. It's a sweet icon and hardly going to offend the parents. here's one for a girl: http://www.light-n-life.com/icon-guardian-angel-with-girl-m-5-x-7.html
  12. I had the same problem. Some people tell my very personal things and I seem to be a confidant to them... I think because I'm a pretty quiet person, so they feel comfortable with someone who probably isn't going to blab. OTH, I seem distant to others, which probably looks a bit judgey and severe to the outside world.
  13. I got 13... the description was pretty right on. I'm going to pass this on to my kids. ** edited to add... it only took my about 5-10min to take. Did I do something wrong?? :confused1:
  14. Another person with an electric mattress pad. I love it. love, love, love it. Also, flannel sheets are a must. A room humidifer (warm air) will heat up the room too and make it a bit more comfortable during those dry winter nights. We also use a space heater for our daughter in our basement bedroom.
  15. This sounds like a facinating test.... saving it for when I have more time to take it
  16. Vera with Brenda Blethyn. It seems to go in and out of live-streaming both with Netflix and Amazon. It is very much like Broadchurch. Here's a link to the one for Netflix, which seems to not be live-streaming at the moment: http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Vera/70198119?strkid=1144510696_0_0&strackid=7a2f573398567903_0_srl&trkid=222336
  17. that's actually what I'd prefer. With the places I'm looking at the sign up fee is very different between them
  18. My dd (23) wants a gym membership and I was thinking of getting a 3 month membership at one of our local gyms. Of course, the *really* nice one in a nice part of town is 2x as much as the mediocre one in a less desirable part of town. I'm wondering if I give her a "coupon" for one and then we can go together to sign her up in a week that maybe the nicer gym will be have a New Year's resolution sale. I've never really paid attention to this stuff, so is that a possibility? Should I hold out?
  19. I'll put another vote for VA - and Western NC... very pretty there.
  20. The TV show Taxi. when "Rev." Jim Ignatowski was getting his driver's license... "What do you do when you get to a yellow light??"..... "slow down!".... "whaaat.......doooooo....yoooooou.....dooooooo......wheeeennnnn. yoooooou. geeeeet...toooo... aaaaaa.... yeeelllllooooowwwww..... liiiiiiight?" .... "Slow down!".... "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..... " priceless. If you youtube it will come up, it's pretty famous scene. Also, the scene in Anne of Avonlea when she meets the rich Mrs. Harris who thinks Anne is trying to blackmail the family concerning her late husband's famous shipwreck... Mrs. Miller very haughtily says, "My husband never ate anyone, dead or alive...and certainly not Jonas Selkirk"
  21. that's stinks...I'd be sad and mad too. :grouphug:
  22. I thought Old Calendar Christmas was the 7th. :confused1: Armenian Orthodox Christians are the only ones who celebrate Christmas on Jan. 6th because they calculated Christmas differently from the beginning
  23. oh no! That's too bad. It makes perfect sense that Biblical people were most mentioned, but since the writers of Lutheranism and the Book of Concord shape the Lutheran doctrine, they are still important people worth learning about (IMHO of course ;) )
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